ok first off i see that there is the flame thread on AL balance issues... THIS IS NOT ABOUT THAT SO PLEASE DON'T FLAME THAT IT IS! just wondered if anybody else gets VERY frustrated that if you stick a guy and then he goes into AL he just falls off!!!!!! that my friend should kill you...blast i stuck this guy FIVE times in one game..............zero killed him not fair. one of those sticks was a beauty across map to the forehead...which i said, "there's a free flaming head for you buddy..." which i can only believe that he responded with "no thanks, i already paid my $150!" lol ****! once again this is not about the balance issue thread, just wanted to hear peoples frustrating (or funny) situations people have had with loadouts in general!
That made my day lol. Anyways yea ive had multiple games when people go into AL then melee me then go back in and pop out and kill me or they stick me then go into AL which im assuming theyre laughing thier heads off.
I use armor lock against swords/shotgunners/hammers, and I do laugh my head off when I kill them with a perfectly timed combo, its pretty much the only time I will teabag.
im sorry sir but did you read this part... does anyone also laugh their ass off when you are rockin' holo and you send your holo into a room or open area and you instantly see/hear everyone in that area blasting away at your double!?!? -or- better yet stand behind a corner when being chased by lets say sword. send your holo running down the hall away from you and sword guy chases him.....SMACK, KNIFE, TEABAG! that one gets me everytime!
i've had an elite slayer game on swordbase where everyone was using AL and camping the top of the green lift. it was a game of trying to time plasma grenades to kill people as they came out of armor lock with like 5 people crammed into that room in a team slayer match. plasma throw. armor lock. plasma throw. armor lock. Repeat till game ends. it was more silly than annoying though.
Because sticking people is clearly the only way to kill people! Gah! Seriously though, and I've said this quite a few times, learn to play. You stuck the same guy 5 times and he just armour locked it off? Perhaps you should have figured out that that guy is using armour lock and tried to kill him using other methods like shooting him to get him to use his armour lock and then stick him while it recharges. You can't just use the same tactic all the time. Vary your game, be less predictable. The reason he kept using armour lock was probably because he knew you kept trying to stick him!
thanks mom! i guess i should have told you the map was reflection and as im sure you are aware, everyone tries told hold top ele (snipe spawn) and those two right for picking plasma nades.... how can you not pick those up and lob them down either hallways...it wasnt my only way of killing them. besides we won the game...all im saying ONCE AGAIN this was frustrating and funny! im not complaining at what he was doing....
yeah, how is this not a thread about armor lock balance issues? you knew it was, you prefaced your post