Desired Forge Features

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kittenpaste Company, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Anti-lights: You can place lights, but why not "darks"? Why make your entire map dark with filters and place a ton of lights just to get one area to be pitch-black? Just place a dark instead!

    More destructible barricades. Only usable one is the Portable Shield, which is regenerative and glitches when lagged. (It becomes invulnerable until it fully regenerates.) WE WANT PALLETS!

    Boolean bounding volumes. Cylinder AND NOT Cylinder = Donut. Very useful for respawn zones when you want one zone to be a structure, and the other to be everything around that structure.

    A rotation snap that isn't completely goddamn broken whenver you enter Edit Coordinates. 'Nuff said.

    Team-exclusive teleporters and safe/kill areas.

    The ability to spawn Safe/Kill volumes after a delay. Only possible in Invasion using INV_WEAPON. Respawn Time is ignored for these objects.

    Teleporters whose auras reflect their actual sizes.

    Attack Falcons, similar to how Sandbox had Transport and Attack hornets.

    Adjustable lighting. "Oh, yeah, your Purple + Next Gen map looks real night-like, with that big ol' sun in the sky castin' its lens flare. Totally a night sky." We should be able to adjust the skybox.

    Customizable filter. A Forge Filter that lets us set its blur, contrast, etc.. We should also be able to set what order it is applied relative to other filters.

    Adjust by hundredths in Edit Coordinates.

    Slip boundaries. Like a Soft or Kill area, but these simply make everything inside of them "slippery", so no matter how flat or level an object is, you can't stand on it. These have been hardcoded into out-of-bounds sections of Halo 3 maps like Last Resort.

    Fine editing mode. This was showcased in the ViDoc but clearly never made it into the final product. Moving with the joysticks and (especially) the bumpers is just as imprecise when zoomed in as it is when zoomed out.

    Gametype exclusion. I want this item to be in every gametype except Infection. Sucks that such items would need 12 different copies.

    Corpses and decals, like blood.

    Fixed and Phased behave differently for weapons. Right now, Fixed and Phased both behave as Fixed for weapons, and remain in effect even after a weapon is picked up. Fixed weapons should revert to Normal when picked up; Phased weapons should retain Fixed behavior when dropped. (Could be useful for puzzle maps or something, I dunno.)

    The ability to set an item type's Runtime Maximum to less than the number placed on the map. Useful for puzzles, and possibly switches.

    More placeable terrain features, e.x. trees, large spheres of grass or sand.
  2. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    I really want the obvious ones- redo/undo, copy/paste, but more than a feature, I'd like to see a download pack of Forge items with more organic materials to work with (wood, more rock, etc.).
  3. MementoMori34

    MementoMori34 Forerunner

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    Uh, click the LEFT thumbstick in instead of the right. Right thumbstick only zooms in, but if you hold the left thumbstick you can fine edit.
  4. secutanudu

    secutanudu Forerunner

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    I haven't seen this mentioned...(or I missed it)...

    How about a Lock option for a particular object (or group of objects, if they implement grouping). This would prevent editing of any kind to that object(s), and prevent a lot of mistakes.
  5. drummerguy30

    drummerguy30 Forerunner

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    how bout a block that has adjustable boundaries. it could be all one color and you just edit the shape like you do to make hills. it could be customizable down to the hundreth of a unit and you could change the color like you do team colors, although it would be nice to have a larger spectrum for such an object.
  6. RandomPanda0

    RandomPanda0 Forerunner

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    Radial and Spherical objects.
  7. Vraith

    Vraith Forerunner

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    How about a "flip/mirror" function to reverse some of the non-symmetrical objects we have?
  8. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Lots of simple blocks of different shapes, that have a simple texture applied that can be switched to define floors, walls, rooms, etc... in the same way that you give a block a team color.


    The forerunner textures from Halo CE would have looked great on the forge world pieces.

  9. Husky

    Husky Forerunner

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    Multi select for items, so you can move a large group of items without moving, one by one.
  10. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I was going to make the exact same suggestion. It would be goodbye, farewell to monochromatic maps if you could make the basic blocks appear as rock, metal, grass or whatever you liked.

    I'm pretty sure this one is actually do-able too.
  11. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Pretty much all of this is doable. Rewriting an engine isn't impossible, it only leaves certain previous works obsolete (which I see no problem with).

    Not sure if I posted this in my first post... but object scaling. I could see that one being abused, though. Mega kill balls, oversized warthogs... .-. Yea no. Of course, limiting this to certain items is also possible.
  12. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    Call outs, like in the other maps (powerhouse 2nd floor, Green Residence, ect.) You could set the area with something similar to a respawn zone, and select what that area would be displayed as on your HUD.

    And of course things like: undo, copy, paste, and mirror.
  13. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    undo isnt doable, not even the bungie devs have an undo tool. takes a lot of work in something this complex.
  14. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Don NOT misread. 'Doable' as in able to be implemented. If you've noticed, many wads here have been saying things along the lines of "omg this can never be done!!!11one".
  15. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but one can dream...
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I hope you realise that having thousands of particles per second colliding with as many as 3 surfaces would cause for some major lag.
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Ahah. Rewrite the engine, make a new game. You cannot rewrite the engine of a console game and keep that game.

    Most of this is NOT doable either. You realize rhe disc which Halo runs on it only a dual layer DVD? Thats 8.5GB to include campaign, multiplayer, theatre, forge, custom games, and firefight, and do so with amazing graphics.
  18. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    the "duplicate" feature for me...or being able to select a x-axis number, like lets say 50ft. now everything you place into the map would will have a set height of 50ft. so no more uneven floors.....
  19. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    I think Forge would really feel complete with an "aesthetic change" option on the structure items. Just like the color change option, but where you could change between Forerunner, Covenant, Human, and maybe Ancient and Natural. Example: Covenant aesthetic would make the item purple and blue advanced alien tech looking, Human would be gun metal green military style, etc.

    That would make my day.
  20. RandomPanda0

    RandomPanda0 Forerunner

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    I missed this one, A Water block

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