Remake Hostage

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FrostyPookyEdyE, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    UPDATED: V3 version fixes the small window allowing players to exit the map. Replaced it with a larger glass window to prevent players from leaving, yet still preserving the island view.

    This is my first post to Forge Hub, and my first completed Forge Map. This is a remake of Prisoner from Halo CE. The map layout is about 99% accurate to the original map, (flipped back and forth between games to get everything right) with a couple of added jumps and aesthetic pieces.

    The weapon layout and spawns are almost identical to the original Prisoner, with the only changes being done due to item limitations in Forge.

    2x Sniper Rifles
    2x Health Packs
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Assault Rifle (2x in CTF & Assault)
    1x Plasma Rifle (3x in CTF & Assault)
    1x Active Camo
    1x Overshield
    12x Plasma Grenades
    8x Frag Grenades (12x in CTF & Assault)
    2x Shotguns (in CTF & Assault)

    I also have a version of this map in my fileshare just titled Hostage, that has a Reach-centric weapon layout. (DMR's, Needle Rifles, Sword, etc.) The pics that show me with the sword are from that version, but no worries, both are identical structure-wise.

    Some Pics:

    Overview from above the top floor window room.

    Mancannons take the place of ladders. Blue Sniper spawn.

    Top floor window room.

    Looking down over the Rocket spawn, towards 2nd floor window room.

    In the trench, opposite the Red team spawn.

    In the trench near Blue team spawn.

    Rocket spawn!

    Mancannon up to the middle room. (I call it the "Angry Face" room.)

    "The Rock". Reach this spot with a well timed crouch jump from Red sniper.

    Like so.

    It's a long way down!

    Another bird's eye view.

    Up the Blue ramp.

    Another view of the Trench.



    Please let me know what you guys think, I definitely would like some feedback after spending 2 1/2 weeks of my free time building and tweaking this map. :)
    #1 FrostyPookyEdyE, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a good remake. The catwalks seem a tad thin, but I get that concessions have to be made for forge. If you decide to make a newer version of this map (for whatever reason), I'd suggest revisiting the catwalks while you're at it. But maybe I'm just remembering the map incorrectly.

    I also really like the aesthetic tweak that you gave the map, as the rocks and sand not only keep the map visually interesting but also evoke the same brownish-tan color palate that Prisoner had. I'm not sure about your inclusion of "The Rock," though. It seems like it could potentially throw off the balance of the map, and it also looks like you can easily jump and climb further on adjacent rocks, assuming you haven't put a kill barrier there.

    Lastly, and this might seem kind of odd, but I absolutely ****ing LOVE the name that you gave it. It just... fits.

    Good work.
  3. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment!

    The catwalks don't seem to be much thinner than the original from going back and forth between the two, but it's possible they are slightly smaller. I haven't playtested the map with a group yet, so the Rock may end up being cut from future versions if it effects the gameplay, but I do have a soft kill barrier just above the standing area, and there's no cover whatsoever up there. So I'm hoping that keeps it from effecting the gameplay, cause I'm really happy with that part of the map.

    Question, this being my first post, I somehow didn't get the front page thumbnail to work. Any help would be appreciated.

    Edit: Nevermind, I think I figured out the thumbnail issue. :)
    #3 FrostyPookyEdyE, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  4. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    I have downloaded all of the prisoner remakes I could find and this is my favorite one so far. (There is another remake called "Prisoner Classic" that is good too but it has so many objects or whatever that the framerate takes a hit at some point.)

    I liked your idea for using the sand as the trench, and plus I finally learned the use for those little bitty triangle inclines due to your map! :D

    This map looks clean and I didn't find any v-fighting/flickering which is a problem with the Prisoner remakes. Thanks for the map!
  5. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    Yeah, I see the z-fighting on alot of the remakes so far. It really does make a great map into a just okay map, so I did everything I could to keep that from happening in this map. So you will find a few small bumps here and there, but I feel that is much better than dropped frame rate or flickering. What's weird is that if you go into Forge and fly out of the map as the monitor, the frame rate goes hella nuts along with tons of z-fighting on the outside of the map. But inside the map, everything seems just fine.

