My friend and me went on a bus to get his MW2 because mine was F'ed up. He met a girl on the bus. She dropped some stuff when she was exiting. My friend Jordan wrote his Phone # on a piece of paper and said "You dropped something". She said thanks and walked away. I was laughing my ass off. Cause she never accually called him. Im gonna ask a girl out soon too, but not this way. FAIL!
My friend tried to ask a girl out by sticking a post-it note to her ass with his number on it. He got five-starred in the face.
One of my friends got asked to homecoming by a post-it note that was put on her windshield. Six hours before the dance, and they also spelled 'Homecoming' wrong. As if that wasn't bad enough, they didn't leave their name. EDIT: Still think Mongoose wins though lol.
Well that beats the time my friend ran up to a girl (This guy is usually shy btw) and screamed "I LOVE YOU WANNA GO OUT?!!" in her face. She then proceeded to wipe the saliva off her face and walk away. Funniest thing ive ever seen...
Throw a messenger bottle into a girl's pool (preferably ones that get angry and gossip a lot), that has a message saying "I'm a monster in bed" tied by a condom filled with semen from masturbating, and a little post it note saying "free sample." You could also add the sex-line's phone number as a bonus. The next day at school that news will be everywhere.
Once at a fish and chips shop there was a OMG hot waiter she wasn't like super model fancy hot just the casual sexy girl next girl kind of girl lol and i was with bunch of guys and we left one of our numbers on piece of paper on the plate for when she collected it. later in day she rang! :O(probably because i went in to pay and we smiled at each other and she wanted to talk more ) but wasn't my phone and my mate picked up and i cant remember exactly but went something like this: Hey Hey Who is this? Girl from the fish chip shop. The hot one?(there was 2 girls there) *beep* beep* *beep*