
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Darkm2021, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    This is a map a made for the Forgetacular contest. It's a completely symmetric map (my first original map ever made) that I tried my best to make compatible with all gametypes. It's the first time I experimented with the gametypes so cut me some slack if it's a bit off.

    Overview of Myrmidon

    Rushing the middle flag in stockpile[​IMG]

    Gravity lift landing spot is marked by the red

    A red rushing into the blue base

    Both teams have a bridge leading from their base to the bottom middle

    Bottom middle contains rockets

    Blue gets his revenge on the red by using a hologram and rockets

    This is not only my first real forged map, my first experience with gametype compatibility, and my first Bungie contest I've entered, but this is also my first post on Forgehub. Whoopy first ftw.

    This map was originally supposed to be built with design features taken from Guardian, Lockout, and The Cage, but after re-reading the rules I came across them explicitly saying "no remakes or rip-offs." So I had to overhaul my design completely and I got this. At first I thought it was really small and wouldn't work, but after playing a few 2v2 games on it I found that it worked really well. The only problem I noticed was that there aren't really enough spawns around the map, which I might fix if I can.

    The map is completely symmetric. Blue on one side, red on the other. Both sides have a sniper, a shotgun, a DMR, a needler, and a plasma rifle. There are rockets in the bottom middle area, and the top middle area is pretty much empty. I know for a fact that the following games will work great on this map; Slayer, Oddball, Landgrab, KotH, Crazy King, Headhunter (depending on the gametype settings), and Stockpile.

    I added some extra pictures if anyone cares to take a look
    #1 Darkm2021, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    Hey mate, pretty nice looking map, probably wont get around to playing it til tomorrow but ill make sure i download it! The layout seems really good, my only concern is that middle platform looks far too open for anyone to get across and live, it could just be the angle of the photo but other than that, looks great. Well done!

    Edit: You posted new pics while i was posting and it seems like the middle platform isnt quite as big as it seemed in the 1st pic! Grats on all your 1sts lol.
    #2 Grimz0r, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  3. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Thanks, I appreciate the input :D

    The top middle platform is designed to be the main area of conflict, most battles are going to happen there. The bottom middle will have its share of fighting as well, everyone is going to want those rockets ;). The size of the top middle area is only about as big as the open area of The Cage, it's plenty of room for fighting but not too much room to where it's all too open. The double walls on the sides serve many purposes but the main purpose is to prevent the middle from becoming a death trap.

    Edited by merge:

    Any play testers want to tell me what they think? I need some feedback.
    #3 Darkm2021, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  4. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    Just had a run around on it and its a pretty nice looking map! The aesthetics are great, there is some good jumps and no framerate issues or anything like that whatsoever. Seems like you could get some pretty hectic team games going on this map.
    Also i like that you didnt break the budget at all, its a bit of a 'less is more' attitude and it really worked in your favor.
    All in all, great map!
  5. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    thanks for the feedback and kind words. :D
    My biggest issues was keeping things symmetric, small, good looking, and fun to play without going over budget. I ended up using a lot less of the budget than I expected, but the map felt too small but I ran with it anyway.

    I entered this in the forgetacular contest with high hopes. But after seeing what some people can do I've become more skeptic about this. If anyone from this website enters the symmetric division of the contest I'm going to lose for sure. xD
    But even if a map doesn't win, Bungie will still put it in matchmaking even if it doesn't win. But even still I'm still being skeptical.
  6. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, thanks for checking out my map Platform 51. Your map looks awesome! I like the symmetrical maps. I have it queued up for downloading and I'll run through it tonight after work. I'll post some feedback tomorrow after I have played a few rounds on your map. Looks awesome tho, so nice job!
  7. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I hope you like it.
  8. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Okay, I ran through your map and was very impressed. The flow of your map is perfect. There were a few spots I was hoping to be able and crouch jump to, like in the 4th picture the red guy is running down the ramp, I tried crouch jumping onto the bottom corner of where the blue guy is and I couldn't make it. I got close, but never made it. Not a big deal though. On the outer walkways leading to the man cannons, I think there should be the Cover, Crenellation structure in place facing the middle of the map.That is a quick way to the center, but it's wide open.

