MLG Midship

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by yugiohiscoolpojo, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    hey this is a map i have been working on for a while and i finally finished, it's a remake of the halo 2 map midship. the map is set up for slayer, flag and oddball, and it is almost perfectly to scale, because i counted how long it should take to get to each spot,also when i made the respawn zone for ctf it took up the exact same area as the respawn zone in halo 3. i only used halo 3 for setting up the gametypes and the spawns other than that it is all midship. i played halo 2 the entire time i remade this and i think i got all of he jumps in and hiding spots plus one jump from heretic cause i liked that one, it's the ledge you can jump on in p2. anyways here are the pictures.

    pic 1: picture of the sword spawn and c2


    pic 2: picture of p2 and 3 with the jump from heretic added in


    pic 3: picture of one of th bases and the ledge you can jump on


    pic 4: picture of most of c side


    pic 5: picture of the ledge on p side that you can walk up to p3 and the wall in front of the base you can get on(in heretic i think it was a double jump if you want to get to it without jumping from the sword spawn and it is a double jump on this. i think you could just crouch jump up it though on midship.)


    pic 6: picture of shotgun spawn and the three pillars in the middle of the map, you can't see it but the gravity lifts are actually there and they don't throw you into the ceiling or hurt you at all. also you can jump up and use the lifts from the bottom like you could in midship but not in heretic. heretic also left out the destructable panels on the pillars but i tried to remake them with portable shields, only thing is they respawn, and i wanted to use a fixed pallet but apperantly there are no pallets on forgeworld.


    those aren't pictures of the entire map , there is still p1 and the rooms to the side and bottom of the bases but i didn't want to put up too many pics so you'll have to dl it to see the rest. and i was hoping if anyone who downloads this could tell me if i left anything out, like a jump or hiding spot, and the two caves leading to c2 could be better (they were the last things i made and i only had rocks left) so suggestions would be helpful, cause i want to submit this in the forgotten treaures contest, hope you like it.

    edit: o yeah forgot to mention, if you don't download the gametype you should put the jump height to 125% so you can make the jumps that should be makeable.
    #1 yugiohiscoolpojo, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2011
  2. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Out of all of the remakes, this is the most promising Midship/Heretic remake. downloaded.

    LETHAL BLOW Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I didin't really like Midship, but your map looks like a good remake. and the forging is preety cool. 5/5 stars - Keep Forging! :D
  4. rjgladysiewicz

    rjgladysiewicz Forerunner

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    I admire your efforts but a remake of midship cannot and will not happen with reach's present set of forge objects. Try as you might but most forge objects are linear,rectangle based pieces whereas midship was composed of custom made round pieces.

    Nice attempt though.
  5. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    the gameplay doesn't really change just because the pieces aren't round. it just looks a little more square and the walls are still curved and all. and you can still walk up all the round things you could walk up in halo 2 and 3. but yeah it would be impossible to make it perfect with all the square pieces.

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was a bit surprised when i went into this map how accurate it looked and felt. Great job.

    That being said, I can't help but wish you release a separate version of this with reach's jumping mechanics in mind....
  7. Bart Laan

    Bart Laan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Maybe you could put a purple FX in. Forgive me if you tried and if it sucks... Otherwise, looks pretty good.
  8. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    bart laan, i tried a purple fx and it didn't really look right, i think it was too dark. but i think the best light effects was a combination of juicy and next gen. if you want to change the lights you can just delete the two purple lights at the bottom of the bases and replace them with the two fx since they cost the same.

    also duderman, do you know what the mlg jump height is? cause i was thinking of making a version with mlg weapons and settings so i would have to make everything a little shorter but i don't know how high mlg jump is and i couldn't find it on the mlg site so i can't test it yet. if i make another verson i want it to work with mlg settings and i need to make a few other changes to the map, like i forgot to put the four pieces of cover on the sword bridge and i need to make those caves to c2 a lot better.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG is on 110% jump with 150% gravity

    This map has the worst framerate issues of any map I've downloaded. Looking anywhere but directly at the wall in front of you makes everything stutter. The geometry is impressively accurate, but you simply can't afford to do what you've done here because of these frame rate issues.
  10. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    are you sure about the 150 % gravity? cause i wanna remake it to work for mlg , also does anybody have any idea on how to make the framerate better? like are there certain pieces i shouldnt use?
  11. Pyretech

    Pyretech Forerunner

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    Great map, but like everyone said, the framerate was terrible. The MLG Settings for Reach are here. Stop merging a lot to fix the framerate issue.
  12. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    thanks, i just recently found the mlg settings, i think its 200 gravity. also, are you saying if i get rid of the z fighting it won't lag? cause i'll make a version without it if it makes the framerate better. o yea, if i just raise one of the pieces or lower it with the left stick click thing is that how you get rid of the flash, and can you tell there is a bump when you do that?
  13. Pyretech

    Pyretech Forerunner

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    Yes, Z-fighting makes it lag. Other factors are included, but that makes it lag the worst.
  14. l3urr

    l3urr Forerunner

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    Good map but you gotta rebuild it on tempest so it doesnt lag as much
  15. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lights cause lots of framerate lag... So does glass, or anything transparent. Lots of merging, z-fighting, and any other complicated pieces cause framrate issues as well... (i.e. lots of sides/angles and whatnot.) You could also remake it on Tempest on make it lag less.

    Also, MLG is 110% jump and 150% gravity.
    #15 Erupt, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  16. Superflydemon

    Superflydemon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    man, i have actually been working on a remake myself, we shall see how they compare :)

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