
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by knghtwhosaysni7, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    that's just an aesthetic thing... it's "holding up" part of the map. There is a kill zone so you can't jump onto it. And I also realigned it with the door it's close to, that pic is a little old now.

    I'm doing some more tweaking now, green room is looking legit and I'm making bottom lift a little tighter.
  2. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    New green room:

    I think I'm gonna wait to release anything just in case some other issues come up tho. And I did add a block for jumping from top mid to S3.

    I was missing some pretty critical cover in the elbow too, so I added that in.
    #22 knghtwhosaysni7, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  3. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    Just uploaded 1.2.

    +KOTH is now working correctly, it chooses the top mid hill
    +added a rock cliffside
    +redid green room
    +redid the lift tower, it's a bit smaller now, and lift shaft looks more like original lockout
    +lowered the columns so you can jump on them from ground level
    +raised the BR3 floor so you can jump on those higher ledges on BR3 without much trouble
    +added a block to help with the top mid to S3 jump
    +added columns to elbow

    other than that, mostly minor tweaks. I updated the OP so it's only 1.2 screenshots now
    #23 knghtwhosaysni7, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  4. MacedoniaMafia

    MacedoniaMafia Ancient
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    1.2 is great. New green room is pretty much perfect and all the changes improve the map.

    EDIT: Notice that bottom mid is way too big now.
    #24 MacedoniaMafia, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
  5. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    Updated the OP to 1.3 pics and link

    + S1 and S2 smaller (would have to shrink it by about half a block to make it almost exactly lockout sized, but then I would have a bunch of overlapping blocks)
    + S3 platform wider, ramp smaller
    + doors to suicide room are tighter
    + lowered ground a bit in green room to make cover taller. I loaded up Halo 2 and found out the cover is pretty much Spartan height, not half Spartan height
    + made that askew panel in green room stick out more, so it should provide better cover
    + offset doors in underglass, they aren't directly across from one another in Lockout
    + removed the jump from BR1 to bottom lift. I think this was in Blackout but I definitely wasn't able to do it in Lockout.
    + made the lift tower look more like the original Lockout's
    + edited lift. Before if you jumped into it, you'd have to wait to fall back down a little bit on the mancannon, but now you can jump into it and not wait to fall
  6. MacedoniaMafia

    MacedoniaMafia Ancient
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    Great job on the update. Submit this to the contest, no doubt you would win.
  7. sYko de4d

    sYko de4d Forerunner

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    best remake of an old Halo map so far, very nice
  8. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
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    Defiantly the best Remake of Lockout out there. I noticed a few issues with things spawning too fast though. Health packs spawn too fast, should be at 30sec, and fusions coils shouldn't respawn at all in my opinion but if they do raise the time to at least 60 sec.
  9. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    Ah thanks for noticing. With all my moving stuff around and adding/deleting shiz i probably forgot to fix the spawn times. I think I had the fusion coils at 180s, sniper and sword at 180, shotgun at 120, all other weapons 30, and grenades 10. I'll fix it in an update... Also I found out you CAN jump from BR1 to bottom lift in lockout haha, I just wasn't doing it right, so that is back in.
  10. ryukage19

    ryukage19 Forerunner

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    i agree with zow jr on the next gen fx. other than that great work
  11. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    there is also a problem where u put the hard kill zones there is a spot under the man cannon where instead of going towards the shotgun u go up the 2 ramp near the fusion coil and grenages...well anyways if u walk along the wall u hit a kill zone and die instantly
  12. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    thanks Leon, just uploaded 1.4

    + added jump from BR1 to bottom lift back in
    + jump from top lift to BR1 is now doable (this wasn't in any of the previous versions)
    + spawn times for weapons and fusion coils are fixed
    + that kill zone in bottom lift is fixed
    + made the anti spawn zones only show up in CTF, assault and stockpile. Swapping spawns if there are too many enemies in your original spawn base should be more likely in other gametypes
    + lift tower looks better
    #32 knghtwhosaysni7, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  13. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    no problem i was walking around like this is the best map then i died outta thin air ahahahaha but very nice a fix and an update thanks :)

    just wanted to mention tho that top br tower i think it may have only had 2 fusion coils im not sure did u know, and also picture 3 i think there is a fusion coil near the plasma rifle those are just a couple things i always change when i download your updates not a big difference lol but yeah lol also something completely pointless i make the sword lean towards the wall i have like mad ocd ahahaha just little things irk me ahahaha but yeah just a couple little suggestions sorry if a sound demanding lol
    #33 LeonVIII, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  14. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    I updated the link and pics in the OP to 1.41. It's mostly aesthetic changes, but I did make the lift better (it shouldn't shoot you out so far now) and I fixed a hole on a ramp near sword spawn.

