Hello, you might be reading this becuase you just posted your map andforgot the Thumbnail like this. You must be thinking how embarrassing this is and how much you really want a time machine to go back and slap yourself. Sadly, I don't have a time machine to lend you. But I have the next best thing! Editing. The solution is quite simple, 1. You go to the bottom of you post and click edit. 2. Than you will see this small box that'll allow to edit words and input pictures. But we need something more to fid our mistakes. 3.On the bottom right of this edit box you will see three buttons, you want to click the one highlighted in the pic below. 4. That's it! Now can go off and edit all of the things you missed. Broken links, forgot an awesome gametype. All of these can be fixed, it's almost like posting it ofr the first time. 5. Make sure to proof read. You don't want to edit the same post twice, do you? Reason why I posted this is because I suffered the same problem a few days ago, and thought others could use the help. Good luck and happy forging.
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. GIVE THIS MAN A COOKIE OR SOMETHING. If I saw you in person I would give you a blowjob. I appreciate the help! ...eh no ****. :/
Is this not common knowledge...? If you press ADVANCED editing what do you think would happen, of course it lets you edit the ADVANCED settings...
Yet How many people actually even know there is an edit option. I know in several other forums I've frequented people are often double posting until they're informed about the edit button
Well, most people (me included) tend to overlook this and become unaware that the advanced setting is even there. Plus, if it was common knowledge. Why would maps that are months old still have the No Image picture as a thumbnail?
Its a huge button on every single post, its very unlikely that you could go a long time without noticing it... If you edit your post, there arent many possible outcomes. All of them involve pressing a little button in the corner. The Save and Cancel buttons SURROUND the Advanced Settings button, if you know about both of those without reading the Advanced Settings in the middle, i would be impressed by your minds ability to compartmentalize. I would personally attribute the lack of picture thumbnails to two things; at first the images were iffy on display and didnt always work (a problem thats been fixed,) and the general laziness of people. If i made a map months ago, and it was like twenty pages down on FH, why bother to add an image anyway? But seriously, post here if it wasnt clear that you COULD in fact use the advanced settings, this is interesting and probably needs to be addressed if its as big an issue as you claim.
Well, I see where your coming from and yes to me it is a big problem. Because I recently posted a map and forgot to put in the thumbnail. The moment of confusion was dreadful, not knowing what to do for a map that I worked so hard on. I also see all of these new maps that are actually pretty good, but yet they don't get the credit they deserve because of one small mistake. I posted this to help people who are suffering the same problem that I did, and hopefully redeem themselves. I do not wish to turn this into a flame war, (because I don't know if this will) but I'm just considering the knew folk on the site. Of whom aren't as acquainted to it as veterans. (Like me, the noob)
Im not trying to flame either, i just realize that my original post comes across as vulgar and condescending, so i offered my justifications. Constructive argument is good because it leads to positive solutions! I understand your point, but i honestly have never looked at the thumbnail images. I go by the map name and the details.
Okay good. I'm glad you understand and is a considerate person. I already got two points on record for spaming and I don't want another one for starting up a flame war. Sorry, if I made you upset at all.