YouTube - Tron - L'Héritage : Teaser musical "Derezzed" hehehhehehehehehehhehehehehehehehhehehehe ahahah oooooohoohooooo. OHHHHHHHOHOHOHO. AHHHHHHHHHHH.
Post Party Countdown It used to be 1,000,000 PPC, as in we were trying to get to one million posts in the thread, but Sarge locked it and started this one.
So, I've got a gametype planed out, and the entire map planed out in my head, but everytime I drop into forge I don't have the patience to actually do it. =/ Anybody feel like picking it up for me?
Trying to get things done on this site is like fist-fighting monkeys, in knee-deep mud, with a head cold.
Would you like me to list every post you've made whining or complaining on this website over the past month or so? How many quotes can you have in a post, I think I might reach the limit.