Un-named map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr Magashi, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    So this is a map i have been throwing together with TheGreatHibiki and Teh Krush (I just deleted most of what he did :p) in the Quarry area of Forgeworld for the past 2 days. (Roughly 16 hours of actual build time)

    Currently the map has no name and as such i was hoping you, the avid forgers you are, could come up with some ideas for me. Post them in your replies if you would :)

    Now onto the pictures.

    Overview - [​IMG]

    Blue Base (Red Base is the same but looks more badass because its red) - [​IMG]

    "The Garden" From blue side entrance - [​IMG]

    That's all the pictures you will be getting!

    Now as i said above i am looking for names for this map so please leave a name idea in your feedback and all feedback is welcome.

    Edit: Update - October 26th. Map renamed Residence for the time being.

    Added aesthetic covers to the base "Hallways"
    Added glass cover hallways on the outside of the octagon.
    Added teleporters to middle-mid with Glass covers.
    Added drop down towers.
    Added in two kill barriers to make the map unbreakable.
    Added in two more DMRs with same size clips.

    Overview - [​IMG]

    Red base with added aesthetic "hallway" cover. Blue base is identical -

    Looking towards the blue "garbage chute". The chutes allow you to drop down safely with no fall damage. Red base also has one. -

    Blue side overview, Giving the tower locations in relation to the base. Red side is identical -

    Looking down the blue chute - [​IMG]

    Middle Mid section "Garden Roof", with added teleporters and glass cover. -

    Update: Wednesday 27th October

    Changed middler tier grav lifts to top.
    Added in teleporters to the top level to make it a less campable spot in infection.
    Added in walkways with two way teleporters to take you from red base to blue base.
    Changed some aesthetics (not shown in pictures).

    New Overview, you can see the added walkways and the changes to the middle tier grav lifts (they are under the triangle sections you can see one of) - [​IMG]

    Example of the teleporter entrance to get to the top level (located on the side of the entrance to "The Garden" area.) - [​IMG]

    New build time is approaching up to 40 hours now including play tests.
    #1 Mr Magashi, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  2. MidnightGenesis

    MidnightGenesis Forerunner

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    Hmm..."Sunken Garden"? One problem I noticed...you have a grav lift that goes to the top of the garden with a one-way shield on the top. That's cool, but with a killball hanging directly over that, it may be a liability...
  3. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks prettyfresh. rock gardens are the suck though, and tell that killball to gtfo. they are annoying and an obviously lazy reach for aesthetics, but instead they just look dumb and out of place. put something in the middle of it to block LOS, like some circular maps or something.
  4. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    The one way shield stops the grav lift from firing you into the kill-ball. I have tested it about 200 times and not once did i ever come close to hitting that kill-ball. But yeah i can see why it would be a concern.
  5. MidnightGenesis

    MidnightGenesis Forerunner

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    Okay. But I agree with woodenleaf that it can be a possible gameplay confounder.
  6. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The top floor looks nice, but there really is not much to do on the bottom floor it seems. You could definately improve some aesthetics also. Maybe a raling on the cliff edge or something. Keep in mind you have 100 inclines and 100 decorative.
  7. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    The other reason it is there is to stop people from being able to jump straight across, its really just to influence gameplay around the circle and not through it. I'll keep it in till the map is tested :)
  8. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks amazing.
    How long until you think it will be finished?
    I really want to test this...

    The new pictures show alot more to the map. And I dont change what I said, it looks amazing. The new additions are great. I wish I had gold...:(
    Either way, it fantastic. Cant wait until its released.
    #8 Neoshadow, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  9. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Well, its basically finished now just putting in support for CTF, Infection and Assault, Oh and FFA slayer too.
  10. Teh Krush

    Teh Krush Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey! I helped with this too. You just deleted most of the stuff I did lol.
  11. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Oh yeah haha, I knew i was forgetting somebody :p What do you think of the semi-final product?
  12. Teh Krush

