Special Objects as Objectives

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RandomPanda0, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. RandomPanda0

    RandomPanda0 Forerunner

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    As you hopefully know, any object can become an objective. The special objects such as explosives, weapons and etc. must cause something somewhat unique and it does. You could consider it common logic but I'm writing this down for simplicity and accuracy.

    First off the special objects are as follows:

    Weapons - Vehicles - Armor Abilities - Consumable Objects(Explosives, Health Stations, Powerups)

    When the object is a goal (Hill, Bomb Plant Zone, Etc) the object's natural traits respond they are as follows.

    What happens: Goal Surrounds you
    Is it visible: No
    Should it becomes useless: Weapon respawns or goal moves

    What happens: Goal Surrounds you
    Is it visible: Yes
    Should it becomes useless: Destroyed vehicle eventually despawns* or goal moves

    Armor Abilities
    What happens: Goal Surrounds you
    Is it visible: Yes
    Should it becomes useless: Corpse eventually despawns* or goal moves

    Consumable Objects
    What happens: Goal becomes nonexistent or moves
    Is it visible: yes
    Should it becomes useless: Object respawns or goal moves

    *by despawning I mean the corpse or vehicle dissappears
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Did you test all this? because someone before said vehicles that are set as an objective cannot be destroyed. I also don't understand what you mean by "should it become useless."
  3. PbPePPer72

    PbPePPer72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Vehicles that are set to an objective can be destroyed, especially if driven into water. The objective then re spawns at the next designated object.
  4. RandomPanda0

    RandomPanda0 Forerunner

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    Should it become useless means a weapon runs out of ammo, a person with an armor ability dies, an explosive blows up, and etc.

    Edited by merge:

    If the vehicle is the only hill, its destroyed form remains as the hill until it despawns
    #4 RandomPanda0, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010

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