Pistola is the best in the ****ing game!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Frag you're an asshole.

    @Peg, don't bother trying to talk to him. He's going to be an ass about every little thing.

    I still stand by my comments of no sprint. I don't see how it's necessary or will enhance competitive play.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It was made by MLG, how is that not official? Sure it wasn't used at DC, but v1.1 was, which is almost identical apart from the inclusion of KC's Sanc remake over that bodged Asylum version in v1. They can beg all they like (and if you genuinely think it's all of them begging for it, you're sorely mistaken, it's an embittered group who will quieten down eventually)

    And I responded with my views as to why I disagreed. But that's not the point. If you look back at your post which actually started this discussion, you will find the following:

    Surely you will agree that this reads as if the person writing it thinks there is an overshield on the map, otherwise there is no 'purpose' to 'defeat'. If you, as you are now saying, actually meant that an overshield would be a better option than AL, why didn't you say this, instead of trying to assert that the presence of AL was directly hindering the effectiveness of something which is not, has never been, and has no real indication of being, in MLG settings? Your only basis seems to be your devout belief that it will be included, that it's somehow not only perfectly logical but blindingly obvious to the point at which it doesn't have to be qualified as conjecture before having other decisions (ie. the removal of AL) based solely upon it. You take your own reasoning over any and all indication from official quarters as to what MLG is likely to include? You're pretty confident on this issue.

    There would be Pros in Halo: Reach if any teams or players had been awarded a pro seed. They have not because the final season of Halo 3 has not finished, and as such the Pros are still playing that. It has already been stated that the current Halo 3 top 8 will be awarded the top 8 Reach Pro seeds based on their finishes at the Dallas H3 Nationals, and seeds 9-16 will be given to the top 8 finishers of the Reach exhibition event at Dallas. Nothing to do with this 'learning curve' you talk about, I'm not sure where you get that from.

    Care to cite even one instance of that quote from 'several officials?' Once again, the lack of Pros in Reach is a purely technical matter, based on the fact that sequel and current titles have never had concurrent Pros (ie with the transition from Halo CE to Halo 2, and again with the transition from Halo 2 to Halo 3). MLG tried something new this time, instead of waiting for the current H3 season to end before introducing Reach at all (as they did with past transitions), they tried a sort of overlap aimed at testing out the game in a competitive setting prior to it's full release on the Pro Circuit, and therefore also allowing the AMs to get a nice little head start (something which is supposed to offset the criticisms of Pro's being given an easy run at keeping top 16 and AMs having to work their asses off to even get a shot at it).

    I studied the posts in question perfectly, thank you. I have provided (above) reasoning as to why I made the comments I did, with point by point reference to your comments. You have responded by spouting random crap spewed about why MLG is definitely going to have an OS and therefore your objections to AL based on OS were legitimate, apparently in a last ditch attempt to not come off as having made major, unfounded assumptions and ending up looking like an uninformed ass. Shame, it doesn't appear to have paid off.

    Agreed, MLG v2 settings are not finalised, but I for one have only heard from one source on that front (being the posts Ladnil has made in here). If you have other sources which even slightly imply that MLG is putting an OS in these settings, and can cite them, I'll be happy to agree that AL would be redundant (though tbh it's gone now, so this is a moot point, I just feel like continuing to point out how you slipped up and now can't admit it, but hey at least I'm honest ;)). Otherwise, I still fail to see how the subject of an OS is even slightly pertinent to bring up here.

    Also (and I'll admit this is a guess, since I haven't seen anything on the settings they plan on using for the Pro FFA, if someone could point me towards anything that does exist on this note it'd be appreciated), why would there be an overshield in an FFA? MLG FFA has maintained a standard of excluding power weapons and pickups, so why would the decision as to whether MLG use an overshield be reliant upon an FFA tournament that is unlikely to use one even if they were already dead set on it?

