PlasmBall Arena v. 2.3 PlasmBall is basically a chamber of death....but fun death! Players start on one of 4 exterior platforms equipped with: Plasma Launcher (Infinite Ammo) Plasma Grenades (x4) Armour Lock The only way to go is up into the arena....oh, did I mention the shield walls?? Once yer in, there's only one way back out! Plasmball FFA gametype is optimized for this map. The Arena Exterior: Heading into the Fray: In the plasma storm: A Short Film: YouTube - Plasmball
Downloaded and played last night. This was extremely fun and hilarious! Only my friend and I played it so I couldn't imagine having more than four players at the same time! 5/5
this is flat out fun. my buds and i just fooled around on here and had a great time first match 25 24 24 24 lol tons of fun, recommend to anybody
Awesome be sure to make to announcement about it id be stoked to play and update version changes i suggest.. *close off the initial spawn areas (players can see each other from spawns and kill afk people)
New Version! PlasmBall Arena 2.3 Upgrades: Added full barriers between spawns Removed Exterior "Sun Towers" as they were unneeded and could cause lag issues Fixed entry braces so Colours should now work as intended whether playing teams or FFA Will be adding Team Gametype Version soon.
I think you should add a soft kill zone in the spawns. That way, it forces people into the arena. Played it in a customs lobby and heard the rules "don't kill outside the arena." Coming from a grav-hammer game where we spawned in the arena, I heard plasma launchers charging next to me, so I killed the guy who was charging the launcher. Then I got booted. A soft kill zone would help clear things up, I think. This looks so much better than the similar concept I made! Wish I could have played it. If it's anything like the image below, it's extremely fun!
I also think that a softkill at the spawns would be beneficial. Also, there should be a hardkill zone below the spawns. With minimal exploring, I was able to jump to the bottom platform. From there, I could just camp someone's respawn since ammo is unlimited. That could ruin the fun and it's an easy fix. Probably would take 5 minutes.