for fans of Midship & Onslaught DOWNLOAD PANDEMIC ||Description|| This map was designed with older style arena maps from HaloCE. This doesnt reflect any one of them personally, but moreso just the style. This map is ideal for Team Slayer, but works well with FFA and CTF as well. Each team starts off at one end of the map, staring straight at each other, sword in sight. The beginning is a rush to the center to begin the battle for control. Symmetrically sound, this map has multiple levels of combat, with snipers on the side for each team. ||INVENTORY|| • battle rifle [8] • carbine [2] • brute shot [2] • sword [long respawn] • sniper rifle [2] • shotgun [2 - single clip] • smg [2] • spikers [2] • spartan lazer [long respawn] • rocket launcher [single clip - long respawn] • frag & plasma grenades • bubble shield • power drain • flare ||SETUP FOR|| - FFA SLAYER - TEAM SLAYER [recommended] - CAPTURE THE FLAG ||LAYOUT||
It certainly looks like a map from Halo: CE. That was a much simpler time... Alas, I like halo 3 more.
Looks pretty cool although the barriers look ready to fall at any moment (screens 2 and 3) I'll try it out
not what i was expecting but still a great map, i like how you tried to recreate the feel of halo 1 and 2 maps without actuallly remaking any of them. i can't find any problems with this map other than it's a bit basic, there is no real feature that you will remember but it's very good anyways.
That is what I thought! There is one map in particular, that I can't put my finger on, that this map reminds me of... Agreed...
It looks basic but functional. Also the changes in elevation mixed with space do lend it that Halo CE feel. Total DL.
i really likes midship but this somehow doesn't remind me of it... midship was about these crazy jumps and a death pit in the middle lol but dont get me wrong, the map is great, nice job of interlocking also
I havent read everyone elses posts so sorry if this has already been said, but from what it looks like the right and left 'lanes' I guess you could call them seem waaay too empty. It also seems like theres too many power weapons, maybe move the sniper down to where the shotgun is and get rid of the shotty, or pick between either the shotgun or the sword and put them where the swords at Also with one of the man cannons I always miss, I dont really get what its supposed to be shooting at
i believe you are referring to my other map "REDEMPTION". there are no man cannons on this level. Thanks for the feedback regardless!
HUUUGGGE FAN OF ONSLAUGHT AND MIDSHIP!!!!! so I am going to be very harsh : p. My stupid computer won't show the pictures but I will edit this post and tell you how i feel about it...
this was my first map, and it isnt like, a remake of those maps or anything. so please keep that in mind. my more recent maps are a better example of my work. im still very interested to hear your thoughts though!