    Teh Krush Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I told you in-game that is looks nice but very open, and that you can possibly camp spawns SO BAD from the top of the map.
  13. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Oh yeah. I wasn't really paying attention :) I tend to have trouble doing that when I'm doing like 20 things at the same time :p
    #13 Mr Magashi, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  14. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, it really doesnt look finished at all. first of all, the bottom routes are flat, open, and boring. the top routes are almost unnecessary, they are out of the way pretty far. and you NEED to put something other than a killball in a middle, im not saying leave it open, because the LOS are way too open already, but put something else there.
    honestly, these types of maps will never work out. it will be too campable up top, and with limited ways to access the top, it just wont work the best. keep in mind all the popular maps have structures that organically flow with the map. not random walkways sprouting from the ground.
    look at all of bungies maps, they never have random useless structures. all of them seem like they belong in the map. your random skywalkway looks out of place, not just because of the texture, but because there is no reason that anybody would ever build something like that. honestly, i almost want to just say scratch this entire map and go with a new design, because it really doesnt look like it will work as is.
  15. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Harsh feedback. Yes the map looks pointless however, i built it with flow in mind. The top isn't campable and the lines of sight actually are not too poor. It's hard to describe because yeah from all the pictures it does look poor, but gameplay was fun. The only criticism people had in a test was that there were not enough guns on the map itself. Like DMRs. The top does get used quite a bit because the snipers are up there, And in safe havens there are havens on all 3 tiers of the central tower.

    As i said, its hard to explain how it works, but it does or at least me and 11 other people think it does.

    Edit: Sorry if this comes across aggressively, its 2AM and I'm tired.
    #15 Mr Magashi, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  16. MidnightGenesis

    MidnightGenesis Forerunner

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    Is there a death barrier above the upside-down Dish on the right side of the first screenshot, or is that playspace?
  17. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    There is a death barrier. The tower is there to remove the ability to climb those rocks (the ones people climb in infection on asylum.) I would have put rocks but i had none left after adding in a cliff-face behind red base and next to blue to make the area symetrical. Basically, anywhere that looks like it shouldn't be playspace, isn't playspace. The walkway covers ontop of the bases also have soft kill barriers ontop of them to stop you from camping up there. It is unbreakable as far as i know and i don't know anybody who has found anyway to break it as of yet.

    Referring back to what leaf said, the top isn't as campable as you would think as there are 4 ways to get up there. Two team lifts and then the mini-lifts on the garden roof. The snipers spawn up top which does manipulate gameplay and the bottom is not boring as the rocks add good cover and breaks to lines of sight meaning its not all camping. The way the map is set up does promote movement over camping. Weaponwise it has 2x Sniper, 2x Shotgun, 4x DMR, 8x Frag Grenades, 1x Rocket Launcher, 1x Grav Hammer and 1x Grenade Launcher.

    The snipers and shotguns are set with 0 spare clips to account that if there was only 1 of each you would have 1 spare clip so it leaves the same ammount of sniper and shotgun bullets in play at a time. There are 7 healthpacks and all are set to respawn at 45 seconds. Over all 3 gameplay tests we did the results were close and even. This map from what i have seen so far is really quite balanced. Which brings gameplay back to skill :) The pictures in this preview i will admit do not do it justice, but after all its a preview. If i had any more pictures i may aswell have just gone and posted the map.
  18. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see some brilliant structural design in the second picture. Very simple, but brilliant nonetheless. Sure does look promising. I'll keep an eye out for release. Good job.
  19. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    Thanks haha, I feel a bit silly when people comment on my "Nice structural designs"
    I don't plan out any of decorations on buildings. I started off with the pyramid as a base and thought "Not enough cover" so added in the box raised at the back with the two struts and thought "not enough vertical cover" so i just shoved a walkway cover on it and some doorways :p

    When it comes to adding decoration and cover i just throw stuff at my designs till it fits. It makes me feel a bit silly, but at the same time. Thanks for showing interest in this map. Hopefully, depending on if i submit to the testers guild or not, the map should be released later this week or midweek next week. The map is overall finished. But i still have a bit more room for decoration because at the moment the majority of it is quite bland to look at.
  20. fr4gb4i7

    fr4gb4i7 Forerunner

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    Kill balls are over done as an aesthetic, but you don't have to delete it. Build over the top half of it, leaving a kill hemisphere on the bottom. XL platform would work well and you could set it high enough that it wouldnt break up LoS more than the kill ball. You could build it out to the sides if you wanted, or make it look like it's designed to just float there.

    I feel you should copy the round tower to the left side.

    Also, maybe consider adding ramps down from the two side towers? Dunno what you had planned but can you jump off the towers without getting hurt?

    Otherwise I like what I see, a nice open map with lots of options for movement. I'll keep an eye out for the finished product.

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