How to make a "Decent" Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jonesmcmoney, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    That is about the normal ratio, maybe even a little high frankly. People DL but they might not play the map for a while and then they forget who you are or where they saw the thread, and they don't put the effort into finding it again to comment - and that's assuming they even liked (or disliked) the map enough to find it worthy of comment. My second most recent map Speleology had what I consider a pretty good number of downloads for a non-remake - over 300 last I checked. But I had just a handful of comments in the thread here, and a few more on the file in my fileshare.
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I'm gonna have to disagree with you. You know the first "sky" maps/bases in H3? Well, they averagely rounded up 20,000 or so downloads with only a few (if any) pictures. It's all about uniqueness...

    Yeah, you can make a map look good with a positive presentation, but that's only part of it.

    Plus, there are other things too... like pictures. If you don't post any pictures, you're guaranteed to get at least 1 poster saying you need to post pictures. Then you ask, how do I post pictures? 1 or 2 people reply... moments later you get the pictures up. The previous people check back to see if you've embedded them correctly and everything.. they see the map and they might as well comment.
    Already you've got 5-6 replies!

    And sometimes you try your hardest to make the most complete and informative post... so what you get are people who don't have any questions so they don't post, people who don't want to read/look through the huge "wall of info", and people who just plain don't click on your thread because there aren't enough replies/the thumbnail image isn't good enough/etc.

    People are pretty dang unpredictable. I'm sure you can increase the chances by the day of the week/convenience and accessibility/etc.. but you might as well just make an amazingly unique map and not have to deal with that lol.
    #42 Monolith, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  3. Lunarian

    Lunarian Forerunner

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    I'm sure its been said but... It all comes down to perfection of lining up the axis(s) of bases and/or objects. I'm incredibly fond of Symmetrical maps. However, the only problem with symmetrical bases is that they are too predictable in a lot of cases. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesnt. I see a lot of maps posted that is basically a couple of Colossal walls..that make up some type of "Ground Layer" sometimes a sand box too and then everything inside that box is symmetrical.

    Again sometimes people make it work really well but at the same time what makes a map is the creativity you put into it. Incorporate your environment into your maps as much as possible. Think outside of the 'Box'
  4. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    I am glad I made this thread, becaause it has surely helped me. Look at my progress:

    Map: Lookout

    Views: 152
    Downloads: 2
    Comments: 0
    The thing is on this one, I really didnt spend much time on this, I didn't write it down on paper or anything. This was also my first map posted.

    Map: Disperse

    Views: 232
    Downloads: 5
    Comments: 2(not couting me)
    This map I wrote down, but I didnt used the best screenshots I could've made.

    Map: Metal Dam(The Dam)

    Viwes: 481
    Downloads: 36, and still going up
    Comments: 2(not counting me)
    My latest map created, used better Aesthetics, wrote it on paper, made it on Google Sketch Up 8, put a lot more time then the others, used action shots, posted decent screenshots, and used more money from my budget in forge.

    I can tell I am getting better at this, because they are still DLing by day and I am also learning from what you guys are saying. I am not planning on making a map anytime soon, probably until "Metal Dam" reaches 100 DL's! Thanks guys!
    #44 jonesmcmoney, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  5. H4Z4RD

    H4Z4RD Forerunner

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    Unfortunately this is the 7ruth. Im not saying that gameplay doesn't matter. But in order to get your map noticed at all, it must at least have good aesthetics.
  6. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Completely agree with these points; it's kinda sad really.

    The prettyness (of the map, pics, post, etc.) attracts the clicks, and along with the gameplay of the map itself, it attracts the downloads. The people who download, play the map with their friends, and their friends also download.

    The forum thread for the map posted in my sig hasn't been on the front page for a very, very long time, but I still seem to get downloads to this day. I'm guessing those are from people who played the map when their friend played my map with them, because I know for sure that they didn't see my map post here on ForgeHub.

    I strive to find the perfect balance of both aesthetics and gameplay/flow when creating my maps, because I can't rely on just one to attract the downloads. If the gameplay/flow sucks, it'd better be really pretty, and if it ain't pretty, it better play/flow really well, because once the map post drifts off the front page, all I'll have left is the word of mouth, and hopefully my creation goes viral through people downloading/showing/playing my map with others, who in turn do the same.
  7. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    hey, as long as they are getting more downloads with every map i make im alright :) and that is only the first three ^^ GOT A LOT MORE COMMIN!
  8. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Yeah, my map has 136 downloads, but the gametype, only 100. Sucks to know that people aren't getting the full awesomeness (without my customized Infection), but at least people are getting the map -- and obviously liking it.

    ...What is the average DL count for a new map posting on FH? 136 seems pretty small, given how many thousands of people play this game...
  9. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    I definitely agree with you guys that aesthetics and presentation are probably the main things that get a download. Unfortunately, maps never remain in the "Recent Maps" list on the home page for very long, and after that it pretty much all comes down to your thumbnail, map name, and what the top of your OP looks like. I generally go to maps right away that have awesome or Halo-related names: maps named "Reclaimer", "Onyx", or "Inheritor" are going to get my attention first, and maps named "Underwater map", "Sky base", or "Cool Tower" aren't. (Those are just random names for the sake of example, I'm not judging any maps that may actually have these names)

    For a thumbnail, try to get a good overview of your map or a shot of the best aesthetic piece. I've noticed that not many people use action shots for thumbnails, and I think - so long as the map is still visible - an action shot could be eye-catching.

