Remake Foundry V.R

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vantier Raleigh, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Author: Vantier Raleigh

    Map Name: Foundry 'V.R'

    Changes to Version 1.1
    1. Replaced certain building blocks with heavy duty crates in order to make it look a little different and more like the original.
    2. At the last minute decided to take a shot at making the forklift look a little like a fork lift

    Map Description: This is My Remake of foundry from halo 3. I spent alot of time on this map making sure everything is as good as it can be, In fact i spent so much time on it that im fairly certain that it would be impossible to make a more accurate remake. I have pretty much used my budget/objects to their limits so plz don't tell me i should add the other crane or the upper ridge around the map, because it is impossible with my left over budget.

    Map Notes:
    1. If you would like to empty the map into a canvas, for old times sake, you would have around $6000 budget to work with.

    2. This map Supports every built-in gametype except Invasion and Race

    3. Objective placement was not copied exactly, but i play tested every game type though so they work fine as they are.

    4. Spawns and weapons have been copied ,almost, exactly from halo 3 except i added 2 respawn areas covering each half of the map for that sides coresponding team and changed the starting points to inside the base.

    5. Brute shot = concussion rifle, Plasma Rifle = Plasma Repeater

    6. Their is a Cavern built above the center of the map that is only used for spawns in infection.
    7. The Back divider wall is only there for Assault and CTF

    8. I spent a really long time on this map so im kind of sick of looking at it lol, so i am not going to mess with this map anytime soon AKA. Take suggestions.
    however plz go ahead and still do so, im just saying i wont make any changes right this moment.

    9.VERY IMPORTANT: I designed this map with classic settings in mind, which means without armor abilities. It seemed to play fine with armor abilities but i make no promises.







    Download Link
    #1 Vantier Raleigh, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. Bl0odshadow

    Bl0odshadow Forerunner

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    Overall it looks very nice =) i'll dl and try it out, but what are those bar things in your third picture (the ramake of the chainlink)
  3. V ii T A M ii N K

    V ii T A M ii N K Forerunner

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    I agree! I'll DL and try it out! LOL at the truck though! xD
  4. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    looks great, but a question, is it accurately sized according to a time scale or did you just go off design? either way, it looks great and i have already queued it.

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Awesome dude, you finally got it posted, this is a promising map that can take on all the other functional Foundry remakes. I'll check out your latest version soon, I think I still got your older version on my HD.
  6. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Needs moar crates.
  7. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    I measured everything in single walls lol.
    but trust me its pretty accurate, i used a stop watch to time the distance it took from corner to corner and it took exactly 11 seconds (i think) which is the same time i got in halo 3 foundry.

    Edited by merge:

    lol are you saying im missing something or are you just being an idiot?
    #7 Vantier Raleigh, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  8. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I'm saying you should use crates. As in the available forge objects. Looks much better than using blocks merged into the floor.

    Edited by merge:

    Also, I remember Foundry had a Ghost in one base.
    #8 The Trivial Prodigy, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  9. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    1. their are no crates available in Forge so what are you talking about?
    2. yes it did but i dont ever remember actually seeing it when i played a game on it, only on forge i remember seeing it.
    #9 Vantier Raleigh, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  10. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    Van, is the man..... I'm in love with your map btw.
  11. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    1. There are indeed crates, both Covenant and human. Under scenery>crates, there are at least two types of human crates (heavy duty and light) and three covie crates (closed, half-open, and fully open). There are also barricades, camping stools, etc.
    2. I believe it showed up in asymmetric games; regardless, you should include it for accuracy.

    Also, what's up with the rainbow antennae?
  12. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeagh it would make it more accurate but not by much, and honestly i'm fairly certain it would mess up gameplay, and once again I never remember actually their being a ghost on the matchmaking version of Foundry; only on forge did i ever see it. PS. I played over 5000 online matches during halo 3 and not once did i ever play on a foundry with a ghost on it, so in other words: it wont be missed lol.
    Bottom line im not gonna add it
    but thx for trying to help, and remember that the ghost really isnt part of the map, weapons and vehicles change all the time on map's and can easily be added/changed if anyone wished it to be.

