What do you guys think of how a lot of companies are removing split-screen from their games and making it so the only multiplayer is online multiplayer? I for one love online multiplayer, but split-screen (and subsequently, system link) aren't entirely useless. Some people still like to play with friends and family in real life. A good model for split-screen is what Halo does, where you can have up to four people playing online at the same time, even if three of those people don't have Xbox Live Gold. Some games that don't have split-screen are Team Fortress 2, Aliens vs Predator (2010), and Medal of Honor (2010). Who else would like to see future games have split-screen and system link in them, in addition to online?
well, halo reach has split screen and black ops has split screen. games seem to be adding online split screen so idk what your talking about. some games for example?
Split screen campaign is the most important element of any game for me, i love to be able to sit back at a friends house and do stupid stuff on campaign that wasnt intended, all night long. And you gotta do it AT their house and on the same console. Its gotta be done right. Also, just defy, OP is correct. It used to be almost a sin if you didnt have split-screen because you wouldnt have multiplayer otherwise. Now with online gaming its not a requirment to state that your game is multiplayer, so games can get away with it. It really annoys me though, as i stated before split screen is the coolest thing since sliced bread.
He gave examples...and black ops is only doing 2 screen. Reach and the Halo series have always had multiplayer split screen. Split screen is awesome fun. The xbox has capability for four players on one screen, I don't know why developers start to use that more.
meh tl;dr.... still thats because the developers are assholes and can't afford to add that because halo and cod dominate the market. trust me this is fact i just made up
Some games are just to hard on the xbox. When they add in those extra 1-3 players, the xbox is having to render an extra number of viewpoints. Thats why they dont add it or try to keep these players together if its split screened. But if its live or system link they have a console for each player so they can let them run free.
Some games would just not work on split-screen. Imagine playing GTA or Dead Rising with the screen cut in half it just wouldn't work. Although those would be awesome.
How is three lines "too long"? For crying out loud, you must have the attention span of a goldfish. And "Trust me this is fact i just made up"? Okay, I'll trust you that you just made up facts. Which renders everything you said irrelevant.
I'm not being serious. but i can tell you that its not like a lose of split screen epidemic. some games just don't include it. it's always been that way. there's plenty f games coming out involving split screen.
I don't even... From what I understand, you start off saying there are games with split screen, then say there isn't and then go back to saying there is? What I tried to say is that many games don't have it that should.
Games should have splitscreen. The answer to why a game doesnt have splitscreen and only online MP is one easy answer: Money.
Just throwing it out there, but I do not know of one computer game that has Split-Screen, so why have TF2 in the OP?
I'm just going to throw it out there that the OP was a guy who did not know of TF2 outside of the orange box for Xbox 360. Edit: Lol@The idea of having Split-screen PC games
lokos pretty straight forward to me. so what i understand is that you have no idea what sarcasm, and humor is. and you also don't know how to comprehend
First off, "I'm not being serious." WTF? And the second statement means there are lots of games there with split screen. Third sentence means there aren't games with it. Last sentence is saying there are lots. All I'm saying is that there are games that should have split screen. I'm not talking about the number, just the fact there should be games with split screen that don't bother with it.