My friend and I found this easter egg. Guess where it is in the replies. Idk if this has been found yet. The callout says Vaya con dios! meaning Go with God!
Looks to be in Powerhouse. I don't know why, but that face in the clouds reminds me of Terminator....
Have you tried travelling straight up? You know, go with god/go up? There may be a hole in the barrier? Who knows what could be there.
Ahh, that's a very good idea, although I doubt there'll be a hole in the barrier. Anyway, I've noticed this many times because when a certain other spot on Powerhouse fails, I always try to HLG next to the waterfall.
Bungie is all about god As you see the Ark , The #7 , even Halo all have to do with god and the bible.
If this is in Power House, you can also see this message when you fall of the cliff. 1. You die. 2. You go to god (or with) That's pretty much it actually.
The whole Halo story is a metaphor for the stories of the bible, and of Jesus. I don't have the time to explain it all right now but if you go to and look it up the resemblance is uncanny. MC is JC and Cortana is all of our sins. The Ark of The Covenant, Bungie didn't even change that one. Cortana is the name of the Archangel Gabriel's sword in genesis. Theres more look into it, its fascinating.
Dang, Bungie sure put a lot of easter eggs in Reach relating to God/religion. I dunno about what it means or what it leads to. Or then again, it could mean you are falling off the cliff of a map. Then you go to God XD.
Looks like that Campaign mission where you get the assassination on the elite at the start and Spoiler carter rams that scarab with his pelican .