Back story: Chiliad is a small industrial district that has been operating peacefully for thousands of years. That ended when it became a war zone in a fight for power between two political groups. by the time the covenant come around, this barren ground already knows the ways of war, a little too well. Its said that it is cursed, to be a battle ground for as long as it ran peacefully (1,000 years). And at the moment, theres no signs of stopping, because there is massive amounts of equipment that was left behind. The map: Its moderately sized with two major bases (red and blue). It will support every type of starting loadout, EXCEPT that i do not recommend the jet pack, simply because how it would change gameplay. the weapons are as followed; 6 DMRs 4 health packs 2 magnums 2 Needle rifles 1 Grenade launcher 1 energy sword 1 sniper rifle Pictures~! Tell me what you think please! i love feed back
Nice map, I like the overall urban look of the map and especially those benches. The only thing you should do (and this is kind of small) is to give the energy sword a pedestal so it doesn't look like it was sloppily thrown on the ground but hey, its no big deal but overall cool I'll download!
yeah orginally i had it floating there, but i learned that it causes a huge issue in gameplay when you put down fixed weapons, but i shall go ahead and give it a try [br][/br]Edited by merge: just wondering what would be your suggustion to fixing the sword upwards without using a fixed or phased object type?