
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Requiem Fiasco, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    UPDATED 10/24

    Here is my second map called Suspension. My inspiration was from watching the new Star Trek where I noticed on Vulcan's opening scene there are buildings hanging from the cliffs and I thought it would be a fun place to start for a multiplayer map.

    The map is a multi level structure with ease of access going both up and down via man cannons and strategic drops and chutes. You can get top to bottom and bottom to top in less than ten seconds.

    I am going to attempt to make as many gametypes work with the bases being on the top and bottom instead of across from each other like most maps.

    The pictures below are updated pics.


    4th/5th floor


    3rd floor




    Death Star Room (second floor)


    3rd floor to 1st floor ramp


    1st floor


    You can see the entrance to the Elevator above.


    Elevator and Drop Chute
    Top overview of entrance to chute and 3rd story exit to elevator


    Bottom view of elevator. You can see the second floor exit in this picture.

    2nd floor exit. It is very easy to choose the 2nd or 3rd floor in combat.




    Entrance into elevator from second floor (You just walk in)

    #1 Requiem Fiasco, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  2. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    This looks amazing.

    Like construct, but sexier.

    I WANT
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    That looks very impressive. I love the way you set it up the "supports" from the map going into the rocks, very creative.
  4. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    This map blows! Haha, jk.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where you place the spawns and weapons. I also like the changes you made from before you figured out the source of the lag.
  5. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    Credit goes to ProtoFury for the supports, I wish I thought of that.
  6. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks rather pretty, though the triple room upsidedown always struck me as cramped o.o
  7. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    I wasn't paying much attention when I clicked, and didn't notice this was your post at first, Requiem. When I read the bit about the upside down buildings I was like "Requiem's gonna be pissed!" And then, I saw it was your map. Epic face-palm.

    Anyways, I'm loving how it's turned out so far. I'm excited to get some playtesting in on this one--it should come as no surprise that I'm in for tests by now lol. Did you end up getting your grab lifts back to their normal, not lag-wonky state? Either way, it's nice to see the map come together, and now with a name! The ceiling over the lower level, now that I'm seeing it, also looks pretty sweet.

    Also: I'm with Natetendo. Whoever put those supports there is one damned genius. And, whoever this mysterious man of wonder is, I'm sure he's super cool, and sexy as hell.

    EDIT: Viscious, the way he implemented the 3-rooms upside down actually leaves a surprising amount of space in them. I too was a little mehh on the idea, but after I got in there and poked around, I gotta give Requiem some credit--it turned out very shnazzy.
    #7 ProtoFury, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  8. mekquake

    mekquake Forerunner

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    I really like the look of this. There's originality and inventiveness in this design. I don't know if you've been forging for a long time but If you haven't then this is all the more brilliant.
  9. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    The lag issue may or may not be fixed. It seems to come and go and is realy pissing me off. It only seems to be a factor when you are looking throught the inside man cannon and only when you look up and down. If anyone has advice on how to fix that please give me some insight.

    As to the question/statement regarding my forge experience, this is my second ever forge map. I never messed with forge in halo 3 as my ADD would kick in after two minutes but this new forge is the cats meow.

    Regarding the upsideown 3 room, it is less cramped than you think and opened up the possibility for floor stairway access. Also the internal elevation changes allows for unique combat that would not be possible on a standard 3 room.

    Edited by merge:

    The lag issue may or may not be fixed. It seems to come and go and is realy pissing me off. It only seems to be a factor when you are looking throught the inside man cannon and only when you look up and down. If anyone has advice on how to fix that please give me some insight.

    As to the question/statement regarding my forge experience, this is my second ever forge map. I never messed with forge in halo 3 as my ADD would kick in after two minutes but this new forge is the cats meow.

    Regarding the upsideown 3 room, it is less cramped than you think and opened up the possibility for floor stairway access. Also the internal elevation changes allows for unique combat that would not be possible on a standard 3 room.

    Edited by merge:

    It turns out that the bottom man cannon was causing the excessive lag so I ditched that in favor of something much cooler. Thanks to IWILLIS for the Idea.

    Spartan Elevator... Going up!




    Edited by merge:

    Map has made a major Change for the better and I will post pics soon.
    #9 Requiem Fiasco, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just a-poppin' my head in here to exclaim the brilliant design of the progress the map has made.

    After playtesting some the other night and viewing/parcially facilitating some of the build process, Suspension is looking very good. The elevator really cut out the grav-lift-induced lag, and some of the new additions look like they'll really affect play on this map in a positive way.

    That said, I'm a little mehh about the spawning and weapon placement that we had the other night, but onceyou fine-tune those two areas, I'm totally up for some more playtesting. I'll be really interested to see how this map handles bigger teams.
  11. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    The evolution of your map is spectacular. I love the new room that you developed and the whole "Deathstar" feel that the interior has. The spawns could be improved, and I believe that the map is a little cqb heavy (two shotties, a sword, and a grav hammer). I think that if you were to remove one of the melee weapons, it would be better. Probably also remove the one from the left round bunker and then just keep which ever melee weapon in the room under the sloped tunnel.
  12. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    I totally said "Death Star" when I saw his new rooms, too. Literally the first thig that came to mind.

    Anyway, I'm also interested in seeing where you go with that heaping $140 budget you've got leftover. ;D
  13. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    A lot of the other playtesters said "Death Star" as well. I think he's down to about $50 now. =P The map has evolved tremendously since the beginning. I think once the weapons and spawns are perfected, he's got a shot at a feature.
  14. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    The map is more or less finished and has been submitted to the testers guild for playtesting. I have updated the first post with the completed pictures.

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