Remake Turf V.2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by HolmzMcJonz777, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. HolmzMcJonz777

    HolmzMcJonz777 Forerunner
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    So I'm brand new here so hopefully I can figure everything out smoothly enough. Thought I'd extend my hello with my submission to the Forgotten Treasures 2 contest. Feedback is always welcome :)

    Turf was always my favorite map from Halo 2 so I figured I'd give it a shot. Everything should be pretty close to the original as far as proportions go as I placed the majority of Turf 2.0's objects and buildings based on the original overhead map of Halo 2's Turf.

    Classic/Offensive Spawn

    Med Tent NOW WITH MEDPACKS! There are also some kits in the warehouse corner of the map for anyone wondering.

    Downed Scarab/Defensive Spawn

    Back Alley's famous dumpster grenade stash. Couldn't believe that Halo 2 had 3 plasma's AND 3 frags behind that crate when I went back and checked it out again. Downsized that just a tad for Reach.

    Again feedback is encouraged. Although I think I had like $5 in the Forge account to use so I don't know if many changes can be done. Cya around the forums!

    Edited by merge:

    And for some reason the image didn't appear on the actual thread list. Help?
    #1 HolmzMcJonz777, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    First off, more pictures of the map would be nice. You have a sufficient amount to meet the requirements, but I can't get an idea of what a quarter of the map looks like.

    In regard towards your thumbnail if it is still not working, insert the direct http link, but do not use the BB code in that entry. None of this:

    Hope that helps.
  3. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    well you got the overall shape and feel of turf down but ur porportions from the what i can tell from the pics are way off. also i wouldnt use a oneway shield door for the breakable glass in the market, it needs to be able to go both ways so people can jump down to it as well as up but thats my 2 cents. anyway its decent but it needs to be upgraded 3/5
  4. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
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    I think I've seen you posting in every Turf Remake, and each time the comment had a hair of constructive criticism mixed with a bunch of unhelpful criticism. You have your own turf remake and your comments are uncalled for. You have a bias, which is understandable, but it is getting the better of you. Leave the Rookie alone and let people get their own opinions without being affected by yours. If you believe your remake is indeed superior then these petty comments aren't necessary.
  5. Fixmyringodeath

    Fixmyringodeath Forerunner

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    this is so fun to play, i tried it before i joined forge hub, but never knew who made it!
  6. HolmzMcJonz777

    HolmzMcJonz777 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    As requested.

    Warehouse interior

    View of offensive spawn from warehouse

    Warehouse alley

    Another med tent shot

    Med tent alley

    Med tent alley 2

    Still can't figure out how to get the thumbnail image up on the thread list page. Where do I place the html code after the thread has already been posted?

    I've been on forums before this use of an image title is brand new to me though...

    Edited by merge:

    Thank you kindly although unless we were paired up in matchmaking this version of Turf is probably brand new to you. But hopefully you like it all the same if not better? :)
    #6 HolmzMcJonz777, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  7. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Ok for the dude that bitched me out, yes im posting on peoples turf remakes, i am comparing them with my own and seeing what they did and i didnt and visversa. As for you saying that i am saying un needed things about their map, how so? i am giving them some advice on the map thats all, im not saying their maps are terrible or that mine is so much better i am saying, its to small here or u should put something here.

    But anyways enough with my rant, I like what you did in the garage with the crates the teleporter stand for the crates was a good idea and i like how it gave a little nich for a health pack, also the rest of the map looks pretty cleaned up. Everything looks better while there are still some porportion problems it looks like the map seems much better.
  8. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
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    You really should download the map before you judge it. To say that the proportions are are way off without even downloading it is just flat out rude.
    Dude don't worry about gamefreak he did the same exact thing when I posted my remake of the pit only he said, "oh, mine is much more accurate" yet when I downloaded his proportions were just ehh. Sorry about the ramble but bottom line you should not judge a map without even downloading it its in the rules report his post and mention this and it will be removed downloading now and then and only then will I let you know what I think.

    Edited by merge:

    Nice, plays really well with Reach. Very nice use of color and merges. Definitely a keeper probably the best Turf remake at least out of what i have seen. The only other thing I have to say is I'm not too sure how I feel about the one-way shield. Great Job!
    #8 kdavis73, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  9. HolmzMcJonz777

    HolmzMcJonz777 Forerunner
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    Yeah I' been thinking about removing the shield door myself as that one element in particular has been the most questioned part of the map. It would also give me much needed currency for other more important parts of the level. Thank you for the feedback though!

    So with that here's my question, what is the best way one would go about remixing the map on these forums? Make a new thread with the new map? Or delete the existing file and replace it with the new version along with replacing all the links here? Don't know if doing anything like that is a good idea right now though just in case the contest is still being reviewed.
  10. rusty290

    rusty290 Ancient
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    Original Post---"hmmmm, interesting. Ill check it out. Look at my version."

    Updated Post---
    I checked it out and there was some thing that i felt were ingenious on your part. The Scarab, looks exactly like the one from Turf, well done. The over all size of the map; and the map layout was pretty much the same. Weapon and player spawns were what I imagined. The sheild door for the warehouse should stay how it is. It acts almost exactly how it does in Halo 2: it lets people and cars in and bullets and rockets out. Yes, the sheild door is transparent, but I don't really think thats a problem. It goes both ways meaning if you can see you enemy, the enemy can see you unlike in Halo 2.

    I was disapointed in seeing the corners angled with the glass cover, it gives the illusion of cover. Also the small "buildings" and "boxes" should be lowered a tad; everytime i try to jump up on one or onto a roof, I don't make it because its too high and I look like an idiot in a match lol. And try to make all the walkways level so there is no bumps. For the most part it was level, but like where the Hog and Plasma Launcher was.... Me and my friends did a custom match and found this to be difficult. And as for the bridges, I would take them out all together.

    Although I have a Turf map and this post might be biast, I think this was a good attempt to recreat a Turf, hell it looks like it. But the overall placing of the objects in forge was its downfall. I hope this helps for you and i look forward on seeing the new version if there is one. 3/5
    #10 rusty290, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010

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