
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by rbenhase, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By the way, you should submit your map to MLG for their "featured map" post. There are currently 38 pages of people submitting maps and three have one so far (seems to go every couple of weeks), but this map absolutely trounces anything I've seen there so far.
  2. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    Honestly, it was pretty randomly chosen. The working title of the map was "Memoriam," but the green color that I used on the main elevator made me think of mint... and so it was born.

    That's an excellent idea. I just submitted it... never would have thought to do that. I kind of doubt anyone will notice it among all those other posts, but thanks for the suggestion... I really appreciate it.
  3. Reggie Freakin Wayne

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    You are a Forge God.

    I have always liked your maps because each one is very original. This one, however, is the most well-rounded I have seen in respect to gameplay. And yet it still is very unique!

    You have really matured in your Forge-skills. You went from just neat ideas to a really solid map that is well-worthy of a feature either here or on Bungie!

    Edited by merge:

    Forgot to mention that I have never seen anyone make an elevator quite like that. I was aware of the technique of using one-way shields but had never seen anyone utilize it in a competitive map. Awesome work!
    #23 Reggie Freakin Wayne, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  4. htownb4lla

    htownb4lla Ancient
    Senior Member

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    finally got around to dl'ing it last nght before I went to bed and gave it a run thru this morning. Amazing work, very very impressive. Love the coloring and aesthetics. was a little dissappointed I couldnt get ontop of some parts with the soft kill zone, but I understand why and thats nothing to detract from the map.

    Excellent work tho, seems to flow pretty smoothly but we didnt have a full set of people in the party. Everyone that was present had glowing remarks about it. GJ.
  5. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys.

    Yes, it took me a while to become familiar and comfortable with Forge on Halo Reach, but I feel pretty good now. If this map gets the attention that Ore got initially, I think it could be really great, because I think Mint is a much better map.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't stand out as much in pictures, so I am hoping people can still find interest enough to give this one a download. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think this map is worth it.

    I haven't gotten much criticism on this map, but if anyone has any, I would love to hear it.
  6. S42

    S42 Forerunner

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    This isn't exactly criticism, but could you explain what you mean by Z-fighting?
  7. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Z-fighting takes places when two merged objects share a plane... it's that flickering/flashing you see on maps with a lot of phased objects... it's distracting. I did everything I could to avoid it on this map.
  8. Tron Paul

    Tron Paul Forerunner

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    Downloaded the map and did a quick walkthrough. Excellent job.

    Weapon locations for a few things need to be changed. Not too big on the shotgun placement on the bottom floor. Could be beneficial to switch that with the rockets. The location of the sniper is a bit tough. The platform its on is almost too easy to defend. Perhaps moving the sniper to a lower level will make it easier to prevent it. Adding another sniper on this kind of map would be highly recommended. With having one sniper on a map that vertically heavy and also has long sightlines, possessing the sniper can lead to domination.

    Other than a few diagonal spawns on the 3rd floor (move the back into the corner), a bump on the green spawn (problem solved by moving the glass cover down .1 height), and a ledge on the wall below the sniper spawn, this map is purely solid.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    After I downloaded it and walked around, I played with 3 friends of mine. I have to say, this map is pretty awesome, but this guy took the words right out of my mouth. I really recommend all the weapon swaps he mentioned.

    PS. It is against forum rules to have edited images as the thread thumbnail. Please swap it out for a regular screenshot of the map. I don't want you to be infracted for it.
    #29 thesilencebroken, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  10. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments... your post is definitely the most critical/helpful out of any of them, and I really do value that. The tiny bump by rockets pains me because I didn't notice it, even during playtesting. Thanks for pointing it out.

    As for the weapon swaps, I think we have an honest disagreement. The sniper perch is very vulnerable, as it is very exposed in multiple directions, and there's also the tunnel behind it which allows people to safely sneak up and surprise you. I tried a few different power weapon placements, and from playtesting, this seemed to work out best; the Sniper Rifle didn't seem to dominate at all. To really use it well, you'll have to keep moving.

    The Rockets are located where they are in part to also help balance the Sniper. I agree that the Shotgun is a bit out of the way on the bottom floor, but I think it could come in handy to counter anyone who might decide to try and camp the top of the elevator. Rockets are by far the most dominant weapon, but they are limited in ammo and respawn time.

    So, I appreciate the input, but I really think the weapon configuration works well as-is. If you get a chance to play it with some friends and still disagree, let me know... I'm always willing to change my mind.

