Trinity Trinity (working title) was designed for close quarters skirmishes. It has three main rooms plus an outdoor area around one edge. The roof is not playable for most gametypes, but hopefully will be for Invasion. The plan for now is to place it on the edge of Alaska, overlooking the island. That should allow for some play on Alaska. Back of Trinity If Trinity was placed in forge world, you'd be able to see the canyon behind it in the above picture and this edge would line up with the cliff. The pictures of the outside are not really that important, though, since players will rarely see the outside. Cut-Away Overview As you can see, there are three main rooms in Trinity. The left one is Red Base, the middle one is the Central Library, and the right one is the Study. In case anybody was wondering about the name, the whole map is very loosely based on the library at Trinity College. I'll probably rename it when it's actually built. Cutaway Red Base There are two floors to Red Base, but the second one is only accessible from the outside. This allows attackers to get at the flag a little easier, and gives a bonus to players with the jetpack, since they don't have many advantages on this map. There are two entrances on each level, and a hole on the first level that players can drop through. The top-floor exit on the left leads to: Central Bridge The bridge heads all the way over to the bottom floor of the Study. I'll place a weapon, maybe the DMR, at the halfway point on the bridge. It's part of the Central Library. Cutaway Central Library The bridges in the Central Library are pretty key to the whole map. Behind them is the elevator, takes players from the bottom floor to the top one. That square tube on the left drops players from the top of the Study to the ground floor, a dangerous place to be, but gives them an Overshield on the way down. On the second floor, a bridge heads to the right and eventually to Red Base. Corner Catwalks And here's where that second-floor bridge leads. You can also see the third-floor bridge here, and a small landing platform that holds the grenade launcher. Players can head around the outside of this area (on the right) for a quick (but dangerous) route from Red to Blue base. Under Red Base Right below the previous picture, you can see how the catwalks and the Central Library connect. I may put some cover here. That nook in the back-left holds a teleporter to the third room, the Study: The Study Players entering the teleporter under Red Base will show up on the landing pad outside the Study. This is partially to prevent players from camping on the upper floor of the study, which only has one other entrance, and partially to increase movement to an area that otherwise would see little. On the right side of the top floor, there's a chute that players can drop through, leading back down to the bottom floor of the Central Library. I already talked about it above. Players here can drop down a floor to pick up a power weapon, probably a shotgun, on the lower floor of the Study. Way in the back there, the hole that leads out of the lower floor heads straight to Blue Base. Blue Base That shotgun sits on the little bunker on the lower floor of the study. For those who prefer the long line of sight from Blue Base to the left, a sniper rifle spawns right on top of Blue Base. A useful trick for Red Team jetpackers: although the roof will have a Soft Kill Area on it, if you come out of the teleporter onto the landing platform and then jetpack up onto the roof, you'll have enough time to run across the roof and drop down onto Blue Base. So that's Trinity. It'll be a little bit before I can actually make it, though. I have Reach but don't have an xbox here. I'm planning to set it up for all gametypes, including Invasion. In Invasion, elites will defend Trinity from spartans who fly over from the Island, first taking the roof, then bombing the entrance, then stealing a core and flying away from the Study's landing pad with it. The elites have access to plasma cannons, wraiths, a banshee, and turrets to defend the first phase, then defend the corner catwalks with needle rifles from spartans who have to drop from the roof to Blue Base (because any farther would kill them), and finally beat the spartans in close-quarters and keep them from reaching the core or the falcon spawn on the Study's landing pad. Thanks for looking and reading, and please vote above. Since I can't play the game, I don't really know how the budget looks. Do you think I'll have enough pieces?
The idea seems really good, I'm not experienced enough with forge to be able to say if its outside of the budget or anything like that tho. Even if its outside of the budget I think you should try to revise it to make it work. //On a side note what did you use to make the map models?
It's generally not good to try and "script" your map. For example, Elites may forgo turrets, etc., etc.. Design your map with the knowledge that your players have free will, and may well choose different tactics than the ones you anticipate. I question the wisdom of using Wall, Doubles as both walls and floors; you may run out. Consider Building Blocks instead. (Were you referring to object category limits or to the actual monetary budget? I know offhand that you can have no more than 100 Blocks, either 50 or 100 Walls, 100 Inclines, 50 Bridges/Platforms, and 100 Decorations.)
Just wondering, is there anything else that needs to be downloaded with SketchUp to make the components look like things from Halo?
This map looks really cool. You should attempt to make it, however, you will definitely run out of double walls. You only get 50 I believe. You have to download the models.
Thanks, I hope it works out! Looks like somebody already answered your question. I didn't mean to script it. I just meant that the elites would have access to turrets and plasma cannons in the first phase to defend against the incoming falcons. Players can always choose to play however they want. In the second phase, the loadouts would be set up so that most elites have needle rifles, and they'd spawn right at the corner catwalks with spartans already charging them. OK, yeah. I made this sketchup before Reach came out, before I had any idea what the budget would look like. If it's necessary to use blocks for the floors, or use more coliseum walls, then I'll do that. And by budget I meant all limitations on building, including category limits and monetary budget. Thanks, everybody!
Really liking the design. \Especially liking this room, however you need to spread some of the ramps around abit. The map ramp section is in a big open area meaning that you could camp it easily. Go back and re-arrange it a bit and you would definitely have a great design.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. It was hard to tell what you meant, though. Were you referring to the ramps and staircase in the middle room? I understand that they look a little campable. I went into sketchup and replaced all double-wall floors with Block floors, then messed with the staircase area in the middle room, hopefully reducing camping ability. I also redid the roof just to make it more interesting. Was this sort of what you meant? This should make it harder for players to sit still in the middle room. If I switch it to this layout, the elevator will probably just be a grav lift that sends players to the top floor. I'll probably make those slopes a little less steep later. Tell me what you think or what you meant. I want to work this map into better shape.
looks pretty sweet as far as i can tell. i cant wait. probably the most exciting level since the phsycokinesis preview posted a while back, that we will probably never see. hopefully, this map will become a reality.
New version is up! Edits: Double-Wall floors replaced with block floors Ramps in middle room redesigned to promote movement Hole added to Red Base floor, allowing Red Team to get to the teleporter easier and allowing Blue Team easier escape after grabbing the flag Weapons placed on map. List: Sniper Rifle (blue base) AR (blue base) AR (red base) DMR (central bridge) DMR (upper study) Needler (upper corner catwalks) Grenade Launcher (lower corner catwalks) Shotgun (lower study) Sniper Rifle (blue base) Rocket Launcher (central library floor) Damn I wish I had an xbox here.