Medium sized forge map ideas!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xcrasy sevX, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Xcrasy sevX

    Xcrasy sevX Forerunner

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    K this is my first post. I wanted to see ideas
    and opinions of fellow forgers( my freinds on xbox live
    play for 6 mins make a pile of weapons kill themselves
    then quit, not exactly a forger.)
    I have a few ideas already:

    1 some kind of sky map like the cage but with a large 2/3 story platform in the middle with a sword on it and the rest of the map a pentagon type shape with the weapons getting progressivley stronger towards the center and most of the swpan points on the edge

    2 an underground map with little lighting and lots of tunnels with little alcoves with hidden weapons

    thats all i got so far feel free to post your ideas. Thanks in advance
  2. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there is a link in my signature that says "how to post pics"
    you should check that out, and than give us some pictures of your maps so we can see them.
    they seem kind of cool. but we cant give any advice without screenys.
  3. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He said they were "ideas", not finished products or even drafts. There's nothing for him to take a screenshot of, yet.
  4. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    what weapons did you have in mind. If they get too strong near the middle, the first person there will have no challenge and camp out until the game ends.

    Also, depending on the other weapons and how the map turns out, the sword could be the wrong choice for the focal weapon. I'm not going to pick up a sword at the center of the map if everyone coming at me is using rockets.

    But give your ideas a go and see how they pan out
  5. Xcrasy sevX

    Xcrasy sevX Forerunner

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    I was thinking dmrs an needle rifles on the outer edge and on the next level conncusion rifles with a sniper or 2 and(if i add a third level) focus rifle and 1 strong weapon(the energy sword not included) but im torn beetwen teh plasma launcher or a SPNKr and of corse teh sword high up in the center

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    P.s ill add drawings to give you a better idea of what i mean but that may be difficult conserdering i use my iphone to post Lolz im to lazy to get up from my xbox chair to use my sheity laptop

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    Pp.s actualy my computer doent work so i have to wait till i go to my moms office tommorow(im homeshcooled so she teaches me at her office but homschool=mor halo time XD.) k wow i type an post to much...

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    cid:09CF4FAC-8B9F-43CC-8CBC-EE5490EA5B16 here is the drawing

    Sorry screwed up

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    Sry ull have to wait till i can get to a compiter for the drawings
    #5 Xcrasy sevX, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    1. That describes many maps already posted on Forge Hub, and it's the basic idea people work from when designing a small slayer map. The key to making your map stand out is to do something different from all the others. Sadly spawn points around the rim and a sword in the middle is not different.

    2. Again, this has been done before, but not nearly as often as your first idea. The only problem with hidden weapons is that it requires more weapons on the map otherwise gameplay becomes dull because people can never find weapons. Take this idea and run with it.
  7. Xcrasy sevX

    Xcrasy sevX Forerunner

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    Thnx ill also post some maps ive made with my local profile so watch oit!

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    Thanks pyro ive dropped the hexagon map idea but realy taken flight with the cave idea. Just cant decide on a focal weapon not the sword

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    Ok! Ive started building the cave map, but hit a dead end- i made a decent sized tunnel but now i have only 28 rocks left any advice?
    #7 Xcrasy sevX, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  8. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not EVERY map has a focal weapon. you can easily make maps with a couple snipers, maybe a shotgun, and call it quits. focus on the map first, weapons second.
    also, use things besides rocks. will never get a perfect cave with just rocks. build an "underground" type structure, and than add rocks to make it seem like it was built in a cave. it doesnt make sense for spartans to fight over a random cave, maybe a secret underground base though? use rocks as the roof, and some random walls maybe.
  9. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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  10. General LiWar

    General LiWar Forerunner

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    He's got a point here. If you decide on weapons first, you might they don't work out so well on the map. Some maps are too small to utilize a sniper rifle properly whereas others are too large and open for shotguns. Work out the map and then decide what weapons make it balanced (not too easy to kill/be killed, but at the same time not too hard either)

    Also, there is that premade cave between the gulch and the island that you can divide up with walls, rocks, etc. Extending on what Leaf said, just because it's a cave doesn't mean it has to be all rock walls. What is the point of battle here? Perhaps it was an excavation site.
  11. Xcrasy sevX

    Xcrasy sevX Forerunner

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    Thanks guys! Ill use the underground base idea. That sounds like it will play out interestingly!
    #11 Xcrasy sevX, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010

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