Fable 3 anyone?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by fr4gb4i7, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. fr4gb4i7

    fr4gb4i7 Forerunner

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    This time tomorrow I'll be hanging out at Gamestop waiting to get my hands on Fable 3.
    I borrowed a friend's Xbox to play through the first one, and Fable 2 is the reason I got a 360. ( I used to be a hardcore Nintendo fanboy ) I've got a feeling I won't be playing much Reach in the next few months, between me and my roommate I have a feeling Fable will be spinning in my system pretty much nonstop. I'll probably wind up posting my strictly amateur review on this thread once I get my hands on it and get some solid play in.

    In the meantime, in the interest of discussion:

    Touch looks cool if they can pull it off without being boring and repetitive.

    I'm glad they dropped Kinect support. I think kinect is a grab for Nintendo's market share. I also think it'll be cool eventually, but it'll take developers awhile to get the hang of it. Hopefully we won't be subjected to a mountain of frantic arm-wavey shovelware in the meantime. (I'm looking at you Wii)

    Motherfucking John Cleese yo!

    Can we have a real ending this time? My first playthrough of Fable 2 Reaver shot Lucien, because I was waiting for the cutscene to end so I could fight the final epic boss. God I hope I get to kill that bastard in 3. For that and for shooting Barnum. I liked Barnum.

    Bring back the Crucible! Epic Crucible battles please!

    Also, I'm hoping the clothes and dyes don't suck. Character customization was one of my favorite features of the second game, but it could have still used a lot of work. The possibilities were endless, but I always ended up wearing pretty much the same thing because there were only a handful of items that didn't look like crap.

    Thoughts? Second opinions? Sound off!
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm upset that hardly anyone is talking about this game. I'm pumped, but I'm not exactly sure what to do seeing as how I'm completely engrossed in New Vegas.
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I never actually played the first, but I did play the second. Was totally awed by the storyline and mechanics. I'll have to wait a little while, as I'm not sure whether to buy this or the new fallout.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Okay, i got my Fable 3 at midnight, had it pre-ordered.

    Im sitting here trying to send my Villager to my game but cant. It says I need a "redemption" code? Is the "redemption" code the same code that gets you your sword and tattoo?

    Im getting frustrated...
  5. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Meh, not super excited about Fable 3, First two where easy, second one had meh Multiplayer. Yes, I know they are meant to be that way, but honestly, if a game isn't hard or doesn't provide a challenge, then why I am I playing it? Games are meant to be challenging.
  6. fr4gb4i7

    fr4gb4i7 Forerunner

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    Fable has its challenges. It's not a traditional RPG by any means, but its about as role playing as you can get imo. I had it pre-ordered and picked it up at midnight, been playing for about two hours (had to finish some forging before I put that down for a bit) and just now finished the intro and "training" mission. The training mission was a bit of a bore, but I can see where it's necessary for newbs to the series. It was chock full of references to 2, so that was enough to keep me engaged.

    @Shihuru: You should have gotten a redemption code when you finished the villager creation game, that's the one you need to use.
  7. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Damn you americans, us brits have to wait till friday!

    ...even though lionhead is a UK company. Work that one out :S
  8. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Well, I havent played it, but I watched about 45 minutes of gameplay.

    First of all, the graphics are impressive. The music is pretty good too, although very similar to the last game. The dog is also pretty awesome, although I found the way you reacted with the townsfolk and stuff pretty nerfed, although it was only the first 45 minutes, so maybe it changes.

    The thing I need to talk about is the decision making. It isnt like the last game. In the last game, each decision was simply good or evil. Black or White.
    In this game, the first major decision was actually neither. No good or evil. It was a very hard decision, and it was just a shade of grey. The person doing the LP actually said he put down the controller and needed to think about it.

    It looks fantastic, and I hope to rent it over the coming weeks.
  9. Ark Architect

    Ark Architect Forerunner

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    It Looks Awesome I want it!
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yes, I've completed it, but where do they give me my redemption code? The box to put in the code was the only thing that popped up...

    Was gamestop suppose to give me my code on receipt or in the box?
  11. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    Watched my fiancè play it for a while today. Looks like a major improvement over Fable 2, my least favorite of the series. I'm gonna try it out tomorrow probably.
    As for the create your own villager, I've heard from a few people that if you got your copy from Best Buy, you should get the code. But if you got it from Gamestop or any other retailer, chances are you won't have the code. I can't confirm this 100%, but it seems pretty evident considering pretty much no one got it-I didn't.

