I don't know about all of you, but one of my absolute favorite classic maps that has not seen anylove from bungie or forge is Boarding action. Any Halo fan knows this classic map. Weather you love it or hate it, it is a classic and deserves it's recognition and a rebirth in the community. I have have completed the painstaking process of re-creating this map with some minor differences: 1: No ladders, ramps are used instead. However, Ramps were used at a 45 degree angle to simulate a ladder. Obviously not perfect but, it definately plays similar. 2: I placed mancannons on the 1st level to add some more dynamics to the gameplay. They shoot you straight to the 5th level on the opposite side of the snipers. 3: 2 rocket launchers instead of the map default of four, also loaded out with no extra clips. 4: General weapon placement is almost identical with some changes, two rockets in the upper "bunkers" and two concussion riffles in the lower two "bunkers." DMR's on the 1st and 5th levels, shotguns in their original spawns, Needlers in original spot. However, instead of two on each side, there is one and one Plasma repeater next to it. Plasma rifle spawns near the flag, Snipers are in their original spots. 5: Powerups No changes here, active camo and Overshield are in their respective locations. 6: Currently supports: All slayer, All CTF, All KOTH, ODDBALL and assault gametypes. Race will be comming soon, have to get around the fact that the ramps are too steep for the mongoose. 7: Other changes will be made and once the map design is final, Then I will start developing custom gametypes for the map as well. 8: Will support standard 4v4, and up to 8v8 Game modes. 9: Jumpjets will not be usable on this map. (per my custom gametypes. If anyone is interested in helping me test the map and getting serious test sessions going Send me a friends request or a message if your list is full and we will get some games going sometime this evening (sunday.) (please note some of the screenshots featureing jetpacks were from a match used to test the playability of that armor feature. It has since been removed form the custom slayer gametype I developed for it) Loadout Screen: Hologram Fakeout: Ramp Combat: Confetti!: Rocket Spawn: More images to come once BNet updates my recent screenshot history. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated Screenshots: Layout 1: Layout 2: Gut-Shot: Double Sniped: Bringing a gun to a rocket fight: Assasination: Evade1: Grenade Evade: Explosion: Loadout: Please note: Placement of weapons and certain geometry is not final as of this moment, some things are subject to change. Also, I tried using shield doors for ladders. A: There were not enough of them B: They did not provide for a consistantly fun experience.
I also really liked Boarding Action. I can't tell by the pictures but are both sides symmetrical inversely? I can't remember if Boarding Action was built the same way or if it was symmetrical all the way across. And yes...Bungie needs to add Ladders XD. Solid looking map.
They actually attempted to implement ladders into Reach's engine. However if i remember correctly, it broke a lot of code and seriously impeded the games performance. Resulting in it's unfortunate, final removal from the game. Boarding action, Geometry wise, was Identical on both sides, but mirrored. as if the two ships were passing eachother in opposite directions. So snipes are on opposing sides, etc. The only differences were one side had small barracades near the flag spawn, while the red side had one big one, and certain rooms had barracades while ones on the blue side had a form of circular cover. (I replicated those instances with crates.)
there is actually a way to build ladders in reach with only one one way shield door. ill get you the link. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105409-lader-tutorial.html you can build ladders with this. i think you can make 12? and you can use gravlifts for the rest. an easier, but less cool way to do this
Thank you, The idea is cool, but the problem with the shield door ladders is that they are a one-way direction of travel... which doesn't work for boarding action since the ladders were used for both upward and downward traffic. I had already tried this method... there werent enough for the level, and it didn't allow for any downward travel in the designated elevation travel areas. Again, thanks for the thought.
If you want ladders that travel in both directions, try this link. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105409-lader-tutorial.html
Wow that is pretty chill... I may have to try that. If I do impliment it into Boarding Action, I would need to start from scratch. Since this version Was built entirely around the use of the ramps. As for right now, I'm looking to get a full sized game test going tonight. If anyone is interested, Send me an invite on XBL, My Gamertag Is my Username. That works really well, It's a shame there is no tall 1x1 stuntramp. it would be perfect.
After much fiddeling with forge and that most recent link to the two way "ladders" I have finally begun the painstaking task of reconstructing Boarding action... Again. THe geometry of the level using forge objects is basically complete. -I am currently working on gametypes and improving my spawns, respawns, and respawn zones from my ramped itteration of this map. -The scale has been downsized back to it's near perfect original scale since I no longer have to compensate for the length of the ramps. -90% of the ladders are working consistently on every custom game startup, the other tenpercent keep shifting (it's the same ones over and over, 3rd level rocket room ladder on blue side, and 3 on red side.) However, as each day goes by, taking my time, it is getting closer and closer. -I am also thinking about adding a custom king of the hill gametype involving a banshee, having some glitches with this one though so it may not make it into the final version -Since the size was scaled down I was able to properly construct a roof for each "ship" so that if some one wants to use a jetpack on this level, it is good now since they can't just hop over a wall anymore. -Gameplay on this version seems much more efficient this time round with less lag and visual glitches thanks to better use of the forge objects available. -Ladders do provide fairly accurate play (minus just being able to walk up them, "climbing" the ladder requires jumping inside it. But it does work.) -Once i have this available for play, please keep in mind this is based off of the PC version of boarding action, which included some weapons that were not available on the Unmodded XBOX version (aka the Fuel Rod Canon mainly.) -Gametypes: >Only gametype not planned to be supported: Race >Only gametype still hesitant on : Invasion: >All other gametypes will be set up on this map. -So once it is ready for beta testing, I would love to get around 7 more players (aside from myself) to test the map and see what works and what doesn't. From there I will make more changes. After the map passes the 8 player test (4 vs 4), then I would like to get 15 players (again aside from myself) to test the map in a full 16 player (8 vs 8) configuration. If any of you are interested in helping making my remake is darn near close to perfect as possible, please send me a friend request or a message on XBOX Live. GT: Masta Chief 009 P.S. Pictures of the new itteration will be up as soon as my 360 is unpacked and re-connected so please stay tuned.