Base/ Large structure interior designer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Avolanty, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    Hello I am new to Forge Hub and I have special skills with designing the inside of Large Bases and huge ships. If you wish for me to attempt at redesigning the interior please feel free to ask I only request that you leave me 15 walls, 5 buildings, 25 decorative, 20 bridges, 30 building blocks, and 3000 in item cost. If the map is just a box of coliseum walls I'll ignore you, but if you actually put in effort and are serious I’m sure I will get back with you, first come first served.

    I don't do Weapons, Spawning, Objectives (even though I know how to do all game types), vehicles, and special things like make additional ships in the sea.
    If you send me something that is smaller than the interior of the Coliseum I will not work on it!

    P.S. If you think I can't Forge just watch my video on File share for 3 hours and 30 minutes as I build Helms deep from the ground up, and yes its better looking than other Helms deeps you've seen. Also Pillar of Autumn Invasion is another one that I helped the previous designer's ideas from being a cosmetic map to a playable one.

    Gamertag Avolanty
  2. Stealthology

    Stealthology Forerunner

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    Wanna hone your ship skills? I got a map that needs a hull of a ship and the interior done
  3. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    cool :)

    Love to,
    just send me a message of your gamer tag and what the map is called on your file share, This way your name will still be on the map as initial creator and when I edit it, it will say modified by Avolanty. If you like the changes all I ask is that you tell your friends about me, I'm actually free at this time so I can work on it now if you like.
  4. Stealthology

    Stealthology Forerunner

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    Sure Its actually a relatively new map so its reallly rough, GT is Stealthology, hit me up
  5. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    Um I tried to view your file share but, nothing is showing up are you sure your giving me the correct information
  6. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quite a claim to make, considering the fact that there have already been dozens of remakes and reinventions of Helm's Deep, and some of them looks spot-on. A preview of any sort would help, because I'm not going to download and then sit and watch a long video like that based on the fact that the mapmaker says "its better looking than other Helms deeps you've seen," improper grammar and all.

    Besides, spending a mere 3 and a half hours on a map and saying it looks better than the others doesn't inspire much confidence. While close to four hours may be a lot of work by the average forger's standards, around here, that amount of time spent on one map is merely a drop in the proverbial bucket.

    Some legitimate examples of your work would be the nice.
  7. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    That's true why would anyone sit through a 3 to 4 hour video, maybe you could just, I don't know, load the map and look at it in forge. :)owned!!

    I made the video to show you how I built the map Why would I require you to watch it if you just want to see it in forge. And yes it is awesome looking cause Ive checked out other Helms deeps and all of them lag like crazy and are miniature. Sure there might be someone that can do it better, but I'd love to see them try.

    I still have to get my camera fixed so for the time building I wont have any pics sorry to disappoint.

    Picking on grammar in a forum is like a grammar professor trying to act smart on how to properly be an ass.
    #7 Avolanty, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  8. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Again--not going to bother looking up a map because the maker simply says it's good. I could care less if you put it in a video or actually put up the map--I'd prefer not to waste my time simply based on assurances that it's a quality map.


    Overstatement and false, respectively. A lot of those guys have more than 13 posts and zero previews on Forge Hub, and so I'll be taking their word (and previews) over the shameless plugs of the new guy, advertising in every thread he joins. No offense. ;)

    Sigh. You don't need a camera to take pictures of your maps. That's what the whole "take a screenshot" option is for. Just take the screen while in Theater mode, and grab it off of your Bnet prfile.
  9. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    well thats nice to know from someone who has more experiance to this then I have

    Yeah you got me there, sure you don't have to look me up on forge, and yes I am trying to promote myself even if you find it offensive. I'm just the average forger hoping to please others by helping them with their map. Sorry that I'm not rooted in enough for your tastes. Is this your hobby to push others out of the spotlight so you can say something to piss them off and then run in the shadows of someone elses posts. Cause this was my first post and I am so sorry that I praise my map, even though it deserves it. Seriously whats with you man, you got problems with people trying to say their map is cooler then yours. Let me ask you something, "What if it is the best map you've ever seen?"(not saying it is, even I know when mine isn't)
    Yet because you decided to say that, "He isn't rooted in the forum long enough, that must mean he sucks!"
    Sorry but I am a great forger and you cannot dismiss me cause I haven't posted long enough.
    I may lack knowledge of how this forum works and all, but that doesn't mean I cant forge. I dont care if you dont want to see my map, I dont care what you think about my map, cause if it isn't positive then all you are doing is cramping everyone's style with how your all special with how this forumn works and how your so high ranking with all your posts.
    Sorry I came to make maps, not get in stupid arguments in a forum. Go and do it to somebody else, cause you were obviously not interested in my skills and your just doing this to get a rise out of people like me.
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, I'm trying to help you out. Take your screenshots of your Helm's Deep remake, post them in a thread entitled "Map Preview: whatever", and get your recognition there. That's the best and most acceptable way to start getting feedback here on FH. It's not my hobby to "push others out of the spotlight", especially when the only spotlight being cast on them is the one they keep stepping into. If you take a look through my posts, I do my best to help my fellow forgers by offering advice and constructive criticism where necessary, along with praise when it is deserved. Map advertisement is looked down upon here, so it's best you learn that quickly. As I've said, take screenshots and make a single thread devoted to your map, and let the community at large judge you on whatever merits you may or may not have. This isn't me deriding you or pushing you out of the spotlight, but saving you some headaches later on down the road.