    Regarding the Crates: if you would actually think about that statement you would understand why you kinda sound dumb right now lol
    1. I can only make 10 TOTAL crates, not 10 of each.
    2. They are way to small to do anything with, i would have to use like 6 of them just to represent 1 double box on the original foundry.
    3. They cant be be phased; not really a problem considering the first 2, however it is still annoying.

    Rainbow Antennae lol: This is something i did simply for reaction/aesthetics.
    1. It's hilarious
    2. When people see it they say "what the......." almost everytime.
    3. as with the Ghost, It can easily be changed in about 10 seconds if someone so wishes it to be.
    PS. The Rainbow Antennae strings around the map represent all the fence walls
    #12 Vantier Raleigh, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010
  13. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I'm not saying use the crates for everything--that would be stupid--only for the jumps in your map that represent some of the original crates in Foundry. I'm talking about the movable crates that were in Foundry along with wire spools, dumpsters and forklifts. I.e., the big cubical ones that look like 8 small crates strapped together. For instance, near the plasma pistol spawn, you jump up off a dumpster/crate from one side, and walk up stairs from the other. On your map, you simply have a bland merged block in place of the dumpsters/crates/wire spools.

    THOSE are the crates I'm talking about.
  14. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    oh lol
    ok that is a pretty decent idea.
    i just checked it out in forge and changed it like you said, it does look a little better so im going to replace the link soon with this updated version.
    This is proof that i will in fact take your suggestion's.
    so go ahead people anything else?

    what i updated
    1. Replaced some building blocks with Heavy Duty Crates, which makes it look a little different in a good way and also makes it look a little more like the original.
    2. Made the Forklift lol
    #14 Vantier Raleigh, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  15. teabagger

    teabagger Forerunner

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    This is a good remake and the way you attempted to recreate the fence walls is very creative... However, it doesn't feel much like a warehouse. Part of it is just the textures in Forge World, but you could also use more crates as mentioned above.

    To be honest, I was never a fan of Foundry so this doesn't interest me all that much but I can appreciate a solid effort.
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I've seen a couple Foundry remakes so far, but i'm glad one has finally come that actually has the blocks, instead of being blank canvas foundry. You could try to remake Sandbox next, probably. (The canyon is the only area I can really think of that could look accurate.)
  17. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    I really like this map, the geometry is almost exactly like H3. Also I love how you used the forge world items to make them look a lot like the foundry items. This map plays a lot like H3 too, but the brute shot will be missed. Great job, also that forklift is pretty epic. I hope that people will use this map to recreate older foundry maps, especially featured ones.
  18. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    That would be pretty cool if people used this as a canvas for Foundry Variant remakes. but i doubt it will happen since most people will want their map to have their name as the original author, but since there using my canvas it will always say my name, but oh well.
    I however may remake some maps myself on it, just for fun.
    Right after i finish "Rat's Nest V.R" (im about 25% done)
    and probably "Standoff V.R" (which is going to really piss me off, im sure lol)

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks very nice,and I gotta agree with The Trivial Prodigy: Crates indeed exist and I'm sure,improve the overall effect.

    I love when critiques flare into arguments about people sounding 'stupid',and end up being suggestions that make it into the map eventually,and all parties agree it was for the best!

    ...and ya learned something new about forge! There are CRATES!


    PS- I love the rainbow pole fence!
  20. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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    well i knew there were crates, but i just thought he was some noob trying to tell me to make my entire map out of them, which would be impossible seeing as how i only get i think 10 crates to use total.

    but then he pointed out he was only talking about using them for the wire spools and dumpsters, which is a decent idea, so i did it lol.

    i got really lucky though because i had to use exactly 10 of the crates to pull it off lol

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