Derelictus Here is my remake of a map that I did’t originally appreciate in its prime but now hold a dear spot in my heart for: Desolation. I jumped into Halo 2 and prowled around the original in order to appropriately scale everything and I think that I created its next of kin that pays homage to the original yet properly fits the dynamics of Reach. Enjoy! Weapons on map: 2x DMR 2x Plasma Repeater 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Needler 2x Concussion Rifle 4x Assault Rifle 4x Magnum 2x Shotgun 2x Spiker 1x Energy Sword 1x Rocket Launcher 8x plasma grenade 14x frag grenade Other: 1x Standard Overshield 4x Health Stations (The map can support jet packs with no problem and no camp spots btw.) Enjoy! UPDATE 1: Tweaked a few positions of blocks UPDATE 2: Changed colors of objects at each base to either red or blue for call-outs and better team communication. Also changed various weapons from "fixed" to "normal".
I was going to re-make this map! Looks like you've beaten me to it Anyway, looks awesome. Would look even better if you'd colored the blocks though. Will edit later once I've had a look around it in Forge ^_^
Thanks for the feedback. I tried out different colors for the blocks and it just ended up looking "gimicky" if that makes any sense. I wanted the map to look as simple and non-cluttered as possible and I felt that coloring the blocks sacrificed that to a certain extent.
Nice remake, you going to enter this in the map contest forgehub has up, because this is worthy, at least it isn't a Derelict remake, otherwise I'd have competition, jk, anyway, would ya mind checking my Derelict remake out, I think you'll like it.
First off, great remake. Now, I understand your thoughts on coloring the sections. I've seen many other maps that go overkill with some of the color design. That being said, you need something to distinguish each side that your on. This could be hints of color by the back areas or could be some added scenery on the walls but I feel it needs something to help each side stand out. It's key to have these things to help act as call outs during a game, whether it be "red side" or "blue base" or "rock pillar", etc. The map itself looks incredible and feels much like the halo 2 version. What I stated above is the only thing I feel it lacks right now. Great work.
This map is awesome. One of the best remakes of any map. Really, outstanding job. I agree that the bases should have some color, at least the red and blue sides. Just to give people some sort of reference to where they are on the map. Also, you should change the weapon spawns from fixed to normal. When you drop a "fixed" weapon it will float. Great map.
Thanks for both the positive and negative feedback guys! You enlightened me to a few legitimate problems that needed fixing. I just made Update 2 according to your feedback. Thanks!