    What I do get irritated by is your arrogance. Sure, people can be good forgers without being on FH, but that doesn't mean that when they join up, they go around advertising their skills and saying how awesome their stuff is, without even posting proof. Even our best forgers wouldn't pop in and say all this "I'm a great forger" nonsense. I don't claim to be an expert forger, although I've been doing it for years, and know all the tricks and such, and humility will get you a long way, both here, and in life in general. This ties back into my previous point--I'm not trying to drag you down. All I'm saying is that you would do well to cut down the self-involvement and allow the rest of us easy access to evaluate your content. Simply butting in with "I'm a great forger and this is the best remake of [X] that there is out there" will not make most members here interested in your map. The arrogance and as-of-yet unsubstantiated boasting will make you more enemies than friends here. Creating your own thread and saying "Hi, I'm new, but here's my remake of [X], and I think is well-done and has some potential" will offer you more constructive criticism, advice, and should it be warranted, praise. I'm a LOTR fan, and always enjoy seeing people's reinventions and remakes of the concepts, and in the past have made many of my own--so I would have been more than interested in seeing your take on things. But just automatically asserting that yours is the best is extremely ignorant and arrogant, which is where I begin to look with disdain.

    My advice for at least this thread would be to, again, post some pictures and let people know why they should want to invite you in to work on their map for them. Show some of your previous work, give them some incentive based on being able to see the quality of your past creations. Again, going around bragging about your skills won't do much for you, but giving proof and letting the community judge your skill level accordingly most certainly will.

    However, feel free to go around continuing to do as you are now, bragging about skills without providing and proof, and ignore my advice. Plenty of people do it, and plenty of people stick around for a few weeks and leave because they don't get the recognition they think they deserve. I'm trying to offer you the best way of getting yourself out there that there is on FH.
  11. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    OK I have 5 maps, (and I can only post 3 this week) and if "you really want to help me" then please tell me the post on how to get pictures in my posts. I will say that I found your previous posts a slap in the face from the start and I guess I was over-critical but pointing out grammar was what really set me off thinking you were just doing this to get a rise out of me. I apologize for saying that "my map is the best you ever seen" and will rephrase, "Its a great map."

    So all I need now is your help, are you really willing?
  12. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Of course. I'm sure there's a thread on how exactly to post your screens somewhere, but I couldn't find one during a quick run-through. The steps are pretty simple, though, so I'll run you through them.

    1. Activate your account if you haven't already.
    2. Get a free account at
    3. Take screens of your map while in Theater mode on Reach--these will automatically upload to your Bnet profile.
    4. Download the images from Bnet, and upload them to your photobucket accaount.
    5. Post the image url within IMG tags in your post, with a short description noting the place/area/structure/whatever that is shown in the picture.

    If you want to get fancy, you can resize the pictures on your own (otherwise FH will automatically resize them, with that little "click for full size" bar on the top of the picture), and you can also use MS Paint, Gimp, Photoshop, or something to add the title of your map or other little details into the pictures.

    As far as the grammar correcting goes, I did have a point to that. Especially when posting map previews and such, proper spelling and good grammar and such, as well as decent-length descriptions of your creations, are good to include. Putting the effort into your preview helps show that you value your map enough to do so, rather than just slopping up whatever you came up with in Forge. I've seen numerous people called out for that even just within the past few weeks, so it's best not to fall into that trap.
  13. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    link for the full thread is in my sig. it says how to post pics.
    cant wait to see your maps. you come across as a bit arrogant, so lets hope you live up to your words. and what we really want you to do here is take your time on maps. we will be harsh on poorly made, rushed maps.
    if your maps live up to your claims, than i cant wait to see what you have.

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