    As for the post itself, really try to engage the reader. Catch their attention right away with a good banner and don't let them click that darn back button! Here's one of my earlier Reach posts, which is relatively dull as far as posts go:

    And here's my most recent map post:

    Forgive me if I'm looking like a douche as I pat myself on the back in my own post, but clearly that second one is better. Find some epic graphics to incorporate, and if you use the forum's background color as the background for any graphics you're using it really makes it feel like the graphic is part of the thread and not embedded from photobucket or what have you. If you can't make your own graphics, then there are certainly plenty of talented people on Forge Hub who would be willing to help you.

    Hint, hint: People also like having a download link in big font at the bottom of the post. And for the love of God, don't ever use bright colors for the body text of your post. It burns the eyes.

    As for map design, flow, balance, etc. listen to the previous commentors ^ They definitely know what they're talking about.

    Never hesitate to reply back to even the smallest comment on your maps. Not only might they respond with even more feedback, but that reply will help bump your map out of the doomed cesspool that is the Reach maps section, where unfortunately some good maps go to die, alone and unwanted.

    Hope this helps, andgood luck with any future posts.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The thread title is how to make a decent map and everyone is whining about download counts. You guys know that's not what makes a map good, right?

    Just build a large friends list to play with and test with and forge with, solicit honest feedback from them, and actually listen when they give said feedback. The more friends you add, the more people you have to test with, and the more people you'll have to get help or suggestions from. Reading any and all information you can find about map design helps too.

    If your main concern is download counts though, it really is all about selling your map. Look at it as a marketing endeavor. You only have to convince people to download the map, you don't have to convince them that the map is good unless your concern really is how to make a "decent" map.
  11. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    I've worked on a lot of ambitious projects outside of Forge on websites that used to get about twice the activity as this one a while back, and I'm here to tell you that it isn't unusual for things to get overlooked, even if you did work hard on it. I once worked on a project on and off for about a year, and when it came time to reveal it and post some pictures, I got maybe 3 comments. I figured I just wouldn't release it at that point... Of course then I was a little immature back then and was only looking for recognition.

    Don't let it get to you. I recently posted a map preview of something I've been working on since I got reach pretty much which is loosely based off a project I spent a few months on in a mod for Halo PC. It's something that means a lot to me since I've been working on it for a while, but if no one comments on it... No big deal. It's just a preview, once I post it in the downloads section I feel like it might get a few comments or so, but what I really care about is that people enjoy it.

    What's more important to me than other people is that I enjoyed making it, and I learned a few tricks and techniques from it so I can apply them to my next map. You get progressively better at what you do as you keep working on it, and sooner or later you're going to get a good reputation for making good maps. At that point people will want to take a look at it just because it's you who made it.

    Of course, there are tricks to grabbing attention, which have been noted already:
    - Good aesthetics. Make it look professional. What a lot of people end up doing that turns me away from downloading, though, is they go WAY overboard on it, making the map visually confusing.

    - Presentation. Make a well structured post presenting your map. Maybe open up Photoshop or an image editing program and make a poster for it to head the topic. It doesn't have to be huge poster that you put more work into than the map itself, but something to present it to showcase your map.

    - Modesty. Don't make a map to get recognition. I can always tell when people do this simply because it looks terrible. Things are way out of alignment, crooked, etc. If they cared more about their map than they did what people thought of it, they'd get more attention (I'm not saying this is you by any means, only to those out there who are actually Forging for attention). Honestly, I have made more things than I've ever imagined I'd post because I do it for the fun of it, and to learn new things about the system. I only release what I know I spent enough time on.

    - Be professional about it. This pretty much entitles proper spelling and grammar. It seems petty, but a lot of people don't take others seriously when they don't know how to write.

    tl;dr, don't worry about it. Keep working at it and you'll eventually release a map that gets the recognition you deserve. But don't go out making maps just for recognition, make them for you.
  12. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
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    I make maps mostly because I enjoy making them, playing them with friends is great but this doesn't happen too often. I like aesthetics and try the best I can to make my maps look nice, but my eye is always on making an interesting area to play in that is easy to learn and doesn't look cluttered. I'm too inexperienced to say what makes a 'Decent' map, I did some forging in H3 and thought I made some nice maps that were suitable for the people I played with (low-level skill players as they don't have the time to play often). If I was to offer any advice it would be to concentrate on a few game types when making a map, rather than trying to make a map that plays all game types well. My last map supports pretty much all game types, but I designed it for standard symmetrical team games (slayer, ctf, assault) and included the other game types more as an exercise in learning how to add them. The map I'm making at the mo is exclusively designed for big team slayer for vehicles, something my friends will hopefully enjoy. I'm tempted to add other game types, but to be honest no part of its design had these in mind, so I'm gonna keep it simple and try and do one thing well.
    #52 pab1o, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  13. kingeedorah

    kingeedorah Forerunner

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    I've noticed the same thing. Unless you have something crazy and new about your map, it's hard to get noticed. I've been steadily getting downloads, but they have slowed down considerably since my topic dropped into the abyss, and I've only had two replies to it. Although I appreciate their feedback, it's nice to hear from people again after they've downloaded the map and checked it out for themselves. I'm not really sure what else to do to get my map "out there" and to get feedback, other than just visiting different forums and essentially going "HAY GUIZE LOOK AT MY SWEET MAP."
  14. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    This thread is about anyway you can improve in your map making. And if you make your maps for people to look at then it is about DLs. We all have our own opinions.
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I make maps so I can play fun custom games on them, and you make maps so you can inflate your ego by getting lots of downloads. Play the game for fun, not for recognition and you will have a much better time. If people are going to go on about how their maps don't get enough (in their opinion) downloads and no one has further questions about generally improving their maps or map posts this thread should probably be locked.

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