This is something that has been on my mind ever since Reach came out. Some of the unlockables in the armory are 2,000,000 Cr - that would take forever to get. I said to myself, "There has to be a better/faster way to get credits." I thought about double xp weekend from Halo 3. Do you guys think that Bungie will gives us Double Credit weekends?
What's with people always wanting more cR? They already give us challenges which give us about 4,000-7,000 extra cR/day. That's at least 28,000 extra cR/week, just for the daily challenges... over 30,000 cR/week if you include the weekly. Add in the cR you gain just for trying to finish the challenges, and that's at least 50,000 cR/week... minimum. I don't agree with double cR weekends. People want the better armory items with less effort. Since rank means nothing, I think that at least the better armor should take some time and effort.
I do remember reading somewhere that Bungie was planning on doing this eventually... But just remember, it took a long time before we saw a double exp weekend in Halo 3.
Why would we get double credit weekends if we have challenges? It's pretty much just the same concept but implemented differently and in my opinion, better. Most of the time, people who want double credit weekends or complain about the challenges usually can't complete them. It's really not difficult. All it takes is some thought, and some gruntpocalypse (and in some cases, friends).
Double credit weekends are designed for people who play on weekends only. They allow these players to go up ranks faster. Therefore, I think it is highly likely that Bungie will introduce double experience sometime in the future.
The challenge system is awesome for people who play every day. However, as noklu said, not everyone can play every day, so the weekends are the only chances for some people to earn credits.
I sure hope they do, I want the blue visor, but never have enough credits...well... I like to buy EVERYTHING I can afford, But I've done that now, So I should try to get 50k credits.
If someone doesn't have time to play during the week, then the challenge system also gives them nearly twice as many cR as they would have earned anyways... still see no reason for a double cR weekend.
I believe it will happen, but who knows when. they are still implementing a lot of things, upping the server capacity, adding playlists... give it time
I think everyone EXCEPT SHROOMZ is right, they should put a double cr weekend. @Shroomz : Dude what ur saying is right but that aint enough to get 2m dude, we need double cr weekends. I've seen your post on reach discussions. Sometimes ur correct but most of the time ur such a killjoy. I'm not trying to start a fight, just saying my opinion
Uh it doesn't take that long. Someone has inclement weather already, and its been almost 3 months since the game came out. They more you play the more you get, simple as that.
Exactly, and plus why should everyone be able to get stuff easily? People deserve to be rewarded for playing more over people who play less. Challenges (and not to mention slot machine) are a great way to get tons of extra credits, it more than balances out double XP weekends. And plus if you were able to rank up so fast, Youd be able to get to max rank too fast, and be bored.
Dude, people who can only play on weekends will still fall behind players that can play every day. That's a fact of life. They still have an opportunity to earn the weekly challenge. Also, the further you progress in rank... the more cR you earn per game. I can have the worst game in my career and still earn nearly 1,000 cR/game. The only reason I don't rank up fast anymore is because I only try to complete challenges in as few games as possible.
Bungie has no reason not to do it. They did it in Halo 3, why wouldn't they do it in Reach? Unless Bungie was just like "**** it"
Did you even read the rest of the thread? Its because there's challenges, which take the place of Dub xp.
Yes, i actually did read the rest of the thread. Double xp was a special thing in Halo 3. Only on the weekends and only in a certain playlist, like grifball. They made the coliseum with grifball in mind, i'm sure of that, we haven't seen the last of you, grifball...
Yeah, they said they're going to be adding a griffball playlist in one of their BWU's, they were just waiting for someone (official griffball league or RvB or someone) to submit finished gametype(s) and map(s)
It would be smart to have a Double cR weekend sometime in the next month or two since Black Ops just stole half of Live's players from Reach.