    EDIT: Lol rusty, you talk as if watching someone desperately trying to back pedal isn't straight up hilarious.
    #42 Pegasi, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Regarding V2 settings being finalized:

    I don't think the map/gametype lineup is set yet, but they have a whole offseason to work with after this event, as well as at least one, potentially two DLC Map Packs to add to the selection.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Nice, thanks man. I actually just saw that after finding that thread about 2 seconds before checking back here, lol. Also, looks like Genome is going down pretty well, props man, It'd be fantastic to see your map included in there.
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    What's this "it would be" business?

    edit: I have no idea what exactly was said or any details, but they announced my map won on the old spice report just a little bit ago.
    #45 Ladnil, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Party at your place?

    Seriously man, well deserved and ****in' awesome. Prepare to be namedropped like a beehatch.
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    At least that doesn't look as gay as Tom Brady's new hair, but that's still pretty bad, lol.
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I'll let you know when I'm actually trying Rusty.

    I must have made it confusing when I didn't put "final" instead of official. I tend to associate the both together.

    No, I have doubts they won't. I mean, GoW 2 has been out for two years, and everyone is still bitching about all the updates.

    MLG is a different matter though, so you may be right.

    And that is what one would usually ASSUME. Once again, I never clearly associated "overshield" and "Reach MLG" with the words "Is in." Once again, I will try to remind you that all of my thoughts have included the possibility of HAVING an overshield. And I repeat, I NEVER SAID THERE WAS.

    Surely, I do agree that some who "assumes" like will tend to think that. As you seem to be doing quite often lately.

    Try thinking of my statements as a hypothesis, and maybe then you might get what I'm saying.

    Now you seem to say that I think that it should be my way. And once again, I can understand why you would assume that. That is not the case. Unless you would say that you are doing the same thing, then I will "admit" that I'm doing the same thing.

    "They should put sprint into MLG"

    I am sorry that you have been mislead by my way of getting words across by your assumptions, but I am simply stating my opinions as to why armor lock should go. This does not mean I will shun, hate, flame, or kill MLG for making such settings; no, I'm still going to play MLG regardless.

    Also, a tip to make this easier for you is to not take anything I say seriously. Rusty thinks I'm trying to be an asshole, and you are stating that I'm "desparately trying to back pedal." Wouldn't that make things much more easier to get across then? So that we can actually understand ONE'S opinions. Thank you. I actually thought you were being mature until your "edit." Sorry to say, but please go back to being mature, and if I appear to be a hypocrite, I will do the same.

    You said it yourself, "I have not seen any good MLG players, only ugly DMR spamming." I do not see how you don't know of the learning curve. But, this is only assuming you're speaking of pros, and not regulars. Since there is no way to prove this in my eyes, then I apologize, since I already know you're going to say "I was not talking about the pros," and something along the lines of calling my a hypocrite.

    Please tell me this though. Do these "seeds" mean you're a fully bloomed proffesional?

    Once again, it sounds like I'm being the definition of a jackass, and I know you're going to doubt it when I say that I'm not trying to be, just trying to get my facts straight.

    The same officials you're saying that "say" there are pros. But in your previous paragraph, "not yet".

    However, I will admit you're right on this one. I suppose it can be a technical matter. Either way, and thank-you for clarifying it, there are no pros for Reach. Yet.

    I'm sorry, but you can not make a claim "perfectly" if you have not. Because you don't seem to see that you're still missing something.

    Please, try to calm down. I am not trying to be an ass, and I do not see any reason as to why you're angry.

    If asking you to try to mature, or to stop being a hypocrite, has made you angry I'm sorry, and it is obviously my fault. I honestly thought you could take it as you have told me you could in our previous arguments.

    On the other hand, you could be laughing at me, having a good time. If this is true, then ignore the above statement. I only ask that we may continue to chat more civilized rather than calling people "ass"es.


    I prefer overshields over AL.
    I never said there was OS.
    You're right about technical matters.
    I'm not trying to be an ass.
    I'm sorry if I offended you.

    My only source being my own conclusions.

    Halo2 and Halo3 used it.

