Speed Element : 3 :

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by TympanicMetal, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    Speed Element 3.0!


    Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you: Speed Element 3.0!
    Number 3 in the Speed Element Race map series.

    I promised myself, that whenever my first Speed Element map hit the 10,000 downloads, i would post this map, so.... here it is!


    Speed Element 1.0 was on mostly on the cliff of Hemorrhage.
    Speed Element 2.0 was mostly on the Island.
    Speed Element 3.0 is now in between :p

    It was a pain in the ass to forge this map, because most off the time i had to forge big turns just to get two roads crossing each other, without any collision.
    It turned out just the way i wanted it (except for some parts) (no crucial part though).

    So you start of on the landscape between Hemorrhage and The Island. You make a few turns and end up in the cave. You then make a huge turn and end up circling the whole rock. After that, you'll make some smooth jump and cross the side of the Landscape/cliff for about 4 times.

    I hate floating parts in the air, so i really tried to, or make everything stuck to the side off the cliff or have pillars holding the walls up to make it look more ''real'' and ''believable''.

    Like you guys are reading this :p Go download and race NAOW!


    Whenever it will be Element Speed or just the regular Race gametype, you will have a good time :).

    Testers (thank you):

    - JR Ermathyn (Forge buddy)
    - Micheal 360 NL (Forge ideas buddy)
    - IRG Spam (Trouble maker)


    For some reason i am missing a lot of pictures because they just wouldn't upload to Bungie.net, i don't know. There's still a lot to see after the last picture posted, but you'll just have to download to see the rest of the track.


    Don't expect this to be a HARD ace track, because my goal was to make it quite simple and challenging at the same time, but still make it big enough for 16 players.
    Yes you heard me: 16 PLAYERS (Just like Speed Element 1 and 2 BTW)
















    Missing parts:
    After this last jump, you'll make a big banked turn, then race on the side off the cliff, than go strait down again. Then after making another turn, you'll be at the lowest level of the race at the side off the cliff. You then proceed to race past the water, end up in Hemorrhage and then jump back to the finish line, to start your final lap.

    #1 TympanicMetal, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  2. Spencermx14

    Spencermx14 Forerunner

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    looks awesome i'll download it and try it out
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Just DL'd.

    Very fun track. Pretty long, though.

    Nice unique layout, really cool aesthetics, overall a very nice addition to the Speed Element series. Can't wait for 4!
  4. NitrO bD

    NitrO bD Forerunner

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    I like what you've done.This track has a nice mix between natural formations and the track. Some parts feel like a real cliff side road and i like the aesthetics like the building underground.
    Only suggestion is that you use hill markers instead of flags for the checkpoints, this way when i fall off and die i am always facing the right direction when i spawn.
  5. silencer1008

    silencer1008 Ancient
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    I absolutely loved your first two maps, can't wait to try this one out, looks awesome
  6. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    I'll keep that in mind for Speed element 4.0

    I'm making myself a promise now, that when Speed Element 2.0 hits 10,000 downloads i'll will make Speed Element 4.0, just as i did for Speed Element 1.0, but I'm thinking that, that probably won't happen.

    Don't worry though, i will continue the Speed Element series until i have no inspiration left :p, no matter the download count!
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I do like your Speed Element maps, but my one major gripe has always been with your checkpoint placement. Sometimes the checkpoints are too far from each other and when I come up to a corner or a more open area it is not always immediately obvious which way I go and it can become disorienting/distracting.

    Part of the problem is just due to the design of the track and how it's laid out, but the problem can be greatly subdued by placing more checkpoints at key points to make the direction clearer. Maybe you don't notice it so much because it's your map, so obviously you know which way you're going, but for anyone loading up the map for the first time it can be a bit confusing. You never want the racer to have to pause for a moment or accidentally drive off the edge because they're not absolutely immediately sure of which way to go.

    To be fair, Race gives you a ton of checkpoints - the sequence numbers go up to like 50 or something ridiculous - so there's no excuse for not putting a ton of checkpoints on the map to make it really clear for the player. But even just a smarter positioning of the existing checkpoints on your maps would do wonders.

    I'll confess that this map, your 3rd one, doesn't suffer from this problem as much as your previous ones, but it is still an issue on the odd turn here and there and something I think is worth pointing out to you, especially if you make more (and I hope you do).

    I do really like your maps though, with your imaginitive blend of nature and steel, and your desire to add realistic structures. You also make most of your track nice and wide to allow for a fair competitive racing experience.

    One little problem with this map though: One of your checkpoints shares a sequence number with another checkpoint (you may notice at one point that you can see two red markers to indicate where your next checkpoint is). I'd fix that up. The main problem with it is you can hit the first checkpoint, kill yourself, and then spawn yourself over at the other checkpoint that shares that sequence number further up the track, skipping out part of the course! Whoops!
  8. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
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    I made the checkpoints the same becaue you would have the option to just continue the track, or to try the jump again. (you can actually choose your checkpoint by pressing up or down on the d-pad.)

    I did this because, when going through the 1st option checkpoint, you lose to much speed to do the jump ''smooth'', so if you choose the 2nd option you skip that part and continue the track without having the risk to crash again on the 1st option jump.

    These are the only two checkpoints on the map that have this though.

    PS: I'll use Hill markers for checkpoints in the future, thanks for the tip :)
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Ah ok, so you did it on purpose; fair enough. I am very much aware of the "swapping checkpoints" feature, that's why I pointed it out, thinking that you weren't aware of it and that it was a break, lol!

    I think you should have mentioned it in your first post though because, while you and I are aware of the feature, the vast majority of racers are still unaware of some of these options in Race. It would have been nice to point that out to people in your write-up so that they knew it existed, otherwise they could either a) not realise it was there at all, or b) think it was a break, like I did!
  10. wiganer11

    wiganer11 Forerunner

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    Good Race Track

    Excellant race track me and my mates enjoyed racing on it but the only downside was it got a bit boring after a couple of laps.anyway still good
  11. JoKeStEiN

    JoKeStEiN Ancient
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    Yes! A new Speed Element!

    I was waiting for this. I'm gonna try to start a big party on this map, just to test it out.
    It already looks really nice from the pictures, and i hope it drives just as good.

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