DOWNLOAD This is a redo of my Halo 3 Map, Triangulation. Its bigger, better, and the spawns don't suck. Original Triangulation It works fine for 4 people all the way up to 8, but if you do multi-team, be prepare for some chaos. As far as teams go, you can have 4 on red and blue, and 2 on the other 4, although I suggest only having 8 people max. The Map is absolutely inescapable. You hear that jet-packers?! Don't even try. soft kill zones on the ledges around the top and on the barriers at top mid, hard kill zones everywhere else that you can't get to on foot. If you go strait up, you will die. If you go up above the ledges on the wall, you will die. XD Power Weapons: Sniper - 2 Clips Pro-Pipe - 5 Shots Rockets - 4 Rockets Anyway: Good view of top middle, with the reactor in the background. Another overview of the balcony and Pro-Pipe (grenade launcher) spawn. Centerpiece. Double spiral ramp. This thing sucks on MLG without sensors. You don't wanna be there, its assassination central. Although the snipe spawns up top and the Jet-pack spawns below. And now, sort of a linear tour through the basement: Red Spawn to Lift Room: Lift Room: Lift Room to Basement: Basement (rocket Spawn): Hologram Spawn: Red Tunnel: Go Through Red Tunnel and up the Red Lift and you land here: Blue Street: My Forge Website: Forerunner Architects I Have other maps here, and I will have call-outs soon.
The one big beef I have against this map is, consequently, the name; Triangulation - is the process of determining the location of a point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline. This is a bad name for two reasons. 1. I see no area in this map related to a triangle in the pictures and; 2. I have a map of the same name, and it's an equilateral triangle. Not a huge issue, but it's going to bug me for about a week. Rocket spawn seems a little iffy, if those ramps are the only ways up and down; but I'll have to check it out tomorrow.
God, people have been giving me **** for that since I made the Halo 3 map. I had some story about it being a forerunner outpost and communication/radar array thing to keep tabs on orbiting ships, but that died with the first version of my map. Its friggin' triangular. Look at the original, I just added lifts at the side. Gimme a break. Quote from the original Triangulation post: "Just for the record, this was finished months prior to Pinohkio’s triangulation, I just never posted it because I considered it to be a failure (sort of)." To the best of my knowledge, your map had nothing to do with actual triangulation either, and you map isn't an equilateral triangle, it's a right isosceles triangle. On top of that, triangulation can be done with any triangle not just right triangles. Just FYI. And if you would have look close enough, I show the red lift, that goes from basement to red ramp. 2 ways in, 4 ways out. The whole objective of this map was to basically eliminate the power of top control with the many lifts, unless you have a good team/set-up. Don't diss it till you've played it. I have tested it with 12, 4, 6, and 8 people and they all run fine (despite 12 people being completely chaotic). Rockets being on the bottom gives you a reason to be there, plus you have to give up top control to grab 'em. Also, you kind of come across as a douche. Not a huge issue, but it's going to bug me for about a week.
You both come across as douchebags. The map looks fine and I really like the tower in the middle with the large circular ramps. The sniper rifle is in such an open spot that once you get it you're probably gonna get gunned down anyway. I like that. Also, who cares about the name? Triangulation sound cool. The fact that you would even bother with that explanation is going to bother me for about a week.