Some people might already employ this but I thought of it today and was quite pleased with myself. Particularly when creating objective based levels (CTF etc) a lot of time can be spent manipulating the environment then swinging around across the map to see how it would `look` from the enemies point of view (particularly when trying to create a choke point). Today I realised split screen works in forge. Log in with the other controller and use this one to control your view. For example today I sat my other pad on a turret while I manipulated barricade positions for a beach head style level. Hope you enjoy or, feel free to flame me
we have a forge tips n tricks thread. you shouldve posted it there. and here at forgehub, we go pretty advanced forgewise, so its not like this is anything new. but still helpful in many situations.
Fair enough lol, I feel like a noob now ha ha! Was quite chuffed with myself. Ill have a look there though
You never know what might be useful to someone. Even the most advanced and commended forgers often forget some of the basics or never knew them in the first place.
Though according to Bungie, splitscreen also nukes the draw distance, so if you spawn an item, you may not even be able to see it until you pull the camera in closer. Haven't verified this myself, but it's Bungie, so it has, like, a 40% chance of being true.
lol. yeah, i never really considering this to be the best thing to do, especially because you can grab from a corner and line it up perfectly.
I have verified this, doing splitscreen basically nukes everything draw distance and skin rendering. When I'm forging solo everything looks fine, but when I would use a 4 split screen to test gametypes and such, everything would render as objects with a plain skin., and draw distance was pretty bad.
I'd just like to say that you should change the title of this thread to sommething diffferent? Unless you plan to update the thread daily with a new tip the title doesn't apply.