Well, Reach has been out for over a month now and after much searching, I have yet to find a remake of MLG Amplified that meets my expectations. That being said, and myself being too impatient to wait for some one else to port a good version over, I made it myself. I took great effort to preserve the aesthetics of the original map. My first approach when creating it was to find pieces in forge that are equivalent in size to the ones used in the original, and how they size up to a Spartan. Once I had the size down, I matched the map piece for piece to the original. There may be some discrepancies, but the spawns, weapon placements, size, layout and jumps are predominantly the same. Comments/Criticisms Welcome. Thanks. PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM RESPONSIBLE OR CREDITED WITH THE ORIGINAL MAP "AMPLIFIED". AMPLIFIED WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED BY Fritzter OF THE MLG COMMUNITY.
Nice remake. I spot 1 problem off the top of my head. That pink light, it shouldn't be like that. You are supposed to be able to walk through that but with the pink light there you can't. I can't really see anything other than that but its a nice lookin' map.
The pink light is an easy fix. I'll have that done when I update the map next. One big criticism I've received so far is that the map is "too small". I've noticed that the size of the blocks and walls in Reach are a lot bigger than those of Halo 3, which makes it rather difficult to match the maps in size and proportion. I'm thinking though that if I change the bridge pieces to longer variants that I can spread the map out a little and thus expand it to a bigger size... But I'm weighing that idea right now. I really like it "small" like this. I'm also debating whether to include health packs or not... Opinions?
I'm glad someone finally remade this map. It was def a community favorite in H3 and with the new engine this map is a completely different beast, evade makes every surface of this one launchable, and fall damage off of the towers on red/blue is pretty good too(MLG settings). Now for the constructive criticism, I don't like your huts they should be pyramid shaped, the A/B "signs" should be moved a bit and tilted(back ones),and the original spawns on Amplified are horrible so maybe a new spawn scheme would be better plus the lights lol other than that you have made a nice remake.
There is a lot wrong with the remake, especially when it comes to proportions and cover. 1. The cover top mid allows a player to be completely covered in crouched and mostly covered while standing. It does neither presently. 2. You can't jump into the bases from the ground. I understand that in Reach you don't jump as high but with MLG focusing on map movement and skill, this needs to be fixed. 3. Your "triangles" don't emulate the original well at all. 4. While I do believe you took the time to match map to it's Halo 3 predecessor it doesn't feel that way. It feels significantly smaller.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Looks like I've got a bit of work to do on this. Things to fix: -Lights -Bridge lengths (to expand the map slightly) -Heights -Top Mid cover -Huts Some will be easy fixes, some not... I'll have to go back and scrounge up some blocks to make proper huts as well since I spent my entire "block" category. @rjgladysiewicz: Try putting jump height to 125%. I forgot to mention this in my original post. Also, what are you reffering to as :triangles?
I believe he means your choice of hut when he said triangles. I personally like the smallness as you said but it doesnt quite feel like amplified. The spawns in the H3 version WERE bad so this could be an outlet for fixing them up. The only thing I see wrong with the actual map construction is, on yellow side... wasnt there a little area where your Col. Window is covering up that had stickies and a little cover on? maybe that is what is making this seem smaller. PS, if your going to change the huts then I suggest using upside down 1x1 banks or 2x2 banks if possible.
Why would I increase the jump height to 125% when MLG settings use 110%? And yes, the huts/triangles on the ground to the right of the bases. They presently look like 4-point stars and do not work the same way the cover did in H3. Edit: I'm all for certain changes to this map, especially since Reach is a very different game. However I believe that the map movement and cover should be retained. Heights and some lengths are the only things that should change and only enough to adjust the game to Reach's play style.
Sadly, the 110% is still not high enough to mimic H3's jumps. I'm not trying to make a map that plays to Reach's style, but rather a map that plays the same as it did on H3 and that unfortunately includes adjusting things like jump height. I'll start working on the next release of this some time next week. Got exams this week and am polishing off another map in the mean time.
I love how people automatically think they have the right to remake maps made by someone else from Halo 3.
Do you honestly believe I'm trolling? I was actually pointing out a point that a lot of people seem to overlook. Sorry for hurting your feelings by pointing it out in your thread. My bad. So sorry. The fact of the matter is, someone did originally create Amplified. Someone, a community member, not Bungie. He goes by the name of Fritzter and he happens to be one of the most respected members of the competitive forging community. He originally made Amplified and it was good enough to be tested by MLG and make it into the MLG circuit. So unless you have permission from Fritzter to remake his map, which I highly doubt you do, you have no right to call me a troll. Good day sir.
AceofSPades...I love you. And I think my comment got deleted earlier.so: I think the map looks great, Very clean forging , I think a lot of time went into building it, 5/5 stars!
Oh I took no personal offense to it. Actually, I'm a little irked I did not take the time to credit Fritzter in my original post. However, the thing is that as Fritzer is only the creator of the map and actually has no ownership of the IP, there is no legal infringement on remaking his map is there? Also, it is obvious that I'm not attempting to take any sort of credit for the original as this is labeled "remake". I think its fairly common knowledge that some one from the MLG community made the made the original... Just most people don't know the dude's actually name. @Lethal: Thanks, it did take a moderate amount of time. Being a remake and having a powerful Forge like Reach's though really cuts down on the time it takes to remake a mapp.... Creating something 100% original however is a whole 'nother beast.
It's not legal infringement. It's just something that is generally frowned upon in the forging community. It would be considered proper to notify the original creator before doing this.