Bee Hive

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Monster Pug, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. Monster Pug

    Monster Pug Ancient
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    by Monster Pug

    This map was inspired by the custom map on Foundry in Halo 3 known as Rumble Pit but not at all the same. You spawn in rooms opened to a center area that loosely look like honeycombs. Some of these rooms have power weapons but the map is difficult to memorize when everything looks the same. The map is about 4-5 levels high. I worked really hard on this map and it is my first forge map and would love to know that people are playing it. I made it just for fun and the map is meant just for fun!

    Each player is yellow, has two random weapons, and spawns with a jet-pack in each gametype of Bees, Bumble Pit, Stingers, and Queen Bee because they are suppose to resemble a bee.

    Bees - slayer but every player is yellow, has two random weapons, and has a jet-pack : Halo Reach : File Details

    Bumble Pit - I named this gametype after Rumble Pit (custom game in Halo 3), which is when each player spawns with two weapons and is granted one life. Players gain points with certain kills and being the last alive. : Halo Reach : File Details

    Stingers - same as Bees but with just swords : Halo Reach : File Details

    Queen Bee - just Juggernaut but with jet-packs and yellow armor : Halo Reach : File Details



    Game of Bumble Pit

    QUEEN BEE again!

    Lower Level

    Upper Level

    Stinger is out!

    More Pics:


    Any problems with downloads please post below
    #1 Monster Pug, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    The infection map in halo 3 untitled Bee Hive was genius, thank for having made such a cool map !!
  3. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    Nice stuff. Had three games (one of Bees, Stingers and Queen Bee) and this is what I thought:

    The map is nice and has plenty of honeycombs. A couple of things here:
    -Falling is a problem. I found that if you fall from halfway, forget about the top, it an instant death. I'm sure you could put a shield door or at least something to slow the player down. Even a one way door to make the player bounce.
    -Another thing with the floor, it doesn't fit in. Its all bumbly and rocky, but the floor is made of glass? You could use a couple rocks, though I bet you've run out :D
    -There are quite a few holes at the top to get out. During Queen Bee I dropped out and went on a rampage, which spread across many sections on FW, which eventually ended when I got sniped on top of the island. Fix them please :s

    The gametypes are also great fun, but again a couple of things.
    -On Queen Bee, the Queen Bee doesn't have unlimited jet pack. Is this meant to bee (pun) like that? I'm not sure. Even if it was, I think the queen should have some so that when she walks out of the honeycomb, its not a straight drop.
    -Scores are too high/too many rounds in my opinion

    Sorry the post sounds negative, but I think it is a great idea. Just needs a few developments for the future, thats all. Overall I enjoyed it, and after all, thats the main thing :)
  4. Monster Pug

    Monster Pug Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. Really. I took everything into consideration and made changes. I will post a new topic when I come out with new screenshots. Hopefully more people will play it and enjoy it the second time!
  5. cheesy panda

    cheesy panda Forerunner

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    Very well done map. The beauty is in it's simplicity. The one problem that I had was the hole in one of the honey combs of the map. It's the only thing that I see that could be altered to help better the map. Otherwise, this map is fantastic. I enjoyed playing all the game types you recommended on this map, especially stingers. The creativity that went behind the naming of those game types is incredible. I really hope this map and the accompanying game types become more popular, and you really deserve for this to be played by more of the halo community. Cheers! I'll be waiting for more of your maps in the future!
  6. Osl112

    Osl112 Forerunner

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    You're welcome. I've just played the updated maps and gametypes and they are a lot better. Well done :)
  7. Monster Pug

    Monster Pug Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you so much for the feedback!!!!
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I just played it with a few friends and it was pretty cool. I didn't agree with having both primary and secondary weapons as random. You should have just made one weapon random and have the other one just be a magnum or AR or something. It just became a rocket fest. Not very competitive or fun. Some one in my party actually said they found a way under the map. I didn't see it because we ended the game early. It was an ok map I guess.
  9. Monster Pug

    Monster Pug Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats why I made an update about the whole getting under the map thing. I've played so many times with friends that it rarely ever became a 'rocket fest.' I'm sure what your impression of the map is. Also, I would suggest playing Stingers or Queen Bee.
  10. Assasin mAN

    Assasin mAN Forerunner

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    Amazing map. Loved it. All around perfect.

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