Highlands Comm Array (High Ground Inspired)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CaptnSTFU, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well as some of you may know iv been doing alot of remakes/ reimaginations of some of the good ole halo ce - halo 3 maps and here is my take on High Ground.

    Really influenced by Delimitation the original inspired remake i just thought hmm high ground -esque- map would be fun to do and this is well what i came up with. HighLands Comm Array.


    Look at the bridge and the "high tower" and Tele door to replace the tunnels from the bunker.


    Left: Red bunker, then an just look at the whole map from attackers view.


    Invis tunnel is now a bridge =)


    Overview of entire map: Yay for fileshare !!!!



    The Array and defenders buildings/garage deal


    The Garage and tunnel/interior of Defenders base


    Rap leading up to the bridge


    Anti Air gun near ghost spawn at the back of Red Base

    Well this is what i got im about to release a preview of a Valhalla remake as well. This map has alot left to do as you can tell, i almost have the defense base done so i can invest in making attackers scenery look amazing.
    #1 CaptnSTFU, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  2. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    Well from my experience and taste, I think this is a great map in the wrong location. The island just doesn't convince me as a player to be a replica of High ground. For instance the creek and the bridge is an addition, not a replica. Did you think about using the blood gulch area where hemorrhage is located. Because in High ground its kind of like a miniature blood gulch with a slope surrounded by cliff hanging walls. I think you would get better marks for that kind of setup. Aside from that you should use platforms to help with angles at 45 and 90.
    Also the tower is shorter then the bunker. Everything else seems ill placed. Your best bet would be to play high ground for a little and try to get your sizing of structures corrected.
    I think that its an idea of high ground but not a replica. I'd bet it be fun to play on though. Nice work

    xXDEADB0LTXx Forerunner
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    Aside from what Avolanty said, I think it'd still be a fun map to play on. I agree that it doesn't look like a replica, maybe you'd be better off calling it a variant? Hopefully people won't be turned away because it seems like you put a lot of effort into it. You'd probably be better off submitting it with a new name, I'm sure tons of people would still enjoy it!
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah its not meant to be a remake lol, it is going to seem semi like High Ground's set up but look alot different, as in the Defenders get a industrial base and the attackers go up hill to get to it. In the sense that High Ground is just that a high ground the area of the island is uphill alot actually the one picture of bunker shows that the bunker is half way up the "hill" as for the base it slopes down a tad to go into a leveled off "garage" where you will find mongoose and stuff. The tower in high ground is always alot higher than the bunker thats why i put it at the apex of the map (the highest part).

    Yes i agree if i ever do an exact remake using the beach side of Hemorahge would be ideal but really the geometry of high ground is near impossible without having to add alot of metal parts which kills the aesthetic of the map. I mean who wants to play a map this 1/4 land and 3/4 metal, not me lol.

    Really what i will be doing is a Zanzibar (Last Resort) High Ground mixture that has the wheel but with a high ground wall/base. I also found the concept layouts of alot of the old halo 1 and 2 maps that i will be re creating.

    Thanks for the feedback though, its amazing only 2 comments on a post that's been viewed 108 times lol.
  5. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I disagree entirely, i think a new high groundish map is perfect on the island. The small rivers flowing trhough add a great feel, and yes land is FAR superior to metal. And i mean why not throw in some different aspects from high ground, no one wants a remake of high ground, i actually hated it, but this seems great it took the only aspects from high ground i liked, the huge base and the hill the attackers have to climb, and revamped it.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Thanks Shennanigans, that is actually what i want to achieve exactly. I can't beleive we havn't played reach together yet. You been joining Rifte's games any??? Anyway i have done alot more since i posted this i'll update tomorrow, i finished the defending base (minus the little aesthetic details) and all i can really think of is making a small bunker that houses the flag capture point and bomb spawn for the attacking team.
  7. Xcrasy sevX

    Xcrasy sevX Forerunner

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    Ummm i played on high ground ALOT in H3 and this is well........the offspring of foundation in halo 2 and croocked high ground..hmmm try making it in the canyon use rocks as the walls and the beach in the canyon would be a beutiful asthisetic element present in the original high ground also dont use metal flooring outsitde the base All in all i give it a 5/10

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