which is wrong. you say period when your point doesnt need backing up. you are derping. accept it. period.
i <3 reach. if you hate reach, we all just assume you suck because we're ignorant and you probably do suck.
I'm no writer or anything, but im pretty sure that its ELLIPSIS, and not the plural form of ellipse that you are looking for.
This is why Team Fortress has the best community. YouTube - "If a tree falls in a forest, and no one's there, does it make a sound?" answered in Team Fortress 2 [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, the future of Xbox: Kinect. http://unrealitymag.com/index.php/2...l-feel-stupid-playing-with-kinect/#more-25701
vexican man YouTube - Grateful Dead - Fire on the Mountain - 4-27-77 [br][/br]Edited by merge: PROPOSITION 203 PROPOSED BY AN INITIATIVE PETITION RELATING TO THE MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA AN INITIATIVE RESOLUTION: AMENDING TITLE 36, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES , BY ADDING CHAPTER 28.1; AMENDING SECTION 43-1201, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES; RELATING TO THE MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONAL REPEAL. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE: ALLOWS THE USE OF MARIJUANA FOR PEOPLE WITH DEBILITATING MEDICAL CONDITIONS WHO OBTAIN A WRITTEN CERTIFICATION FROM A PHYSICIAN AND ESTABLISHES A REGULATORY SYSTEM GOVERNED BY THE ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES FOR ESTABLISHING AND LICENSING MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES. A "yes" vote shall have the affect of authorizing the use of marijuana for people with debilitating medical conditions who obtain a written certification from a physician and establishing a regulatory system governed by the Arizona Department of Health Services for establishing and licensing medical marijuana dispensaries. A "no" vote shall have the affect of retaining current law regarding the use of marijuana. YES NO
Make it legal, completely legal. Tax it. Stop drug dealers. Also I downloaded Undercover to track my computer, if you're worried about getting your Mac stolen then you should look into it.
I just saw rule 34 of Blood+. FML [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also **** Matt Damon, I'm back to Avifaith.
That makes me want to punch everyone who says COD is better than Halo in the face. They're implementing things into their games, that have been in Halo for over six years. Blows my mind.