
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BegForMyMercy, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    This is my First Invasion map. I learned how to create it all from scratch on my Own. I did enter it into the competition with forgetacular. It has been tested I have 1 video and more to come on my file share. I named it Harvest after Halowars and being Invasion the name is fitting. The map is original I designed it myself and added to it slowly. I will admit there is alot of work in an INVASION map. So much stuff to think about to make it balanced also. Good luck to you folks trying to make one. I can help you if you ask. Most stuff you learn from trial and error.
    Anyways enjoy the map!
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    This is the link for the first test video. I will make a final video soon. Enjoy it, because it is 10x better then Spire and much more team work involved then Boneyard but I still love Boneyard! Thanks and please comment below!
    PS my Elevator ROCKS and your just Jealous!
    #1 BegForMyMercy, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  2. Sparten N4444444

    Senior Member

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    The map looks ok. It doesnt seem to be to big compared to boneyard and the spire.
    Another thing is that you havent actually explained what each stage of the game is.

    whose attacking? Whose defending? What is the plot behind the map...( not really necessary but still it helps)

    I would also add some more decoration to the map as at the moment it looks over decorated in some spots and plain/empty in others.
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    Indeed, you could definitely use more pictures and explanation in your post, and I feel like you tacked on the name "Harvest" because it was from Halo. The map itself looks like it fits on a single coliseum wall? Definitely not Invasion-sized by any standard.

    This may hurt hearing, but my suggestion to you would be to scrap it, start over, and really run with what's supposed to be the "Harvest" theme. If you've read "Contact Harvest" or knew a little bit of background information on Halo Wars, you'd know that Harvest is a farming planet. That's a good place to start. Think to the first level of Reach, which also takes place among a farming area, and build your first phase from there. I'm not sure what a possibly second phase would be, but your third phase could be Halo War's Alpha Base, with the entire array of Halo's vehicles at the end.

    Invasion maps are tough, but a really successful one is really rewarding. If you need any help with the objectives or spawning, etc., feel free to ask.
  4. Sparten N4444444

    Senior Member

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    Titan is right.
    If you understand how to make a basic Invasion map like htis one you could go on and make a crazy cool looking map.

    Look at titans signature thats what i mean about looking cool...

    good luck
  5. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    Are you guys serious? 2 people are telling me to scrap a map that they only judged from the pictures. Download the map and View it, then give me feed back. Those 3 pictures were just shots to show some layouts and side views of objectives. This map is huge... It is bigger then boneyard also... Frankly I think you guys have no right to judge maps based off 3 pictures and should shame yourselves on doing so. Forge hub is a place where you can view maps and discuss them. You didn't view my map therefore don't trash talk it. I have played 10 games on this map to show it works and is playable. There is a link for the video game play of the map and there you will see names of players who have 50's and onyx. They aren't random people they are serious players who played the game out right. It's not small and people do like the map because it is Balanced.

    Edited by merge:

    Spartans are attacking and elites are defending. First stage of the map is on the first floor of the building. The spartans must run across and defeat the elites and capture 2 areas. The second stage is on the 2nd floor where spartans must rise above to the 2nd floor and repeat the process. The third stage is across a plateau where you must grab the core from a well defended tower. If you played the game or checked in my file share for the game type it is exactly the same as the invasion game type with only the spartans attacking simple and easy.

    Edited by merge:

    Hey titan I think i got it all figured out. GO download my map and LOOK in forge mode. IF you need help ask me. I make all kinds of invasion maps. Working on one for the contest right now. Harvest is a farming planet. I think i played halo wars and got a 45... here is my stats for that game Official Halo Wars Community Site It has me rated at a 40. Its a good read with the win ratio! IF you played on my map you would see that My main tower for covies is in the shap of a BARN! The third phase has the Falcon, scorpion, wraith, banshee, ghost, warthog and other goodies including shade turrets on the Barn.Good luck to your schooling Sir I see your not paying much attention in it.
    #5 BegForMyMercy, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  6. Sparten N4444444

    Senior Member

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    If you want people to download your map put more photos up.....
    I am intersted in your map and your description is good, add that to the OP

