I'm currently trying to forge a map that has A LOT of ladders. 16 more specifically. This rules out using One-way shield doors, as there aren't enough. It also rules out grav-lifts, as there also aren't enough of them. Any thoughts, tips, ideas on how to make these ladders?
combo of each. there are ways of making more efficient shield door elevators (ie. 1 door per elevator), and i bookmarked this technique a while back, this is the thread - http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105409-lader-tutorial.html
Thank you for the help, but I've tried that for nearly an hour now and cannot get it to work. Is there anything else I can do to simulate ladders that is just slightly more consistent?
That L4D Streets map had an area in it that works somewhat like a ladder. It functioned by the players constantly pressing jump to ascend. I don't know how that's done but it looked very efficient. Find the map/user and ask him.
I think that's actually the same thing as above. Not sure though. Thanks anyway! Is there anything else I could do?
I think your only options are to either take the time to figure out the ladders formed from two walls in close proximity or use a combination of grav lifts, one-way shields, and teleporters.
There's no other ways that I know of. Reach isn't a whole lot different than Halo 3 so I don't think it'll be likely tht many more ways to create ladders will be found. You can make a consistent ladder with a one way sheild door, it just requires quite a lot of tweaking. I'd suggest you just use them, and cut down on the total amount of ladders you originally intended to have in your map. 16 seems a bit excessive.
The best advice i can give you is to use very steep inclines that still allow one to walk up it. Hopefully your ladders don't need to be too tall
I'm not sure if you know about this, but if a one way shield door is about 10 degrees off vertical with the orange side facing up(ish) towards a wall, a player can walk up to it, and the shield door presses said player against the wall and pushes him up. This can actually make a moderate size elevator from even the small shield doors. I hope this helps.
The ladder on The Streets is made up of only two block 5x5 flats, nothing else. It's the best way to make a ladder. I think there's a tut around here somewhere, I'll look for it.
Thanks for the suggestion guys. I guess I just got a bit too enthusiastic about Forge 2.0's abilities and just assumed ladders were easily forgeable. I'll still be attempting my map, and hoping for the best.
You seem to have lost motivation even though this method he posted works great! I have tried it before and it suits your request perfectly. It may not be easy to get right the first time, but once you do I'm sure it'll be easier for the next 15 or so .
its the work like this that will make your map special. doooo it. you asked for a special way to make ladders, what did you expect? that there was some ladder item that you hadnt figured out yet? some form of magic?
I attempted making ladders that way. For over an hour. I just couldn't do it. Anyone want to show me how?
I tried that and it worked beautifully, but I would like players to go down too. Still trying the other technique, and I just can't get it.
well you could have a second down chute if the hard ladder doesnt work. although not as cool, pretty much the same deal.