    Really glad you like the map! When you play in it, check out the little window I put in near the Rocket spawn that lets you look outside.

    Added after 1 Day 12 Hours:

    Feedback? Anyone?

    The map is set up for ALL gametypes except for Race and Invasion. I have a feeling that Infection games will be a blast on this one. :)
    #5 FrostyPookyEdyE, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2010
  6. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map, only problem is that there is a hole on the map where you can get out. You can see the hole in your picture of rocket spawn in your op.
  7. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    Hole Filling

    I find the use of the railings as great fillers if your walls don't line up just right and it looks like that might just be what your problem is. Just make the railing vertical and line it up in your gap. Other than the hole this is a great map, I've also been downloading remakes of all my favorites maps and keeping the ones I think are the most accurate. Good job and keep up the good work.
  8. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    Hole in the wall

    I put the hole in the wall on purpose, for a nice view. I was never able to get out of it when I played.

    Were you actually able to get out of it in a match?
  9. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I was playing a 6 person FFA with some friends when somebody said they got out of the map. We all stopped playing and sure enough the rest of us were able to get out of the map fairly easily as well. But yeah, up until that point the map played great and everyone like it except for that minor problem.
  10. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    Fixed the window!

    Okay, I will fix that and repost a new link shortly. I'm probably going to put a glass piece where the window hole is, so I can preserve the view outside.

    Thanks for the heads up! Glad you enjoyed the map.

    The updated version is now in my fileshare, and I've changed the dl link up top to take you directly to it. The V3 version of both Hostage and Hostage Classic are the final versions. No more escape via window, now it's twice as big but is filled in with glass.

    Enjoy, and thanks for downloading and playing!
    #10 FrostyPookyEdyE, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  11. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know you want to make the remake accurate but this is know point in putting four grenades at each grenade spawn. Second thing is is you should make ladders instead of using ordinary lifts. I know this has been done on other maps such as Salvation, the damnation remake. It would make the map look much better. Lastly I have noticed a few frame rate problems most notably on the top part of the map. If you need more info on how to fix this problem, here is a guide.
  12. FrostyPookyEdyE

    FrostyPookyEdyE Forerunner

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    Thanks for the heads up. After reading that post about fixing frame rate issues, I'm inclined to go back and rework some of this map.

    I just personally like how the grav lifts look in a map, since they stand out and allow a player who is unfamiliar with a map know where they can go. Granted, the majority of players who may download this map probably have played it in Halo CE and remember how to get around the map.

    That being said, the frame rate post did talk about grav lifts affecting how the fr looks, so I'll probably try out the shield door ladders as well, to help make it run smoother.

    Thanks again for the feedback!
  13. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem also if you need any any help just go ahead and msg me on xbl and I'll add you because I would love to help you out and offer feedback if you do decide to begin reworking some of the geometry on your map. My Gt is SP Dark Killer.
  14. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    the rocks in the corner on first floor provides a jump to 2nd floor that was never there in halo 1. :/ For reference its in the picture where you're talking about trenches in your first post.
  15. ptto911

    ptto911 Forerunner

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    Congratulations, FrostyPookyEdyE, your map has come in first place in the Halo: Reach Map Remake Contest!
    #15 ptto911, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  16. Larsamin

    Larsamin Ancient
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    What is up with all these prisoner remakes seriously! At least this one stays true to the original as I don't see any railings on the paths. Good work.
  17. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    Awesome map, I love it! Prisoner was my favorite Halo: CE map, and Hostage is a perfect name. When i downloaded this map I found it accurate. The only thing i would have change was to have added a ceiline because it felt incomplet without it. But still the best remake i've see ever. 10/10 Stars!

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