Rotation in Forge (Useful Information)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ao6Adam, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I... hate Forge's rotation scheme, and would absolutely love your discovery if it was at all possible for me to understand and hence apply it.
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Well for those who want it, here's a Mathemaica demo.
    x, y, and z are pitch, yaw, and, roll in the manipulate statement.

    Some of the code might be excessive since I just copied it from my LA ISP.
  3. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Cheers man.

    For those who still aren't getting it I'll see if I can make some pictures or something tomorrow. I haven't got a capture card so a video tutorial isn't really an option for me. Hopefully pictures will be enough provided they're carefully annotated.
  4. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    It's at the bottom of his first post.
  5. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Edited main post to include pictures explaining the method and why its necessary. I've hidden them in spoiler tags to prevent the post becoming too large. Of the people that didn't get this before, can you give me some feedback on whether this helps / what else could make it easier to understand. Thank you:)
  6. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    That's great I saw it, but I'm having trouble locating the excel spreadsheet think you can include it, if not already highlight it?
    Your doing great at making this easier for us to understand and just go with it. I'm sure this will get featured very soon. Also Ive looked at the bottom and didn't see it on his first post. but I guess Ill check again

    Edited by merge:

    Having trouble opening the document (excel spread sheet), this might throw off a few people with downloading and everything. Recommend control printing screen and re size to adjust and insert as another picture with zooming in function
    #26 Avolanty, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010
  7. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Not quite sure what your asking for, all I've done in excel is input the formulae from the first post. The sheet is for people who don't want to enter the formulae themselves. If they don't want to download the sheet or input the formulae themselves I don't see how I can help them :s
  8. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for this Adam, from one maths nerd to another, great job :)
  9. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Cheers! Have you had a chance to test it? I'm eager for some feedback.
  10. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I haven't yet, but I definitely will, I'm gonna do some scribbling on paper and make sure I've got your approach down (my trig maybe needs a quick brush up too :)), then try and make some interesting structures with it, thanks again and keep up the great work :)
  11. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Unfortunately it's not as simple as trig :( I calculated the formulae by creating two rotation matricies. One for the way bungie does rotation (roll, then pitch and then yaw) and one for the way I want rotation to work (yaw, then pitch and then yaw again). I put my angle values in to my matrix and then equate it to bungie's.
  12. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah, I see what you mean, I've started looking at your formulas and I can see how much work you've put into this, hats off to you, I appreciate your effort even more now. I confess it's going to take me some effort to get my head round all this, I started experimenting in forge and look forward to putting some interesting maps together, but I'm keen to get a good grasp of your method first, thanks again Adam.
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Awesome! It works Beautifully.
    I would suggest you name the link to the excel something like "DOWNLOAD EXCEL SPREDSHEET HERE" In all caps, bolded, and second to largest font - I think if you type directly next to the link you gave then characters you type from then on will retain the hyperlink data.
    Also you may want to repost those "tutorial" pictures so that they maintain a smaller size-ratio, because they expand full sized when I click "spoilers".
    So make your post a little more....formal.... And I would suggest making this a sticky for sure.
    This is a great forge tool, and it makes me wonder what Bungie was thinking!
  14. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In the spoiler containing your formulas, you use "Sin" and "Sign" when you obviously mean "Sin." You might want to change that.

    I am appalled by your math skills. I have no idea how you would come up with such an equation, but I'm only a high school sophomore in college algebra right now, maybe I'll be able to do something like this in the future, :D.

    This could be very useful for any serious forger and I'll be sure to recommend this my Halo: Reach friends. This definitely deserves to be a sticky.

    I'd love to see more helpful formulas from you in the future!
    Nice work on the excel spreadsheet, too!
    #34 Random11714, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  15. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One of you technically proficient masterminds needs to make like a flash calculator tool for this where you can just type in your desired angles and voila, it gives you the coordinates that Reach needs. You'd get a lotta cred for that.
    #35 ImI METAL ImI, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  16. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    That's what I did in mathematica. You're either too lazy to understand how the angles work, or for some reason didn't see the mathematica file I posted.
  17. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    I'm afraid it isn't a mistake:
    Sin is the function relating an angle to the ratio between the opposite and the hypotenuse.
    Sign is the function that returns -1 for any negative number, 0 for 0 and +1 for any positive number.

    I'm glad you said something though, I clearly need to explain that better :)

    Thank you for the kind words too!

    Edited by merge:

    Thank you for such positive feedback, I've changed the download link to make it easier to spot.

    When you say
    do you mean resize and then re-upload the images or is there a better way?
    #37 ao6Adam, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  18. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    to the spreadsheet, you could add a symmetrical map calculator where you put the rotation and position of a piece, and the axis you want it to be reflected over, or a point you want it to be rotated around, so you could have great symmetrical maps. im too lazy to think of the formula, but its pretty simple and stuff, and you could obviously think of that equation yourself.
    just a suggestion if you feel like being even more amazing. which would be hard to be. and if your a genius you could allow the axis of reflection to be at an angle, so you could reflect it over a 45 degree line inbewtween the width and length axises, instead of just one. and the rotating around a point would be extremely hard, but could make for maps that are 4x symmetrical or a perfect octagon or something.
  19. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Well, I meant resizing them because, on a computer I was using earlier, the pictures were not automatically resizing themselves. While its not that big of a deal, that one or two people that have crappy computers will have trouble seeing your pictures. I think there may be a way to add attributes to the [ /IMG] code that will resize your images for you, though I cant seem to figure it out.
    Again, its not that big an issue, you don't have to feel obligated to do anything about it.
  20. ao6Adam

    ao6Adam Forerunner

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    Thank you for the fantastic feedback. I have updated the spreadsheet to do what you've suggested. I have not had time to test the new formulae but I feel confident they will work. Beware that they are experimental though so there is a chance some of the angles could be negated. I will test this tomorrow to verify my new formulae work.

    I found the problem I thought could have arisen with some angles negating and have fixed the issue. Have you had a chance to try out these new features? I will post another tutorial on how to use those other sheets soon.
    Also have resized the pictures so people with browsers that don't auto resize images wont suffer. I've left the url going to the original full size images for anyone who wants it.
    #40 ao6Adam, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010

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