Clawdaddy v2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Brucer42O, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Brucer42O

    Brucer42O Ancient

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    Clawdaddy v2.1

    "He chooses who will go and who will stay."
    12-16 players


    Just want to first say thanks to the community for all the great feedback and help in playtesting this map; the map would not be what it is without you. The biggest changes I've made to the map since Version 1 concern the middle platform and weapon/vehical placement. I have also fixed that Mancannon deathtrap in the middle, it now functions properly and should now easly launch you onto the claw consistently.​

    Clawdaddy is a Big Team Battle symmetrical map; I have tryed to mimic the playstyle of larger Halo maps such as Waterworks and Hemmorage. The battlefield consists of two opposing bases separated by a giant metal claw and a 'loading platform' of sorts. Clawmarks scar the island and surrounding beach, as if the claw was once digging for something.​

    Each base is fitted with a several vehicals, various small arms, and is equipped with both a mancannon and a telepoter to improve player mobility. The teleporter brings players to 'guard towers' adjecent to each base where combatants will find a shotgun, a Rocket Launcher*, and a machinegun turret. The mancannon launches players near the center of the battlezone, where they may obtain power weapons such as the Gravity Hammer, Focus Rifle, and Plasma Launcher.​

    Give it a Download and tell me what ya think. I do plan on submitting it to the Forgetacular Challenge, so any feedback or constructive critques are more than welcome. The map should now support most team based objective games and most FFA gametypes, Invasion is not compatible. ​

    Thanks again.

    New middle

    View from Blue Base


    View from Red Base

    Blue Base

    Red Base


    DMR x 14
    Needle Rifle x 4
    Plasma Pistol x 4
    Grenade Launcher x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Shotgun x 2
    Machinegun Turret x 2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Assualt Rifle x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 2
    Plasma launcher x 1
    Focus Rifle x 1
    Gravity Hammer x 1
    Plasma Grenade x 12​


    Warthog x 2
    Revanent x 2
    Mongoose x 6
    Wraith x 1
    Banshee x 2​

    *UPDATE: v2.1*
    Due to an issue with the ghosts being unable to kill players standing in water, they have been replaced with revanents. I personally feel revenants are a bit over powered, so I've added a rocket launcher to each bases guard tower. The teleporter bringing players up onto the claw arm is gone, as is the energy sword; this my help resolve some framerate problems when viewing the battlefield from the claw (it may very well do nothing at all). Soft Kill zones now prevent players from camping on the claw arm, but the claw hand is still accessable. The Wraith now spawns below the claw in the water. Updated pics are coming soon.​

    #1 Brucer42O, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Clawdaddy was one of my favorite maps I've ever downloaded on this website. I absolutely love big team battle maps. I'm glad you fixed it a little and I'm looking forward to playing it!
  3. Sparten N4444444

    Senior Member

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    please say your submitting this to the bungie forge contest.
    cause its amazing.
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to need to request something of you that could make this map even more of a sucess. Check your private message box in good time. -CF
  5. Brucer42O

    Brucer42O Ancient

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    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy the map. I wish there was a way to update the map without having to get folks to download it again. (Don't we all.)

    There's really only one small potental issue I'm considering fixing, and that's the addition of a 2nd rocket launcher - one for each base (one currently spawns on the platform beneath the claw). The vehicular combat is pretty intense, esspecially when the Wraith comes into play, I think this may help balance that out; on the other hand I don't want it to be too difficult to drive vehicals. What do ya'll think?


    #5 Brucer42O, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  6. LAS3R123

    LAS3R123 Forerunner

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    You still need to fix the lag issue
  7. i eat clowns

    i eat clowns Forerunner

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  8. stinky earl

    stinky earl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hate to be critical, but I really don't think the players should be able to get into the claw. Aesthetically it's awesome, especially with the huge scratch marks on the ground. But the playing field on the ground works well. It's a tried and true Bungie tradition; open field with a base on either end, plenty of space for vehicle use, and close quarters on the side.

    Personally I think you should fill that claw and arm up with kill boxes, nix the teleporter and mancannon, and let the map's layout stand for itself, it's good. The claw is great as a huge, dead, imposing structure with no discernible purpose. But once players start crawling around in it, the map feels less like a good Blood Gulch-esque map, and more like a jumble of forge pieces to be carefully navigated for an over dominating sniper spot.

    And the Wraith inside the clawkinda works, but I feel like it's a little contrived, like you're just trying to draw attention to the claw when it's already huge and in the middle of the map. It's not necessary. Maybe put the Wraith in the middle, under the platform, right now that area is a little dead. You might even think about blocking that area off as it almost feels out of place.

    You made a good map with an awesome aesthetic. But if people want to explore the arm, they can do it in forge. As it is now it feels as if the map doesn't know whether it wants to be a competitive map, or a piece of art.
  9. Brucer42O

    Brucer42O Ancient

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    I'm lovin' the feedback Stinky Earl, a critical objective eye is exactly what I need. Great suggestions. I can see how sniper camping on the claw could become a major gameplay issue, so I've taken your advice and nixed the teleporter which brings you up there. I've also added soft kill zones along the arm of the claw, to prevent players from flying up there via a banshee.

    I don't want the wraith to dominate gameplay, so I wanted to make it kinda hard to get; but I noticed last night during a test, it would sometimes get stuck on a ramp below the claw when players attempted to drive it. After reading your suggestion, I ultimately decided to make it spawn in the water beneath the claw.

    For the time being I've kept the mancannon which launches you onto the clawhand. I don't feel it's an extremely overpowered location, though I do understand it is a very advantagious spot esspecially if you have a sniper rifle. I just figure whats the point of having a crazy giant claw if you can't mess around on it a little. Each team has a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle, so if someone is camping the claw they should eventually be taken down. I'll do some more testing, and if it's an issue I'll do away with the mancannon.

    I appreciate the thoughtful, constructive feedback; every little bit helps in making this map a better playing experience. Thanks again.


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