    Those are my only suggestions; they aren't cons to your map. The crouch jump areas could provide a quick, skilled escape from danger but are not necessary, and the cover on the outer walkways would make them more useful. The map is pretty sweet though, so nice job. I'll be keeping it for custom games.
    #8 JDiggin, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  9. Grimz0r

    Grimz0r Forerunner

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    I tried that too JDiggin, the jump to the top of the ramp the blue guy is on is impossible, however i managed to jump from the railing to the bottom of that ramp quite easily. Not sure if thats what you were talking about but i like that jump, it adds a surprise for people defending the bases.
  10. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I didn't want any jumps on my map, I tried avoiding them but as I was play testing it I came across a few. But they were fun and not over-powered jumps so I kept them.
    The area leading to the grav lift is open, yes, but it's not easy to see from the middle. Even if you do end up looking down there, unless it's a 1v1 match you're likely to get attacked from behind. I didn't really feel the need to put cover there, it's one of the fastest ways to the top middle, if it's too protected everyone will go that way and be right in the middle right away. I kept it open so that it's a risk/reward type thing. if you take that way, dying is a risk, but your reward is getting the upper hand.
  11. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very solid map. It probably won't get the attention it deserves because there's nothing all that eye-catching about the thumbnail photo, but I can tell you constructed this with great care. Everything flows nicely; I like this a lot better than The Cage. You've achieved a great balance.

    What category will you be entering this into in the Forgetacular contest?

    You ought to enter this into the map contest on my Forge website/blog, too... it would definitely qualify. I don't want to spam this post, so if you're interested, private message me.
  12. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I entered this into the Symmetric arena category
    I spent a lot of time on the map but it isn't very eye catching, so people will probably over look this map for maps that have more visual appeal.

    I might be interested in entering said contest. I'll PM you when I get home. The web-blocker at my school blocks the website whenever I try and PM for some reason..
    #12 Darkm2021, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  13. Bubba3032

    Bubba3032 Forerunner

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    Hey, nice map... The Playtests between us went great. It looks like you've got some nice reviews too. I'm proud to have been a part of it... even though I didn't do ANY of the editing. :)
    If you get a playtest group together, I can join you again.
  14. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Thanks. I trusted you to edit the map, you're not like Montana or that one kid who joined your map in forge and did that grid crap. But thank you for participating and assisting in my map's playtesting. If not for those playtests I would only have been able to make the map slayer compatable and nothing else xD
  15. Bubba3032

    Bubba3032 Forerunner

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    Indeed. I'll take it to Nerd Club today and have the group of us test it. We'll have like, 8 people, so it MIGHT be to small, but it will test its upper boundaries. Should be interesting. We'll see if Montana even recognizes it. XD
  16. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Montana probably hates my map. But anyway, tell me what they think.
  17. Bubba3032

    Bubba3032 Forerunner

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    Well most unfortunately, two things went wrong. Firstly, I did not have the map in my last 15 or so games, and couldn't find it locally. I was also not connected to the Internet. Secondly, they stopped taking map suggestions from me after this L4D map that I DL's from here. So, they wouldn't have played it even if I had it. It made me quite sad... Apologies for the disappointment.
  18. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Bummer. What L4D map? And why would they let one little bad map ruin every other map? o_O
  19. vLegit

    vLegit Forerunner

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    I just tried this with a 2v2 and it worked very nice. The shotgun is a little overpowered but, that makes it even more fun because you'll be walking down below when "boom" dead. That makes it a little harder to run into their side and get lucky. I'm glad the middle has a wall so you can't see base to base because the middle would be a killzone and whichever side has a good sniper would pretty much automatically win. NICE MAP!
  20. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback vLegit. That's exactly why I put those walls there ;)
    I was debating on putting the shotgun there, but I had issues in CTF and Stockpile and needed a way to keep enemies at bay, so I stuck a shotty in there. Both teams have one so they're on even grounds... That is, until one of them gets to the rockets.

    Glad you liked it.

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