Yesterday's picture was actually a macro closeup of my beard from a week ago. In school Matt, we use a DSLR Canon PowerShot S5 IS, while at home I use a Canon PowerShot SD630, which is a point and shoot from like 4 or 5 years ago, that at the time cost just as much as the dslr I use in school. Here's another 2 from the same project: Spoiler
This was taken the first and only time I was able to go outside at my school during class and I found it quite funny.
I'm going to a concert tomorrow, so I won't even be coming home and I'll have a lot of running around to before then, so today I'll be posting two pictures.
This photo for a day thing is a great idea of a way to further your skills. You actually gave me an idea to do a drawing once a day to help further my skills and get better. If this is what I knew you were doing, you should have told me. =) Subscribing to this and will give you feedback whenever I can bro. Keep it up, so far the strange looking hair one is my favorite so far. It's interesting because it's strange and I've really never seen anything like that in photography.
This picture is actually taken of me and I had no idea it was being taken: 10/17/10 10/18/10 10/19/10 10/20/10 10/21/10
My favorite. It made me guess where it goes and it's cool because the context of the picture is a bit foreign and gives no hints.
Sorry for the absence of posted pictures, but I was quite busy over the weekend. It's okay you guys get four pictures today. 10/22/10 10/23/10 10/24/10 I'd be surprised if any one can guess what the below photo is of. 10/25/10
Drum key!!! You cant fool me brah <3 Nice Sabien underside btw, its actually a pretty cool effect. I honestly am now curious what it looks like if you do a time-lapse thing, or whatever its called, on a cymbal. It might actually be time to get myself a camera...
Yeah, you guys got it right lol it's for sure a drum key. Mich: I took that a couple weeks ago and I wanted to post it then, but I was kinda meh about it, so I was messing around with that photo in PS and it I liked the look of it with sepia, totally agree bro. Thanks man... and if you're wondering I actually took the picture with the sabian text upside down, since I took it from the opposite angle, and I just rotated the picture. Yet the text wasn't in focus, the middle stand part is. I also wanted to do what you said with the time lapse but my camera is just your average point and shoot so it doesn't have shutter speed capabilities, unlike the dslr camera I use at school. Once I get a job, I'm saving up and buying a nice dslr camera, and obviously more **** for my drums.
I thought that was a drum key... if you didn't have the Sabien picture it would have been harder to guess. I'm hoping to get a dslr camera sometime after I graduate this year, gonna have so much fun with one of those everywhere I go XD
I like your architecture pictures that you take. I'm just attracted to architecture for some reason, I always think it would be cool to design a building.
Thanks Jug, appreciate it bro. Hopefully you'll see a lot more of some architecture. This is a macro picture of my light by the way. 10/26/10 10/27/10 10/28/10 10/29/10 10/30/10
I'm no expert in photography, and I'm really liking a lot of the stuff you're putting up here, but there's too much close-up stuff for me. I'd say, try taking shots of things that are a little farther away, but still from interesting angles. I really liked the one from 10/18. It wasn't right up in your face, but it was still a cool angle and took me a second to realize what it was.
I love the picture of the usb but where did you find pump?? but I like the closeups they always looks so amazing to see what things that we see everyday in a different perspective wonder what it must be like for ants well any way nice pics!
Ace: I'm not an expert either bro, I just started my photography class 2 months ago, so I'm really just starting out, but I appreciate your thoughts and support man. As for macro photography, I have an entire folder of it, so I'll try my best to spread the macro photography posts out. Sniper: I also appreciate your input. As for your question, I found it outside of my school the day we got to go outside. It's the water pump for the fire engine if there'es ever a fire. I seriously can't wait to I get a job, I need money to buy a legit dlsr so I can take so much different stuff that I wouldn't be able to inside of school. I've pretty much taken anything you can possibly take in my school. So I need to start taking a lot more outside of school.
**** is cash bro. I agree with another person in this thread, I would enjoy seeing something large in an image. Macro is nice, but yeah. Lol