I'm gonna post a pretty brief tutorial on how I use my MP3 player to record video from my Xbox 360 (as well as my DVD player, etc.) It is a nice (and mostly unknown) alternative to buying a capture card. Also, If you are already planning on purchasing a new MP3 player, I can say I'm very satisfied with my player both as a recorder and as a player. Products I use a Cowon A2 (~$300) http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/cowon/a2/ (You could also use an A3 (it can record in hi-def!), it would be the same procedure) If you happen to hate COWON, you could use an Archos http://www.archos.com/?country=global&lang=en but they require additional equipment. You will also need a AV Splitter, VCR, or AV Switcher. Basically anything that has an AV input (the yellow, red, and white jacks) and output. Recording Your COWON A-Something comes with a AV Cable that on one end ends in a tip that looks like a headphone jack. Insert this into the port that says "AV In". Plug the red-yellow-white side into your VCR/AV Switcher/Whatever into the port labeled "Output". Next, plug your XBOX's AV cable into the VCR/AV Switcher/Whatever in the port labeled "Input". Optional: If you want to view your 360 on both a MP3 player, and your TV, you'll need an additional SV splitter (~$5) Power on all of your equipment. In the COWON's menu, choose "Record", and then "Vdieo". If done correctly, you will be playing your Xbox 360 on the screen your MP3 player, although I do not recommend going into Matchmaking with a 4-inch screen (lol ... I tried it already). When your ready to record, push the "A" to start and push it again to stop. You can pretty much record as much as you want, with 30GB of memory. Connecting & Downloading Finally, unplug the COWON and use the mini-USB cord provided to connect it to your computer. Transferring the files is as easy as clicking and dragging, there no iTunes-like interface to navigate. It is shown as an external hard drive. Follow these menus to find your files: My Computer -> (Your COWON, You can name it) -> Files -> Record -> Video That's all, and thanks for reading it. Comments would be nice. Thanks to Matty for telling me to post this.
Sounds allot more simpler than using a capture card, and capture cards are harder to come by here in Juneau Alaska...
I wish I would of known that before I invested $100 in a capture card that barely works on my laptop and lags during live capture. Then, since my laptop is about 10MB short of the required ram, *cough*crappy*/cough* Pinnacle studio refuses to run, I have to record it on this alternate Instant DVD program thing that is super annoying, using my flash drive as a fake DVD drive. Who would of thought, though...
Wow that really sucks. I was considering buying one my self until I realized: 1) I have no money 2) I have an MP3 player that does the same thing!
http://media.putfile.com/Halo-3-Nosescope I recorded this for Matty, on the lower definition setting. The only annoying thing is it takes a second for it to actually start recording after you push the button. EDIT: I forgot, the A3 should be even better quality, it can record in high-def.
Wow, that is quite spiffy indeed. Simpler, but more expensive than a capture card, but if your going for a new MP3 player, why not? I'll keep this in mind when my ipod's warranty ends in april.
Sounds like a good plan for when I actually need a none stationary music device. I only need to listen music at home and at work I have my own computer.
This is an amazing device. I thought the quality was pretty spectacular for a device that isnt even designed to do this. Also it was recorded on low quality, so imagine it in high definition. I will definately be thinking about this when i have the money to get a new ipod.
Yeah, I don't take mine around too much (its kinda big-ish) but its got better sound quality than an iPod. The new ones (A3) can record in high-def, but I guess that wouldn't matter too much if your just gonna post it to youtube anyway...
I'll watch the movie then, I didn't have time last time I was on this thread. Props to T3chnomonkey for this guide BTW. EDIT: Great headshot
Should have thought of this myself. I use mine to record from my Oregon vid Camera to a larger drive than the 2gig card it came with. Does great for recording riding vids.
As not without hacking them. Although the COWON pretty open-source, it can does this out of the box. You MIGHT be able to do it with a PSP. NO WAY with an iPod .
I have an Archos that is pretty much on its last leg. It is so iffy getting that thing to capture anything, if it even stay powered on. Then again, the thing is about 4 years old. I guess I can't complain much. --dc
Yeah when picking out what device I wanted, I was stuck between the COWON or the Archos, I eventually choose the COWON because you don't need a docking station to record stuff. And yeah, 4 years is pretty long for electronics these days.