    Several people are asking for Halo 2 settings.

    OS in my opinion requires more strats, and ,in my opinion, MLG tends to favor more strategic based equipement.

    In a way, AL is the same as bubble shield. You can't exit a BS in fear of dying. You are invincible from exterior firing. And it is only mobile until you deploy it. And from my recollection of MLG, there was no BS, so there might not be an AL.

    However, none of which I said is proof that there is going to be an OS.

    Now how did I say there was going to be one on FFA?

    I said we don't know of the major changes until AFTER FFA. Once again, I never clearly state there is an OS.

    As to why it would be dependant on whether to add an overshield or not I would not know. I ask that you stop making assumptions that there won't be one.


    Hilarious indeed. :/
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Ya know what? Not important, clearly it's gotten a little out proportion, so let's just drop it, agreed? The one thing I should point out is that actually I agree with you about OS being far preferable to AL. I hate AL with a passion, dude. You honestly have no idea, on the personal note of playing against it in MM anyway. Tbh I was fine with having it as a pickup in MLG, it'd probably still hack me right off once in a while in the playlist even only as a pickup, since I don't play 4s much in MM and AL is in it's element without proper team coordination. But where it matters, as an MLG gametype addition, I think it'd be fine.

    But still, can't say I'm sorry to see it go (which it has in V2, correct? Was it evade added on top of the current pickups, or will the pickups only be JP and Evade now?) I'd rather see a good ol' OS instead, but if AL is gone then I'm under the impression it would probably be neither.
    #49 Pegasi, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I have no idea about the pickups though.

    Sidenote, Pistola and FearitSelf are tied for MVP
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah I know man, good to see Pistola back where he belongs in the MVP spot. I'd still have picked just Pistola on his own but I'm a fanboy so can't be listened to. FiS played out of his mind when it mattered though, tis true.

    Still, Pistola for best overall '10 or the world is stupid.
    #51 Pegasi, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The world is stupid, but Pistola still for '10 MVP. Even if Instinct wins the Nationals, Pistola for season MVP.

    Also: Old Spice Report 13:45

    I can't believe I missed that live, considering I was even online on MLGpro.com and kept having to X out of the pop-up advertising that the OSR was live.
    #52 Ladnil, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  13. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Pistola is second. Sorry Pegasi, but no one can beat Chuck Norris. It's a proven fact.
  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Except Bruce Lee.

    YouTube - Nokia N96 Bruce Lee Limited Edition
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    So yeah, Dallas this weekend. Predictions to win it? I'm standing by Instinct, personally. Final Boss is probably the odd-on favorite to win though.]

    Not going to bother doing a full top 8 predictions post, most of the teams are pretty much equals overall and will vary day to day.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    FB to make WBF, I genuinely can't say how Instinct are playing and since I don't think we've ever seen both teams really on top form at once (Instinct seem pissed, and fair enough tbh, I can imagine they've been practicing their asses off), it's hard for me to call. I gotta back FB though, just for the sheer determination they've shown throughout '10 and causa Pistola.

    Agreed on top 8, dunno what to call, the whole BtH/Dyansty/SQ etc. situation is just too up in the air to pick placings, but this is gonna be one hell of an event imo. TD to play very well, I can still see them taking third since Instinct and FB are basically both guaranteed to show up and whilst TD are incredibly good, I don't think they can take either of those two teams when on top form, especially when it would count on Sunday.
  17. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    SQ was just down by 6 at one point in the Pit TS game, and came back to win it 50-33. Ace, Enable, and Assault were all on fire. That was a massacre.

    BTH v TD. I can't decide which team I want to lose more.
    #57 Ladnil, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    BtH for me, I actually quite like this new tD squad despite who is on it, Neighbor's actually playing well.
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Hysteria won the FFA Bic flex Reach contest. Everyone says that he's mastered the DMR.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Every matchup so far has been won by the higher seeded team, and with SQ just plain dumping on BtH that trend looks like it's gonna continue.

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