    And Leon, the reason I left out those two fusion coil spots (in S1 and library) is because they would be right next to potential spawning points, but yeah, it should be an easy fix if you prefer to have them.

    Added after 6 Days 6 Hours:

    Just updated to 1.5. New pics are in the OP, as well as 2 videos showing 1.41

    Changes for 1.5:
    + Compatible with Infection
    + Made lift tower slightly closer to BR tower
    + Top lift to BR1 jump is easier
    + Jumps from the ledges on the side of the walkway between underglass and bottom mid to the bridges on either side of bottom mid are doable now
    + Bottom lift is smaller
    + Platform that the plasma repeater sits on in bottom lift is higher, can now jump from that platform to the walkway above green room
    + Other smaller tweaks just about everywhere
    #34 knghtwhosaysni7, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  15. FTG Insanity

    FTG Insanity Forerunner
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    I agree that this map is a good remake. But this map still lacks the overall gameplay of Lockout. Every shortcut to get to S2 is harder than it should be, Lift shoots you up way too fast, custom rocks were used to create the side of the map which is not necessary, you can't shoot sniper off of S3 like the original, Fusion Coils spawn too much, the collumns in middle are hard to jump on, you can't jump from the columns in middle to BR3, you can't do the shortcut from BR2 to BR3 anywhere near like the original, bottom mid's shape was altered slightly, there's no top of the map, BR1's fusion coil is misplaced, you can jump from below right pistol to the door to elbow to get to pistol, and grenade counts aren't exact. With all of that missing you did get a lot right. grav room looks amazing, Shotty looks great. Your proportions are great, elbow looks great, the map looks great, but I still strongly believe that my map plays better in gameplay.
  16. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
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    I noticed that the latest version of this map, 1.5, is unplayable because of frame rate issues which is sad because its a really good map. I believe version 1.41 runs a lot better so that is the version I currently have saved. Hopefully you can find a way to optimize your map to reduce the occurrence of frame rate problems.
  17. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    frame rate....the enemy of all good lockout remakes....
  18. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    SP, where are you having framerate issues? I'm working on a next version, and the only two spots I know of are S3 looking at the cave area (I think I may have that fixed) and the back two corners of bottom lift. Not sure how I'm gonna be able to fix that but we'll see...

    haha FTG I didn't realize you posted that here so I responded on my map page, but here's what I said:

    I'll change the location of that BR1 fusion coil if it's in the wrong spot.

    The fast shooting lift is a tradeoff I'm okay with... it doesn't let you bounce on the lift. I don't think your map had that problem because it is so much taller than mine. But I thought the height is kinda problem bc in Outreach, whenever you jump from top lift to elbow, you get falling damage, which I thought would be annoying if you are trying to track down someone running up elbow or into bottom lift and you have to deal with that stun first.

    I didn't think the BR2>>BR3 was so drastically changed, you just have to walk up the incline a little bit first.

    The columns require crouch jumping, but I don't think that is all that difficult, and the columns look too short to me without if I lowered them more, but if enough people prefer shorter columns I can do that. I didn't think the S1 jumps are all that hard, but you do have to crouch right away rather than wait to crouch at the top of your jump. And I think lowering the door frames any more would make the doors look awkwardly short. Also, I wasn't able to do the elbow>>door frame jump in stride on Outreach like you can in Odyssey--in Outreach you have to be right up next to the door before you jump.

    Bottom mid's height was changed bc the entire map is shorter than lockout to accommodate the nerfed jump height. I think you took a different approach to rectifying that by having bridges that were originally horizontal be inclines. I guess it's a taste thing, but I prefer the predictability of grenade tosses when everything is on the same plane. Also, in Outreach there is a blind spot that doesn't exist in Lockout--if you are at the bottom of the bridge between bottom mid and S1, you can't see if someone is crouching in the back corner of S1.

    I didn't bother putting in a top of the map because I thought the superjumping/sniper camping the top was an unfortunate part of Lockout for regular gameplay.

    All the fusion coils spawn at 180s, which is a long as possible without never having them respawning. If you shoot the middle fusion coil in S3, the sniper should bounce down to top mid, but I can try adjusting it so it goes into BR2...

    I'll fix that door in bottom mid, that shouldn't be possible.
    #38 knghtwhosaysni7, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  19. blueterror

    blueterror Forerunner

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    I dont think fusion coils respawned on lockout in h2 though?
  20. knghtwhosaysni7

    knghtwhosaysni7 Ancient
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    I just checked that, and it's true. I'll have it fixed in the next update. Also planning on having a better open ramp, and I think I've made good progress on the framerate problem. Lift tower looks kinda crappy now since the walls are pretty much just three coliseum walls, but it seems to have fixed the problem

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