    Also, it was supposed to be on the receipt.
  12. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Ok okay! I've got some information. I saw that other people who preordered from gamestop also didnt get their code on their receipt, so they called gamestop and now its getting emailed to them.

    So i think im gonna call gamestop now, lets see if they'll email mines...

    On another note, someone has already found an infinite gold glitch for Fable 3. Damn, you cannot underestimate the determination of a gamer...

    To take advantage of this glitch, the process is fairly simple. All you need is an additional controller for someone so they can jump right in to the main characters current game. This glitch can give the player an infinite amount of money to use in the game (999,999,999) plus all gifts that you can get in Fable III.

    1. To do this, the person in charge of controller 1 needs to load their game. Grab the second controller, and log in to any offline profile, then use the start button to jump into the already loaded game.

    2. From here, controller 1′s character must move to the whereabouts of controller 2′s character and press LB on controller 1 to send them gifts.

    3. Controller 1′s character will then teleport to the Sanctuary, and upon arriving they should see a blue bag to their right. They must then deposit all their money in the blue bag and return to the main game.

    4. Once controller 1′s character is back from the Sanctuary, press start on controller 2 to go to the Sanctuary and walk over the the blue bag of gifts given by controller 1. But here is the important part, when the controller checks the gift — REJECT IT.

    5. Go back to the game and Leave by pressing the DOWN-D-Pad while facing controller 1. Press Start to go back again.

    6. Switch to controller 1 and check the gifts pedestal given by controller number 2.

    This should give you the money/gifts etc you need and you can repeat steps 2-6 to get you to the maximum amount of 999,999,999 Gold. But be aware, if you EXCEED this amount, the game will freeze.
    #12 Shihuru, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  13. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    Good to know, I'll have to call today.
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yep, I called my Gamestop this morning and they told me to come in so they can print me out my code. I got it and im about to make my villager right now...
  15. fr4gb4i7

    fr4gb4i7 Forerunner

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    I just beat the game, and I promise I won't post any spoilers or anything. For those thinking, "wow it must be a short story", it's longer than the 2nd. I just powered through it. I went good the first time around, and plan on starting a new save to take my time and savor being an evil bastard, cause that's what I really want to do.

    Anyway I'm going to bed. All Fable and no sleep make Frag something something.
  16. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    so I'm playing trying to get the Guns for Glory achievement (kill 500 enemies with guns)
    And so I'm about to get it last I checked I had 75 and I killed quite a few things in between. So for my last kill a guy was getting close to me and I was spamming y like a good gunman does and my character goes into slow motion, throws his gun in the air over the enemy runs behind the enemy catches the gun to have the stunned enemy stare him in the face then shoots him square in the eye.

    Achievement unlocked, EPIC. AS. ****.
  17. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    :D Epic win.
    I want this game so damn bad, but have two difficulties.

    1)It isnt out yet....-_-
    2) I haz no gol..I mean money.
  18. fr4gb4i7

    fr4gb4i7 Forerunner

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    wow i don't even remember making my last post. . .

    I got my last Guns for Glory kill on a balverene. I knocked it down with my epic hammer of skull crushing (aka maxed out hero hammer) switched to my rifle, stepped onto his chest and put the barrel in his mouth. One shot into the roof of his mouth later and victory was mine!

    After taking some time thinking about it, I really enjoyed this game. I miss some of the stuff from fable 2, like the expression wheel. I think touch failed ( I was right about it becoming boring and repetitive by the end of the game ) I like the weapon leveling system, but miss being able to play with augments to really customize my arsenal. Some of the choices presented in the game present a real challenge, but most of them live within a gray area. I miss the absolutes of the first two (kill the farmer/ save the farm, etc) Being good really does feel like being good. I made not a single evil choice my first play through and felt like a true paragon. But some of the evil alternatives the game presents aren't really evil, just kind of mean. . .
    And while the general quality of the clothes you can buy is much better, there is nowhere near the variety of the second game. Dyes leave something to be desired, and the last set won't even be available till DLC. I'm not happy about this, but I am looking forwards to the DLC they release.

    I loved the story, loved the improved battle system, LOVED the spell gauntlets, but wish they had added more new spells, and missed the legendary weapons from 2. I would love to see the return of Enforcer, Red Dragon, and Daichi. All in all, a fun engaging game that really makes you care about the people of Albion. If you're a fan of the series it's worth it. If you aren't, this one probably won't change your mind.

    There is however an AWESOME suit of armor available, and i'm sure more outfits will come with DLC. Also, haven't got to kill Reaver yet. That bastard still has a death mark on him. He WILL die!

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