I'm sure some of you already know this, but I felt I should share it anyway, cuz I'm sure many of you don't know. To get Kat's arm, purchase the chest titled Collar/Breacher. After that scroll down to the very bottom of your chest list, and you will see a chest called Collar/Breacher [R]. Equip it, and you will have Kat's robotic arm.
I already provided this info... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...-anyone-have-commando-helmet.html#post1279920
Well, that was just a post withing the context of a thread. By posting an entire thread about it, more people will see it.
So let's create a separate thread about every little thing stated in the forum, then... Point is, using the search function would provide the answer. That's all that matters in a forum.
But what about people that don't know it's possible to get Kat's arm? I'm being totally serious. Someone who has no clue that the arm is obtainable won't randomly decide to look up "How to get Kat's arm". There wasn't already a thread for this, so I made one, not just because I could, but because it provided information that other people would appreciate knowing.
So because there is no thread titled Halo Wikipedia, I should create one despite the number of times the information is provided in the forum? The information is given, no need for it to have it's own thread. Just like every kid on Bungie.net creating their own thread about verifying they won't get banned for playing too much Gruntpocalypse. The information is already provided, no need to create another thread.
Did you read what I posted in the other thread? It provides the answer. If the answer is given already, there's no need to spam the forums with more threads about it. Should I create a separate thread to let everyone else know what armors can be unlocked via Halo Waypoint... despite my post already existing with the information? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...-anyone-have-commando-helmet.html#post1280170 The answer is no.
Wow some people are dicks. At the OP, now I know. Thanks man! I thought you had to purchase all the wrist variants, but I was wrong.
yeah i have 74000 at the moment... i'd like to save for black visor but i'm not sure i'll have the will power. I may just buy robot arm XD
nobody cares about your post there because it wasnt what they needed. If Anyone really wanted to know they would go to a thread about the robotic arm, not a thread about a commando helmet.
This was actually extremely helpful. Shroomz needs to learn that not everyone is a hardcore forum user like him.
Collar/Breacher, huh? I knew you COULD get it, but I didn't know how. No need to be a **** about it Shroomz, I never saw your post, but I'm seeing this thread now, so...
You do have to be Lt. Colonel to buy the Collar/Breacher. I spend all my cR on the robotic arm so now im broke :/ but I look badass
Actually, lots of chest pieces have a prosthetic arm. They're all the same as previous chest pieces you would have unlocked by the time you get that point with the exception of the arm change. Source; Totally not a mod I downloaded.
I'm glad this thread is helping people out. I used to think you had to do something special with Kat in the Campaign. Yea I know what you're thinking, that's not what I mean. xD