Amethyst is my second map that I will be posting here on Forge Hub. Amethyst is a small inverse symmetric, covenant styled map, made for 1v1/2v2 competitive matches (it may support 3v3 matches but I have not tried it out yet). Alright so Amethyst is about 95% done and i thought i would give you guys an earlier preview of it. Okay so check out the pictures below and tell me what you think.
I love these simple close quarter hallway style 2v2 maps. Is that assumption correct? I like your use of objects and especially the color coding to match the theme of the map. Layout looks pretty intriguing too. One question though- is the revenant just for aesthetics?
Ohh okay, but yeah there really isn't that many places to camp at on the map. Like in picture 2 I made it so that there is a window and a plasma battery so that camping is pretty much impossible in that area.