YouTube - Halo: Reach - Noble Map Pack Trailer Trailer by Bungie, I claim no ownership over it. I think the map pack is turning out great, I can't wait to play some Invasion on Breakpoint! How 'bout you? EDIT: For some reason the video isn't embedding. Usually I just copy and paste the link and it embeds automatically. Help!
Awesome, IMO. I can't wait for it. I've been wanting some real BTB maps. Edit: BTW, to embed a youtube video, all you have to do is paste the direct url, and it embeds it automatically for you: YouTube - Halo: Reach - Noble Map Pack Trailer
cool beans. well made trailer. breakpoint looks sweet. anchor 9 looks kinda cool. tempest looks sexayer than either of those. if only they couldve waited until xmas, where i would have some points. EEEEEWWWWWW forgeworlds item pallet is transfering. i just had to say it.
Lol that's what I did but it didn't work. Whatever, I'll just copy and paste yours - thanks. In case you don't know, Bungie made it, not me...
I'm kind of worried about Anchor 9, with the shield doors and space area, it seems like Bungie's making the same mistakes as they did with Snowbound/Epitaph and Zealot respectively, but it's mere speculation. Tempest looks awesome, looks like a map with the Scorpion that is actually balanced because of the abundance of elevation changes. Breakpoint looks like the Breakpoint for this map pack though I was dissapointed with the lack of good BTB maps, the only tolerable ones right now are Hemorrhage and Spire, and Invasion is definably lacking a new look, other than just Spire and custom maps, since Boneyard can be very intolerable.
I'm really surprised and confused about Anchor 9. It could have great interior geometry but they made the mistakes of the past that have already proven to need fixing. Why do it again? My only hopes is that they realize this and give us something to block the exterior and delete the shield doors.
Agreed on both points, Tempest looks like the map that will hold my attention most right now, I'm really digging the layout from what I can see in that video. And I too am dubious about Anchor 9, really could go either way, though I'm tending towards what chrs said about Bungie going with something which even they have accepted was flawed (in that Arena Zealot has completely replaced the standard variant) a second time around. I agree about the lack of good BTB maps, but I have to strongly disagree about Spire being one of said good ones, I honestly think it's the worst BTB map in the rotation. Great swathes of the map are completely redundant, yet you still spawn there from time to time which just makes trekking towards where the action is really dull (I'm talking about the Invasion human spawn mostly, though the core return point also comes under this heading). I think having Invasion maps in BTB Slayer in particular is just flawed, since they inherently have one incredibly defensible position, and the tower on Spire is just the worst. If you get a sniper and rockets up there then you have sight on most of the map (and all the action packed parts) with both the perfect anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapons to rain down fire with. Incredibly imbalanced and very sporadic in terms of finding anyone to kill, BTB Slayer on Spire ranks amongst the worst gametypes in the whole of Reach imo. As for Breakpoint, I can't really judge anything from that video other than that it looks really pretty. Invasion maps are inherently massive and so it's hard to gauge how they'll play from a few passing action shots, and tbh I'm still not familiar enough with Invasion as a whole to be able to look at a map and even start to judge how it might play out as much as I am with other gametypes. Still, this only makes me want to get my hands on it more and see how it pans out.
I'm personally a huge fan of one sided objectives, as well as Big Team, so Spire was the perfect choice for a BTB One Flag match when it comes to one sided objectives on a map that isn't symmetric, since Paradiso and Hemorrhage are semi/symmetric. Spire is the only asymmetric Big Team map that plays well for One Flag (and even though Boardwalk is in BTB, I pretend like it's not there, because it seems to be a filler once more BTB maps will be released). If memory serves, we had three true blue BTB maps for the release of Halo 3, Sandtrap, Last Resort and Valhalla. Most of the BTB and now Invasion maps will most likely end up as DLC, because if you bought a Halo game and are lacking an internet connection, to play splitscreen or lan with a map list full of maps set up for 12 to 16 would suck. In this way, Bungie is doing those people a favor, I suppose. Also, every Halo 3 map pack contained at least one BTB map. The more you know!
I think most of us are probably interested to see what forge objects we get to use in Tempest. The change of scenery is at least nice, even though we still have forerunner blocks and such. Anchor 9 looks fun, but I agree with those concerned about the shield doors. Either way, this will be a welcome map pack for me.
Why don't they just give us a map pack with 1 unsc map, 1 Covie map, 1 forerunner map Its was simple as that
Fair point, I guess I should have taken account of that when labelling it as the worst in the playlist, since I too love a good 1 Flag game. People just seem to veto it for Slayer or Headhunter or similar every time, which disappoints me. I've sadly yet to experience a single game of 1 Flag Spire. True, though to be fair what I really miss about Valhalla and Last Resort in particular is that they played fantastically well for both 4v4 and 8v8 games, a pretty impressive feat of map design imo. On this basis, even those without an internet connection (not that I think these people figure massively in the decision on what sort of maps should be shipped with the game, simply because they're massively outweighed by the online crowd and Halo is primarily an online game, thus should be designed, maps and all, as such) could still enjoy them a reasonable amount. You also have to remember that split screen effectively shrinks a map massively, since you can inherently see where your opponent is at all times. Me and my friend used to play 1v1s on Hang em High in H:CE almost exclusively, it worked great because it was split screen and we knew each other's location all the time, if it wasn't split screen then that map would have been waaaaay too big for 1v1. I'm still disappointed about how Hemorrhage compares to Valhalla tbh, I know Blood Gulch/Coag are classic maps, but I still prefer Valhalla overall. The area separation provided by more drastic geometry inclines in key areas (top middle, turret, archway etc.) allowed for a much greater amount of safe flow around the map even in tough games, whereas Hemorrhage inevitably turns in to an incredibly dull standoff even with only relatively skilled/aware players. I never thought I'd say this about ANY map, but Snipers are way too important, and if I don't have one I constantly feel like a sitting duck pretty much anywhere on the map except the two side caves (which are nothing when compared to the two equivalent shotty caves on Valhalla for having great 1v1/2v1/2v2 mini battles in imo). The only gametype in which I enjoy Hemorrhage is Invasion Slayer since the spawns are a bit more dynamic with buddy spawning, and the whole game just seems a bit more fluid with the drop zones forcing a bit more movement than 'camp your side and watch for pushes from their base with a long range weapon'. RIP Valhalla and Last Resort. The sad thing is I can't see either of them being remade, since Valhalla was a spiritual successor to Blood Gulch/Coag, which we now have back again, and Last Resort was a remake in itself. I just can't see Bungie putting out effectively the same map for a 3rd game in a row, though I'd happily pay for both as part of a DLC pack.