    Oh crap. Must have misread the rules. I will fix now. Sorry!
  11. skabeds

    skabeds Ancient
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    Another sick map rbenhase. I'm totally stoked you commented on my maps. 1) because you're obviously a good forger, and 2) I probably wouldn't have found your maps. I haven't had a chance to playtest it (waiting on my friends) but I did look around. Super clean. From the lift, to the colors, to the layout. I want to live there. Thats how nice it is. The only thing I was thinking about was essentially the only reason to go downstairs is for the shotgun... maybe the lift but even then you wouldn't spend much time down there. Maybe switching it with one of the other power weapons (sniper/rockets) would be a good idea. It also would create more of a gamble to go get them with all that open space and move the game play to more spaces on the map. Just an idea. Like I said, I haven't playtested it yet so I could be wrong.
  12. yellowston3

    yellowston3 Forerunner

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    Just got a chance to run around your map a bit. Very clean and I bet the openness promotes some aggressive gameplay. I know it's already been said but that lift.... Is sweet. What gametype do recommend most?
  13. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I agree with what you are saying about the first floor. My original intention was to connect the bottom level to the second level in the back, on each side, but I ran out of useful objects. Fortunately, people still seem to use the bottom floor--they just don't hang around long. It's either to get the shotgun, go through the lift, or drop down on another player who is doing one of the two aforementioned things. I would have liked to have had another connection, but it simply wasn't possible, and I think things still work out quite well. If nothing else, it's a good place for spawn points.

    I recommend slayer, both FFA and teams, and multi-flag.
  14. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    ok from what I saw this map looks very nice but the gameplay may not be...the map seems to be way too open for a serious match....the map need more things to close it up a little to elimanate spawn killing, kill stealing, and camping on the top floor...
    #34 anime halo, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  15. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I understand your concern, but after hours of testing I don't think that is the case. If you play the map, I think your concerns will be mostly absolved. Spawns are very well hidden and the openness actually makes camping very difficult, as you're vulnerable and must keep moving to survive. Give this one a chance with a few friends in slayer. If you still feel this way, let me know. I'm always open to improvement and I do very much appreciate the criticism.
  16. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    First lemme congratulate you on the awesome map. It's one of the first extremely vertical maps I actually like. I did want to offer some constructive criticisms, however: I think the top of the lift is a bit too easy to defend, especially with the rocket launcher which happens to be the weapon that spawns there. I know the shotgun beneath the lift is supposed to prevent camping here but this doesn't seem to work since you can either see or at least hear when they are coming up the lift and just back up and fire into the center of the lift before they ever get close enough with the shotty. In case you miss the first sound, there's even the second man cannon sound which lets you know exactly when to fire into it if you're from the side. And also attacking that top area from the side ramps is also a little too hard; maybe the walls in front of them provide too much cover to know when to start shooting or throwing grenades. By the time you can really see them, they already have the drop on you.

    I have a few different ideas to remedy the situation, if you agree that its a problem, if not that's cool. Maybe it would help to remove or make transparent the walls in front of the ramps, or by putting some fusion coils up by the doorway that leads out to rocket platform to prevent camping up there. One other option to consider is replacing the window beneath the rocket pad with ramps that lead out, around, and up to it, providing another check from behind similar to what you did with the sniper area. Finally, you may just want to lower the rocket to no clips so that once someone gets that advantage, at least they can't get four easy kills. Just some ideas to consider. That problem aside I really like the map, good work man!
  17. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mint made Bungie's Most Recommended Maps List within 4 days of its debut, thanks largely to all of your help.

    Those are good suggestions. Unfortunately, I'm out of useful objects, so the easiest thing to do would be to limit the Rocket Launcher to no spare clips like you said. Even now, it's limited to one spare clip and a fairly long respawn time, so in my experience it often leads to three or four quick kills, but it's not much of a "camping" weapon that can throw off the entire game.

    Thanks again, everyone, for helping Mint make Bungie's Most Recommended Maps List!
  18. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    Just played this last night.

    Eight people, Slayer played well. one issue though, with the top Kill volume is that you can get to this little teensy tiny ledge towards the rocket side of the map by dropping down from on top just before the soft kill counter hits zero. might be an issue for oddball. I'll take a screencap next time I get on for more clarification.
  19. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wasn't aware of that issue. Thanks for bringing it up, and I would like to see exactly what you're talking about. Fortunately it sounds like it shouldn't have an impact on any games except Oddball.

    Meanwhile, Mint has had over 2500 downloads in one week! Thanks everyone!
  20. Reko

    Reko Forerunner

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    This is a nicely forged map. I really like the slow lift, first time I saw one like that.
    I think the map is a bit bland in the central area without a lot of cover and its quite a risk to go in to get the shotgun and then theres nowhere its really useful.
    Looks great though.

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