No, not Reach's "unlimited" camo, I mean H3's unlimited camo in Reach. In other words, is it possible to make someone invisible 100% of the time, regardless of movement. I really need it for a predator-style map I'm making. Also, I tried adding both Good Camo and Starting Equipment: Active Camo... but that didn't do anything. On a side note: Spoiler WHY did Bungie have to screw all the settings up??? I mean, what happened to alpha zombies, next zombie options, round over when the zombie dies...? Anyways, please help!
It is impossible to make "unlimited' camo now. And i wish i knew why they removed alpha zombie and other things. They added all this great content then removed really useful settings for no apparent reason.
You could always force the zombie to be a color that blends in with your map so that it's harder to see them.
Just commenting on your moan, if your game is one round you can download the matchmaking infection gametype with this one you can choose which teams each person is on (IDK if zombie start count effects this). If the game is a one life game just make Survivour traits zombie traits and zombie traits Survivour traits then swap the spawns around.
I'm not 100% sure, but doesnt the power up camo (not armour ability or player appearance) give you permanent cloak? :S
Nope unfortunately it dosent. I have found the new camo traits quite fustrating because before it made people take the offensive by flanking and sneaking up from behind. Now, the camo traits promote camping which is something we dont want!
if it does, you could also use custom powers ups to and be set up across the map in areas or up high were only the zombie can get to
To the OP's comment about them changing the setting for round ends when zombie dies. Yes is it dumb to some extent, but there are ways around most things such as that. Just go to this thread and read the tip on how to do it, its pretty simple.
The neutering of the camo power-up is one of my great laments about Reach. I understand why they did that with the armor ability - after all you can't have people going full invisible half the game, it would be too overpowering. But as a consequence that big blue orb we all used to love so much is borderline pointless. Its greatest asset was always as a tool for infiltration and flanking; now it's just good for staying in basically one spot for a short period of time and maybe getting one or two cheap kills. Once I realized this I stopped putting it on any map of mine.
Would it work if you had a custom powerup that increases speed and gives full camo? That way walking slowly (which is actually spartan speed) you would be quite invisible
Even if that works, you'd have to set it up in the game rules (not built into the map for all game types) and the player would have to understand to do that - plus it would give them an additional advantage that you don't actually want them to have.
I could, but like el megapwn said, the player would have to know that... And the average player probably wouldn't figure that out for a good three or four games (or more). Plus, it would give the zombie a trait that isn't really necessary. AND you don't need a custom powerup to do that.. you can do that with the gametype settings. lol but thanks anyway. I'm glad a lot of people replied, but I've already submitted it into the testers guild for testing. I look forward to their feedback