So I had this crazy map idea, which is really simple in thought, but as I am not good at forging yet, I am having difficulty making it myself. My idea was to have a Freefall, free-for-all, slayer fest type map. Let me explain... The players will start out freefalling (from max height) in a small box-shaped chamber. As they are falling, they fight each other. When they reach the bottom of the chamber, there will be teleport pads that pop them back at the top of the box and they start falling all over again. I am having difficulties making this simple design of the box, I can't quite get the edges perfect, which means one bad spill, the player will hit the end and suicide. I wanted to see if anyone could help me make my idea come to fruition. If not, any thoughts or advice?
Make it so that on the way down, the box gets wider by ~1 world unit. That way there is no conceivable method for them to hit anything.
surely if you make the box out of the massive wall (Cant remember the name) then that would give you enough room.
The other obstacle I am having is forcing the players to hit the teleport pads rather than hitting the ground and suiciding. You can only have so many teleporters...
I made a map exactly like that, I just say it's their fault if they hit the edge and die. You might want to add something to slow them down because if you keep looping through the teleporter you start going at a crazy speed. [br][/br]Edited by merge: No you don't just increase the radius of a single teleporter
I made one like this just now and the speed is crazy, as for tele probs, just have one with a massive capture area.
Might help to also put one way shield doors and a last chance vehicle lift underneath, removing the floor. Glad I didn't work on this, as I was considering it.
I got it to work but you have to have jet packs that dont run out so you loose the falling aspect of the map but it does work ish
Why not have the upper teleport that they fall out of only 10x10 but the bottom teleport that they fall into like 100x100? They should never hit the outside edge then. You should only need two teleports - one on top and one on bottom. Or maybe I don't understand the problem...