In my Smashball arena I've set the object on one half of the map to red and the objects on the other half to blue. However the colors get all messed up for anyone but the host on every other round. The first round everyone sees the objects as the correct color. The objects shouldn't change color each round. The host doesn't get any color changes. The objects are the same color for the host as they were the first round. But for everyone else the object colors get messed up every other round. Has anyone encountered this and found a fix?
Well I have had something sort of similar. I made this map that I will hopefully be releasing soon. Everything is done except for the few minor tweaks here and there. Anyways, I noticed that whenever I played CTF, all of the colors changed back to neutral except for red, blue, and green. I have no idea why that happens.
its possible that you have some objects set to the wrong settings. "team color" or "gametype specific" might be the culprits. have you gone back in and checked every single object that is messing up? i know you've been working on Smashball for a long time now, so i expect that you already have. but even so, go back and double check again, because sometimes we miss things. if all of the settings are as they should be, then i have no clue.
We've tried every single combination of settings for the colors we tried... Team: Neutral...Object Color: Red Team: Red Team...Object Color: Red Team: Red Team...Object Color: Team Color and then the same for the Blue sides...None of these worked properly
What color(s) do the objects change to? Do all objects of one color (i.e. all red objects) change to the same color? How good is the host's Upstream Bandwidth, as measured by Bungie's "Network Status" thing in the game's menus? How many players are present, and how much action is going on at one time? Does everyone see the same wrong colors? Do all objects change colors? If not, then does everyone see the same objects change colors? If not, then what players see more objects change colors, and how good are these players' connections?
Thats a lot of questions lol...Most of which I'm not sure how much I can answer accurately. I'm pretty sure this is how it is... For everyone except the host all the colors switch back and forth. So objects that were set to Red the first round, will be blue the second round. And then it goes back and forth. But for the host, the colors don't switch.
Maybe the game is inconsistently applying team-related logic... Switching the colors of each side, but not the spawns... No clue why it'd do this with Neutral colored items, though.
Yeah, I really don't understand that part...You would think that if you have the team set to neutral and the object color set to red or blue, the color should never change..But actually when things are set to neutral the people that are not host see objects change to the neutral color. I think this is something wrong with the game.
It does switch the sides correctly for the spawns and everything, I know this, I've tested this on a couple of maps I've made with a friend.. This is a glitch that needs to be fixed.. only the host sees the original colors (what the team color was first set to) all the time.. while everyone else sees the corrected colors.. I hope Bungie has a major update and fixes a lot of these things.
Ahh, I see the logic in this, so then its a glitch in the host's view. This type of switching would be important in 1-flag CTF games, so that your sides switch at the end of the round and such like that.
This always puzzled me, whenever I was going through testing Revball everything looked good to me but as soon as anyone would join me I would see all neutral colors My friends literally thought I was on drugs or something because I was adamant the colors were white