Is there anywhere on this anarchist cesspool we call the internet that contains ALL of these elements?: A complete list of all Armor a corresponding lists of "the credits needed to get the armor" "the rank needed to get the armor", "what triggers your ability to see each armor piece" "and what steps are needed - beyond obtaining the correct amount of credits - in order to purchase each armor piece" I know about this video (! ) And I know about halo wiki Both though don't say HOW to get the armor which is what im looking for.
In reach, the answer is the same for all armor permutations. Play reach. earn cR. repeat. you'll get it eventually
I have no obligation to pursue something when that something may not be available to me until years later. Maybe stupid Analogy: I want a car. I have a choose between this busted up van or this prototype-rocket-car-that-shoots-out-pheromones-that-attract-monarch-butterflies-and-is-probably-a-transformer. Right now I have 1000$. I know for a fact that the van cost 900$ and that I'm the right rank to buy this car (my analogy is breaking down, I know). But for the super car, I only saw it in a youtube video. I have no idea how much it cost, or what rank i need to be to buy the car (Pretend that makes sense). It will only ever be available to me when I am able to buy it. So I could buy the van now, which will put me back 900$, which is massively discouraging when it comes to buying anything else, Or I could save my money for between 2 weeks or 2 years to by the epic-god-car. Now imagine that there are 10 different cars some of which I have to buy in order for other cars to be available. Each are varying degrees of expensive, and each may or may not take 2 years to get. -Now it would be cool if someone knew about a magazine or something I could read that has all this car information, so I can strategically purchase things.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: What I want is based on what everything else cost. I would want inclement weather but it cost a social life and then some, thus I no longer want it. I would want the haunted pilot mask though, It might as well cost a lot of months of grinding and generally not having fun.
Some armor only unlocks after purchasing certain prerequisite peices, some can be obtained multiple ways, its so damn confusing...
Stop being so friggin cryptic with your answer. If you wanna play games, then I won't bother trying to help provide the answer.
I definitely said butterflies, and I definitely DID NOT edit it after i saw your post... Why you ask? Well I was going to say eagles, but birds **** every where so... butterflies... Why you ask again because I haven't actually answered your question? Because generally being followed by a bunch of flying creatures is epic... Sometimes its just creepy, but in this case its epic.
I believe Halo Wiki was exactly what you are looking for, at Armor Permutations - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Go to the Halo Reach section and you will find it
Normally I would have flamed you for posting that.. when i said that I have looked at it and it is not what i want, but it looks like - since I last looked a few days ago - That they actually included the ranks (where they used to only show the credits needed). Though still they don't explain HOW to get some of the items like Kat's ARM for example (which i have) for the Collar/BREACHER.
Kat's arm, the Collar / Breacher [R] variant, is obtained by purchasing the Collar/Breacher chest piece. Any chest piece with the [R] after it means the arm is robotic, and the original variation of the chest piece must be purchased. Additionally, the farther down the list the piece you want is, the longer it's gonna take. So just look how far down your list the piece you want is, and judge how close you are to it.
Here is a thread that details all the known armor pieces, the prices, and the levels required to unlock. Halo: Reach Armory *COMPLETE LIST* Of course, we don't know the details to things beyond Lt. Col, because it hasn't *officially* been released. There is no 100% way to know how much these armor variants will cost until they are actually confirmed by the community - Bungie could easily change the prices from what the modded players discovered.
Checking offline is considered modding? Oshi- Obviously, you mean the ranks past general, but just because someone knows what's after Lt.C, doesn't mean they modded.