    Please add more photos so i can judge fairly
  7. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Calm down, friend, and don't forget your towel. Forge Hub is a website where Forge enthusiasts can post their maps and other members can give them a critique. I was in no way attacking you or your map and I'm sorry you perceived it as such, I was only trying offer some helpful advice. I was wrong to judge your map by the few screenshots you had up and I apologize for that. As a general token of advice, upload more screenshots in the future. I did download the map and went through it. Here are my criticisms:

    The first two territories are way too close to each other - within less than a single burst of sprint. This eliminates any "I'll go for Alpha while you go for Bravo" tactics for either team because they are so close. Look at Boneyard and Spire as examples. Both territories are reasonably far apart, such that it makes the defending team spread out to cover either one or the other, and allows the attacking team to coordinate between the two objectives.

    In the first phase, I found one DMR for the attacking team yet no Needle Rifles for the defenders. Unless I for some reason didn't locate one, I suggest you also give the Elites the same balance.

    Phase 2 seems a little bland to me - it's Phase 1 all over again but with some slightly different loadouts. Your territory placement for Phase 2 is good, though, and there are several ways for the Spartans to make it up to the second floor. In other Invasion games, Phase 2 usually features light vehicles and heavy weapons for both sides. Obviously, you're restricted with the interior setting. I did manage to find a Sniper Rifle, but maybe there was a Rocket Launcher or other weapons I missed? My suggestion for these would be to use the INV_VEHICLE game label. It's the exact same as INV_WEAPON, except it places a nav marker where the item spawns, helping a team locate it.

    For Phase 2, I would suggest mixing up the loadouts a little bit - give both sides something unique and interesting to play around with - or maybe even go with Assault as the second objective, to blow open the wall that leads to Phase 3.

    The jump from Phase 2 to Phase 3 is quite dramatic on the other hand. Teams will go from using ARs and Repeaters to just about every single vehicle. While not bad, the area Phase 3 takes place in seems really condensed. Both team's vehicle spawns are in quick attack range of each other, and the capture point for the Core is hardly a brief run from the silo.


    Yes, the Covenant have a crap-ton of vehicles, but the Spartans have the better vehicles, and a well-coordinated group of Spartans could make this final phase a cakewalk. Maybe move the Spartan's vehicle bay further down the cliff. Also, try not to group every single power weapon and vehicle in one spot.

    In Boneyard's third phase, as a Spartan, you can choose to spawn in the vehicle bay and take the Scorpion for a spin, or you can spawn in the complex and opt for one of the power weapons in the armory there. You can't choose both. I suggest moving the Spartan Laser to another location, so that will encourage the Spartans to spawn in more diverse locations.

    I think you could do a lot with this map. I am a Steel in the Arena, so you should completely disregard any advice I give you, right? Don't get too stressed about people commenting or suggesting changes about your map. They're only trying to help you for the better.

    Good luck and good day.
  8. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    Alright titan thats fair

    Alright cool Bro, I did place the objectives close in the first set for a mlg kind of feel. In the 2 door buildings i have placed needle 2 needel rifles where elites spawn. I Put the laser and rockets inside with the vehicles for 2 reason, 1 reason was so that the covenent coudln't steal them as they can in boneyard also because the spawn is very far away from the core, I figured no harm no foul. In boneyard the power weapons are a joke because with a well cordinated group of spartans no one is stealing the core because there is a laser, sniper, rockets and shotgun. Plus in the third phase they get pro pipe and shot gun, it can become a camper haven at the door in boneyard. If the spartans decide to use laser, rockets etc. It will be at a distance or they got to go on foot. The covies have the vehicles inside their barn and can make a direct shot at the objective as it spawns, shade turrets, plasma launcher and focus rifle are at the 3rd floor of the barn. Both teams have many tools to complete their task. At first I wasn't going to throw in dmrs because the elites had 2 needle rifles but after the first test game it was hard to even get alpha site or beta site in the first objective spartans still have to run for it to get to either side. It is pretty balanced between skilled players. I do appreciate your comments now more so because you actually looked at the map. Thank you

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