Remake Reconstructed

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ehand88, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Reconstructed is a very accurate remake of the map Construct from Halo 3. I have spent the past few weeks forging this map for the Forgotten Treasures 2 contest and have finished it just in time. I'm glad forge doesn't track how many hours you spend on a map, because I'm sure it would be a ridiculous number of hours. I realize that most people either absolutely hate or love the original Construct, but I decided to recreate it in Reach to see how the gameplay is with the new armor abilities. Jetpacks definitely change the way Reconstructed is played, but for the most part gameplay remains true to the original. All jumps from the original Construct are included as well as all original weapons that are still in Reach. The missile pod has been replaced with the grenade launcher, brute shots have been replaced by concussion rifles, maulers have been replaced by plasma repeaters, and the flamethrower has been replaced by the plasma launcher. Reconstructed is currently set up to play Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Oddball, Headhunter, and Stockpile. Well I'm going to keep this thread short and simple, so here are some screenshots.

    Mouse-over Screenshots










    Action shots

    Thanks for checking out this thread and please be sure to leave some feedback and rate the map after you download and give it a try.

    #1 ehand88, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2010
  2. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Awww it's all boxed in? I'll miss jumping off the edge on accident on the platform just above the large yellow lift.
  3. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Why say just negative things? Compliment him on the good parts of his map, too!

    I for one think the map looks absolutely amazing. Just by looking at it I can immediately tell that it's Construct. The mouse-overs are a VERY nice touch to the thread, as it lets people see just how accurate this map is. I can't wait to relive some classic Halo 3 gameplay on this map! 5/5, amazing job!
  4. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Wow, this map is pretty dang good. The overall structure is good, but the details aren;t great. But they don't have to be. I'm sure the gameplay is good, and hopefully the spawns are nice. I'll give it a DL, gl on the Forgotten Treasures contest. Too bad though there's no missle pod or flamethrower. Also it wont have the nice aesthetic background, but it's all good. Nice job.

    Also from the pics it doesn't look like theres a hole in the middle that would lead to the flamethrower, hopefully it's just the angle of the pic because that would be a change.
    #4 Dulden, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  5. BRI Manning

    BRI Manning Forerunner

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    lol i moved my mouse over the action shots expecting a flashback XD

    anyways, good job on your map. only problem i see is a few jumps and the fact that its boxed in...

    will download never the less and play test :) when i get the time
  6. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Yes, there are walls surrounding the map, but they are not next to the edge of the actual map. They are only there because the waterfall and cave area caused a pretty good bit of lag.

    Thank you sir, you won't be disappointed.

    The dropdown hole is still there, when I took the screenshot I realized it was a little bit off but I adjusted that.

    Yeah mouseover action shots would be pretty legit haha. I'll have to try that next time.
  7. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    But how would you do this with Headhunter? :O
  8. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    Is it me or does this lag on the ground floor? (not the basement)
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh.. Construct. I miss this map from H3. I'm glad to see someone finally remade it! It looks pretty faithful, good job!
  10. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
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    Best remake of Construct to date; unfortunately, unplayable in my opinion. While it is the most accurate remake, it's also very sloppy. Also, if you replace some of those window ceilings with solid ceilings, it may reduce the lag. Overall, the big issue I have with it, is the lag. It's noticeable, and it's just not acceptable. At a competitive level it would effect gameplay, and as such, I just can't recommend this map to others. However, if you were to work out the lag kinks, we'd definitely have a winner as far as quality goes. This thread might be of some help to you, if you didn't already check it out.
  11. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    First, what is sloppy about the map? I went out of my way to make sure that there are no bumps, no z-fighting, unnecessary objects, etc. so I'm not sure what you are talking about. Second, to say that the map is unplayable is quite a stretch. There are two spots on the map that are a little laggy, but its no more noticeable than on Vanilla, which was recently featured. I did my best to eliminate as many objects as possible but the lag is inevitable on larger scale Reach maps so theres not much to do about it. I hope you will give this another try because I believe it is a fun map nonetheless.
  12. Nsane F34R

    Nsane F34R Forerunner

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    Amazing remake, it gives off the feeling of familiarity and reminiscence, and i loved how you built the structure to accommodate the gravity differentiation. Really good job, keep up the good work
  13. ProfessorFox

    ProfessorFox Ancient
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    Looks good. I tried it out in forge, and everything looks pretty faithful to the original. but, maybe replace the covanent batteries with fusion cores; they look more like them. And also, the lifts work better than I dreamed, but they are a little off when you look at the entrance from the ground floor (not basement). overall though, this is awesome.
  14. its LEB

    its LEB Forerunner

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    This looks like a great remake, it seems like it would play exactly like the original. I am just thinking that the scenery and aesthetics aren't really there, which would give the game a different feel. Even though it is hard to put these outdoor details on a map, I have seen people do it really well, and it is worth the effort. But great map either way will DL
  15. ZServ

    ZServ Ancient
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    There are no bumps, z-fighting etc. But, as I said, ANY lag makes a map unplayable to me. Just like a PC player would consider a lag spike horrible, I consider in-game lag horrible.

    The grav lift is a serious issue as it is. A; you'll get less lag if you have the stripes going horizontal, B; you cant throw grenades up into it, C; can't throw them down it. The other ones also stop grenades, making that a safe camping area.

    Sword spawn causes a HUGE fps drop if looking down at floor level. Many jumps also no longer work (which can be blamed on the new jump height, but for Odyssey the creator accounted for that and has so far remade Lockout perfectly for default Reach gameplay). You can also get out of the map in 2-3 different areas, but you've played killzones nicely so it's not really a problem.

    Please don't misunderstand me, it's a great remake, and definitely the best so far, in terms of aesthetics and playability. I just believe that it can be taken even further, with some adjustments. It is a fun map, just not for super competitive play. :)
  16. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Looks great and true to the orginal! Loved the mouseover pics so we can compare, and there is a really good correlation. From the pics I would think it will play much like the original. You have my DL. :)

    Keep up the good work!
    #16 Voltage, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    No...there is another. (Quote from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi). This certainly isn't a bad remake. I mean just by looking at it you ca tell what it is, and it plays fairly similarly. It was sloppy in various places, things could have looked much smoother with better planning and proper allocation of forge pieces. I also had some noticeable framerate issues on the bottom tier...

    There isn't too much to say, its a remake. Not bad, but unfortunately not the best. I have recently tested (I forgot who is working on it... someone from the pub I know that much) a much better remake. I don't want to come off as harsh, but when it comes to remakes you need to hear the truth. Its not the worst, but its not the best.. yet. You've proven you are capable of making a good remake, but its up to you to keep refining your technique, and to keep at it to make a perfect remake.
  18. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I have permission from Shadow to Necro this thread.

    Today I downloaded your remake, I was incredibly pleased with the attention to detail, the grav lifts were a great idea, it actually felt like the original Construct lifts. I had a 1v1 with my cousin, I came across minimal bad spawns, but what I noticed the most was the intense lag. I know it's almost impossible to not have any lag, but I went into forge myself and deleted the boundary walls and the lag in Mid, Sniper Spawn, Under Sword Spawn were all gone. However, there still was lag looking back from the Sword. The only way I could get rid of it was adding walls etc to prevent you from looking out onto Mid and below. Unfortunately doing so doesn't make it a true 100% remake, but for gameplay I would suggest making these small changes.
  19. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Thank you for necro-posting this thread because this is the best remake of Construct I've seen, and I've been looking for a good remake.

    This map was very well made and feel almsot like the original.
  20. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    if this map could fit in tempest, I really recommend doing that as the frame rate problem is not as bad there.

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